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Learning } … 
Learning (in an operational way) :
It is a relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience and practice.
)‫ هو تغير دائم نسبيا ً في السلوك راجع إلى الخبرة والممارسة‬:‫(التعلم‬
Relatively permanent means that it can stay for a certain period of time where we can
observe it , measure it and study it … or it could be Permanent
‫ أو في عنا سلوكيات بنتعلمها وبضل معنا طول‬,‫يعني في عنا سلوكيات مرات بنتعلمها إحنا بفترات زمنية قصيرة وبتروح‬
BUT it have to stay for a certain period of time so as to observe it & measure it.
Note :
*behavior due to experience and practice >> learning
* Innate behavior >> NOT learning
Which means that some of the reflexes in newborn babies (e.g. 1 year old) are NOT
considered as learning ... they are reflexes we are provided with for survival purposes.
We can also define learning from neuroscience point of view as :
The chemical changes in the brain …
- new synapses formation
- or neurotransmitters secretion such as " acetylcholine >>
Neuroscience definition of learning distinguishes between learning itself and
>>> Performance is associated with chemical changes <<<
‫ ولكن‬,‫ يعني ممكن إنك تتعلم إشي هادا الفصل بس ما تمارسه ال الفصل الجاي وال حتى السنة الجاية‬... ‫كيف يعني ؟؟‬
.. !! ‫" وهو المرتبط بالتغيرات الكيميائية‬performance" ‫ في هذه الحالة يظهر التعلم ويسمى‬... ‫تمارسه لما تتخرج‬
‫… ‪This type of learning in located in the association cortex of the brain‬‬
‫‪the location depends on the type of learning, for example:‬‬
‫‪*special learning is located in the right hemisphere.‬‬
‫‪*verbal learning is located in the left hemisphere.‬‬
‫‪* There are two types of learning:‬‬
‫)‪1) Habituation (simplest form‬‬
‫‪2) Classical Conditioning‬‬
‫‪3) Operant Conditioning‬‬
‫‪4) Behaviorism‬‬
‫‪1) The simplest way of learning is called "Habituation":‬‬
‫‪the organism learn not to respond to frequently happened stimuli which are also‬‬
‫‪>> senses are included in habituation << …. Examples:‬‬
‫ عند صدور صوت عالي ألول مرة الكل رح ينتبهوله‪ ,‬في المرة الثانية االهتمام يقل‪ ,‬وفي المرة الثالثة يقل أكثر فأكثر‪.‬‬‫ إذا زرت صديقك الذي يسكن في منطقة مزعجة (أصوات سيارة الغاز وباقي الشلة ‪ .. ) :P‬بعد ساعة ساعتين رح‬‫تتعود على األصوات دون أن تزعجك‪ ,‬وهذا ينطبق أيضا ً في حال وجود رائحة مزعجة‪.‬‬
‫ لبس ساعة اليد والخواتم أو اإلكسسوارات بشكل يومي ومتكرر يؤدي إلى "التعود" ‪ ,‬أي أن الدماغ لن يستمر في‬‫إلرسال رساالت عصبية بإنك البسها ‪ ...‬لهذا بعض األشخاص ممكن يفقدو الساعة أو الخاتم دون إحساسهم بذلك‪.‬‬
‫‪**One of the advantages of habituation is that it will lit the brain concentrates on more‬‬
‫‪important things and not these useless things …… More examples:‬‬
‫ المساج بالثلج ‪ ‬بتم بالتدريج ‪...‬‬‫ الغواصين ما بينزلو لعمق ‪ 02‬أو ‪ 02‬متر مرة وحدة‪ ,‬إنما أيضا ً بالتدريج ليتم "التعود" على ضغط الماء على الجسم‪.‬‬‫ قصة الحداد والكلب‪ ,‬حيث كان الكلب ينام على الرغم من اإلزعاج وأصوات الطرق‪ ,‬ولكن عند استراحة الغداء أي‬‫عند توقف األصوات فإن الكلب يستيقظ ‪ ,‬ليس بسبب رائحة الطعام وإنما بسبب تغير البيئة التي "اعتاد" على النوم فيها‪.‬‬
‫الجزء من الدماغ المسؤؤل عن تصرف الكلب بهذه الطريقة هو‪:‬‬
‫‪The reticular formation which is a part of the brain that keeps it alert and is involved in‬‬
‫‪actions such as awaking/sleeping cycle.‬‬
*Habituation may be for short period of time or long period of time … examples:
‫ ولكن أعد التجربة في اليوم‬... ‫ ومع تكرار الطرق سيتوقف عن االختباء‬,‫ الحلزون عند الطرق على صدفته سيختبئ داخلها‬short period habituation <<< ‫التالي سيختبئ‬
long period habituation <<< ‫ الكلب (حيوان أرقى من الحلزون) يستمر التعود عنده لسنوات طويلة‬ ‫ كذلك لو ذهبت إلى الهند مثالً ممكن أن تعتاد على الطعام الحـــــار‬-
2) Classical Conditioning:
It was the first type of learning to be discovered and studied within the behaviorist
tradition (hence the name classical). The major theorist in the development of classical
conditioning is Ivan Pavlov (a psychologist & physiologist).
