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Notes: Classical Conditioning
Learning- A relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs because of
Behaviorism- Study of behavior in terms of observable acts and events
without references to “mind” or “will.”
Conditioning- A basic kind of learning that involves associations between
environmental stimuli and the organism’s responses.
2 Types of conditioning:
1. Classical- The process by which a once neutral stimulus acquires the
capacity to elicit a response due to becoming linked with something
that automatically evokes a strong response.
*Define this in your own words:_________________________________
2. Operant- Behavior is either encouraged or discouraged based on
Ivan Pavlov-
Unconditioned stimulus (US)- Stimulus that automatically elicits a response.
Unconditioned response (UR)- Automatic response to the unconditioned
Conditioned stimulus (CS)- A once neutral stimulus that becomes linked
with an unconditioned stimulus.
Conditioned response (CR)- After conditioning, the response an organism
produces when only a conditioned stimulus is presented.
*This will always be the same as the unconditioned response.
Sample problems:
1. Five-year-old Samantha is watching a storm from her window. A huge
bolt of lightning is followed by a tremendous thunderclap, and Samantha
jumps at the noise. This happens several more times. There is a brief lull and
then another lightning bolt. Samantha jumps in response to the bolt.
USURCSCR2. An individual receives frequent injections of drugs, which are
administered in a small examination room at a clinic. The drug itself causes
increased heart rate but after several trips to the clinic, simply being in a
small room causes an increased heart rate.