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Download Science The Cell 1. What is the difference between rough ER and
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Science The Cell 1. What is the difference between rough ER and smooth ER? What is the ER doing that is different in each case? 2. What do ribosomes do? Are they found freely floating in the cytoplasm? Name the storage organelle? 3. What are the small bumps located on portions of the endoplasmic reticulum? 4. Name the organelle that produces a usable form of energy for the cell. 5. Name the organelle that packages proteins for transport out of the cell 6. What is the jelly like substance that contains organelles? 7. What is the thin, covering structure that protects cells, and also allows the transport of materials in and out of the cell? Prefixes: What are the following prefixes mean: (Example: piko- means 10-12) 1. giga2. mega3. kilo4. hecto5. deci6. centi7. milli8. micro9. nano-