The specific model for classical conditioning is:
1. Unconditioned Stimulus (US) elicits > Unconditioned Response (UR): a stimulus will naturally
(without learning) elicit or bring about a reflexive response
2. Neutral Stimulus (NS) ---> does not elicit the response of interest: this stimulus is a neutral
stimulus since it does not elicit the Unconditioned (or reflexive) Response.
3. The Neutral Stimulus (NS) is repeatedly paired with the Unconditioned (Natural) Stimulus (US).
4. The NS is transformed into a Conditioned Stimulus (CS); that is, when the CS is presented by
itself, it elicits or causes the CR (which is the same involuntary response as the UR; the name
changes because it is elicited by a different stimulus. This is written CS elicits > CR.
In classical conditioning no new behaviors are learned. Instead, an association is developed (through
pairing) between the NS and the US so that the animal / person responds to both stimuli in the same
way, which means that after conditioning, both the US and the CS will elicit the same involuntary
response (the person / animal learns to respond reflexively to a new stimulus).
The following is a restatement of these basic principles using figures of Pavlov's original
experiments as an example:
Before conditioning
In order to have classical or respondent conditioning, there must exist a stimulus that will
automatically or reflexively elicit a specific response. This stimulus is called the Unconditioned
Stimulus or UCS because there is no learning involved in connecting the stimulus and response.
There must also be a stimulus that will not elicit this specific response, but will elicit a neutral
response. This stimulus is called a Neutral Stimulus.
During conditioning
During conditioning, the neutral stimulus will first be presented, followed by the unconditioned
stimulus. Over time, the learner will develop an association between these two stimuli (i.e., will
learn to make a connection between the two stimuli.)
After conditioning
After conditioning, the previously neutral or orienting stimulus will elicit the response
previously only elicited by the unconditioned stimulus. The stimulus is now called
a conditioned stimulus because it will now elicit a different response as a result of conditioning
or learning. The response is now called a conditioned response because it is elicited by a
stimulus as a result of learning. The two responses, unconditioned and conditioned, look the
same, but they are elicited by different stimuli and are therefore given different labels.
Another experiment:
An important principle in conditioned learning is that an established conditioned
response (salivating in the case of the dogs) decreases gradually in intensity if the
conditioned stimulus (bell) is repeatedly presented without the unconditioned stimulus
(food). This process is called "Extinction"…. The conditioned response will reappear
after a rest period, and this is called "Spontaneous Recovery".
Pavlov concluded that the conditional reflex is not entirely lost during extinction, but possibly
inhibited. In this state, the behavior can be recovered after the passage of time or the recurrence of
the unconditional stimuli.
>> (we measure the strength of the response from the amount of saliva) <<
In classical conditioning, "Discrimination" occurs when one stimulus triggers a
conditioned response but another does not (when an organism responds differently to
two stimuli). To set up discrimination in the laboratory, a researcher creates a situation
in which the two stimuli predict different things. For example, if a bell tone were the
conditioned stimulus, discrimination would involve being able to tell the difference
between the bell tone and other similar sounds.
The first follower of Pavlov was John Watson. His best known experiment was
conducted in 1920. "Little Albert", an 11 months old child, was conditioned to fear a
white rat by pairing it with a loud noise. His fear quickly generalized to white rabbits, fur
coats, and even cotton. This is called "Generalization".
(Little Albert was then treated from this fear by extinction)
CS: Conditioned Stimulus - CR: Conditioned Response - NS: Neutral Stimulus
UCS (US): Unconditioned Stimulus - UCR (UR): Unconditioned Response
-Extinction: The disappearance of the conditioned response if the CS is repeatedly presented without
the US.
-Spontaneous recovery: The reappearance of the conditioned response after a rest period.
-Discrimination: The ability to differentiate between a conditioned stimulus and other stimuli that
have not been paired with an unconditioned stimulus (it occurs when an organism responds
differently to two stimuli).
-Generalization: The tendency for the conditioned stimulus to evoke similar responses after the
response has been conditioned.
*** The opposite of extinction is spontaneous recovery ***
*** The opposite of discrimination is generalization ***
:‫ من مثل‬, )‫*يمكن تفسير الكثير من السلوكيات في حياتنا على أساس "اإلشراط الكالسيكي" انطالقا ً من مبدأ (االقــتــران‬
.‫ الناس الذين يخافون من البرق والرعد يختبؤون بمجرد رؤية السماء غائمة‬‫ في هذه الحالة ال يوجد عالقة سببية إنما هو‬,‫ اعتقاد بعض الطالب أن كتابته بقلم معين يؤدي إلى النجاح في االمتحان‬."‫مجرد "اقــتــران‬
.‫ يستخدم مبدأ االقتران في الدعاية واإلعالن حيث يتم عرض السلعة مع شيء مرغوب‬‫ حيث يحدث اقتران بين مثير هذا‬,)‫الفوبيا‬/‫ يستخدم مبدأ االقتران كذلك في تفسير حاالت "الخوف المرضي" (الرهاب‬.‫الخوف المرضي وتجنب المثير‬
Phobia: It is unrealistic fear from objects in the environment, such as height or crowds.
Written by:
Reem Al-Hammouri