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Pavlov’s Dogs
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Ivan Pavlov was a Russian/American researcher. He was a
physiologist/psychologist who was studying rats/dogs. He observed that
dogs/rats barked/salivated in response to food. They also seemed to
react in the same way to seeing tins of dog food/the steps of the
attendants. Pavlov decided to see if he could get the animals to
salivate to other sounds such as loud rap music/ the sound of a
metronome. Through a series of experiments, he manipulated the
stimuli that occurred before the animals were presented with
food/certificates. Through this activity, he was able to describe/invent
the phenomenon that we now describe as classical/modern
An innate/insane response to a stimulus is known as conditioned/
unconditioned response. The sound of the metronome and the bell
before feeding was the conditioned/ unconditioned stimulus. The
learned behaviour became known as the conditioned/ unconditioned
response. This type of conditioning is also known as RS/SR theory.
NGfL Cymru