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Applied Behavior Analysis
Antecedent stimulus – a stimulus that precedes a behavior.
Consequence – any stimulus presented contingent on a particular response that follows
the occurrence of a behavior
Extinction – withholding reinforcement for a previously reinforced behavior to reduce
the occurrence of the behavior
Modeling – demonstrating a desired behavior in order to prompt an imitative response
Negative Reinforcement – the contingent removal of an aversive (negative) stimulus
immediately following a response to increase the future rate and/or probability of the
Operant conditioning – the arrangement of environmental variables to establish a
functional relationship between a voluntary behavior & its consequences
Positive Reinforcement – the contingent presentation of a stimulus immediately
following a response, which increases the future rate and/or probability of the response
Punisher – a consequent stimulus that decreases the future rate and/or probability of the
Reinforcer – a consequent stimulus that increases or maintains the future rate and/or
probability of occurrence of a behavior
Shaping – teaching new behaviors through differential reinforcement of successive
approximations or steps to a specified target behavior
Stimulus Control – relationship in which an antecedent causes or cues a behavior to
occur because learning has occurred that the specific antecedent means that engaging in
the this behavior now will provide the desired reinforcer
Applied Behavior Analysis – systematic application of behavioral principles to change
socially significant behavior to a meaningful degree. Research tools enable users of these
principles to verify a functional relationship b/w a behavior and an intervention.
Contingency- relationship between a (class of) responses and a (class of) stimuli