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Objectives Unit 3
Chapters 13, 15, 17, 8, 9, 10, 19
Students will be able to:
Chapter 13 pg. 385 – 388
1. Examine mitochondrial DNA and mt genes
2. Discuss the endosymbiont theory of mitochondrial evolution (Box 23.1)
3. Explore the maternal inheritance of mitochondrial DNA
4. View the effects of a mt mutation on growth in Neurospora
5. Relate LHON to mt DNA disorders
6. Read a DNA sequencing gel to identify a mutation in a mitochondrial gene
7. Examine a pedigree of maternal inheritance
8. Examine the effects of mt heteroplasmy on disease
Chapter 15 pg. 429 – 443, Chapter 8 pg 175 – 177, Chapter 10 pg 281
9. Distinguish between plasmid, virus/phage, bacteria, and eukaryotic cell
10. View H. influenza as the first bacterial genome sequenced (pg 198)
11. Describe the E. coli chromosome, size of genome, and nucleoid region
12. Distinguish between a bacterial cell, colony, and lawn
13. Utilize bacterial genetic nomenclature
14. Define binary fission
15. Describe stages of bacterial growth: log, lag (exponential growth), stationary, death phases
16. Define: prototroph, auxotroph, minimal, selective, and complete media
17. Determine bacterial titer (colony forming units/ml)
18. Contrast nutritional, conditional, and resistance mutations in bacteria
19. Discuss the use of nutritional mutants (auxotrophs) in the study of bacterial conjugation
20. Describe parasexual mating (conjugation) between F+ and F- bacteria including role of pilus
21. Explain the F factor, what it encodes, and the mechanism of transfer from F+ to F-.
22. Examine the utility of the Davis U-tube in the investigation of conjugation and transformation
23. Describe Hfr strains and interrupted mating technique in constructing the E. coli minute map
24. Explain why recipient cells of an Hfr mating remain F-.
25. Examine homologous recombination in a recipient, exconjugant cell
26. Analyze the creation of knockout mice via homologous recombination and provide an example of a
knockout mouse used as a disease model (lecture notes)
27. View a video on quorum sensing and describe its role in bacterial communication
28. View aspects of plasmids used in transformation including ori, ampr, plasmid size, extrachromosomal
maintenance, copy number, and multiple cloning sites for insertion of foreign genes (pg. 175 Ch 8)
29. Understand the relationship between competent cells and transformation
30. Describe the mechanism/steps of bacteriophage infection
31. Analyze the mechanism of bacterial recombination via faulty head stuffing in generalized transduction
32. Contrast lysogenic and lytic infection, virulent and temperate phages
33. Explore the use of virally mediated gene therapy and provide the example of ADA deficiency (pg. 281
Chapter 10) and the status of gene therapy trials in the US
34. Consider concerns/risks in gene therapy
35. Examine the pGLO plasmid, ori, ampr ,the GFP gene, and the portion of the arabinose promoter that allows
for the regulation of gene expression of GFP by arabinose sugar (lab)
36. View examples of the use of GFP as a reporter gene (lab)
37. Review steps of gene cloning using a plasmid/bacterium. Including isolation of DNA from the jellyfish,
isolation of the GFP gene/restriction enzymes, ligating GFP gene into plasmid (lab)
38. Transform competent E. coli with a GFP-containing plasmid and calculate transformation efficiency
(colonies/ug DNA) from given data (lab)
Chapter 17 pg. 491 – 499
39. Contrast constitutively expressed housekeeping genes and genes that are regulated
Objectives Unit 3
40. Describe an operon and the usefulness to prokaryotic cells
41. Define the term: polycistronic
42. Understand the regulation of the lac operon by lactose (inducer), repressor, Lac I gene, promoter, RNA
polymerase, structural genes Z,Y,A, beta galactosidase enzyme, operator.
43. Describe regulation of the operon in lac operon mutants and in partial diploids
44. Distinguish between cis and trans acting elements in the lac operon
Chapter 10 pg. 281 – 284, Chapter 19 pg 550- 552
45. Describe the steps involved in cloning human genes into bacteria and rationale for doing so
46. Discuss the advantages of producing human recombinant drugs in bacteria
47. Provide examples of medicines produced in genetically engineered bacteria
48. Compare genomic, cDNA, and chromosome-specific libraries
49. Describe steps involved in cloning genes into plants using agrobacterium and Ti plasmids
50. Examine horizontal gene transfer
51. Discuss benefits and potential drawbacks of GM foods
52. Provide examples of GM plants
53. Describe steps involved in cloning genes into animals (transgenic animals)
54. Discuss the advantages of cloning genes into animals for tissue specific expression in milk.
55. Provide examples of transgenic animals used as research models, food source, medicine
56. Examine issues of patenting genes and organisms
57. Compare and contrast 3 types of cloning: gene, reproductive, and therapeutic
58. Discuss the steps involved in somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) for therapeutic cloning
59. Discuss the ethical aspects of embryonic stem cell research
60. Define : pluripotent, totipotent, and multipotent stem cell, blastocyst, inner cell mass, differentiation