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Name: _____________________
Cell City
Floating around in the cytoplasm are small structures called organelles. Like the organs in your own body, each one
carries out a specific function necessary for the cell to survive. Imagine the cell as a miniature city. The organelles might
represent companies, places or parts of the city because they each have specific jobs. Below are the descriptions of the
important parts of the Cell City.
A. City Limits – Controls what goes in and out of the city.
B. Road System – Sends messages and materials from one part of the city to another, within the Municipality.
C. City Hall – Controls all the activities of the city.
D. Municipality – The area within the City Limits where all parts of city are located and residents move about
under the control of City Hall.
E. City Planning Office – The office in City Hall that stores the plans for the construction and operation of the city.
F. Parts Factory – Makes all of the various pieces a city needs, from building supplies to road equipment and more.
G. Warehouse – Stores materials needed by the city.
H. Solar Power Plant – Captures and transforms the sun’s energy into a form the Power Company can use.
Walls – In ancient times, the City Limits were surrounded by walls for protection.
J. Infrastructure – The wiring, plumbing and steel girders that hold up buildings and support the Municipality,
allowing the city to grow over time.
K. Power Company – Releases energy for the city from either imported materials (like fossil fuels) or internally
produced energy sources (Solar Power Plant).
L. Recycling Center – Old and broken items are turned back into raw materials for later use by the Parts Factory.
M. Global Packing and Shipping – Sends messages and materials beyond the City Limits.
As you move through this worksheet, see if you can match the important parts of the city listed above to the specific
organelles found in cells. Be sure to write neatly, and in complete sentences.
1. The nucleus is a large, round/oval structure usually located near the center of the cell. It is the control center
for all the activities of the cell. i) What company or place does the nucleus resemble in a Cell City? ii) Why
do you think so?
2. The cell membrane is a thin, flexible envelope that surrounds the cell. It allows the cell to change shape
and controls what goes into and out of the cell. i) What company or place does the cell membrane resemble
in a Cell City? ii) Why do you think so?
3. The jelly-like area between the nucleus and the cell membrane is called the cytoplasm. It helps organelles
move throughout the cell. i) What company or place does the cytoplasm resemble in a Cell City? ii) Why
do you think so?
i) _____________________________________________________________________________________
ii) ____________________________________________________________________________________
4. The mitochondria are tiny bean-shaped structures in the cytoplasm with a smooth outer membrane, and a
greatly folded inner membrane. They supply the energy for the cell by transforming sugars into energy.
i) What company or place does the mitochondria resemble in a Cell City? ii) Why do you think so?
i) _____________________________________________________________________________________
ii) ____________________________________________________________________________________
5. The chromosomes are rod-X shaped bodies found in the nucleus. They are made of DNA and protein. They
contain all the information to run the cell. They also pass on the hereditary traits of the cell to new cells. i)
What company or place do the chromosomes resemble in a Cell City? ii) Why do you think so?
i) _____________________________________________________________________________________
ii) ____________________________________________________________________________________
6. The chloroplast is an oval, green structure found in the cytoplasm. It contains chlorophyll. It captures the
sun’s energy and uses it to produce sugars in a process called photosynthesis. i) What company or place do
the chloroplasts resemble in a Cell City? ii) Why do you think so?
ii) ____________________________________________________________________________________
7. The vacuole is a large, round sac found in the cytoplasm. It stores water, food, wastes, or other materials
needed by the cell. i) What company or place does the vacuole resemble in a Cell City? ii) Why do you
think so?
i) _____________________________________________________________________________________
ii) ____________________________________________________________________________________
8. The cell wall is the outermost layer in a plant cell. It is a rigid layer that maintains the shape of the cell and
protects the cell. i) What company or place does the cell wall resemble in a Cell City? ii) Why do you think
i) ____________________________________________________________________________________
ii) ____________________________________________________________________________________
9. The lysosome is an enzyme filled sac that works with vacuoles to break down old cell parts, waste materials
and cellular invaders into raw materials that the cell can reuse. i) What company or place does the lysosome
resemble in a Cell City? ii) Why do you think so?
i) ____________________________________________________________________________________
ii) ____________________________________________________________________________________
10. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a series of tubes throughout the cell that allow for the movement of
proteins and lipids. The ER comes in two varieties, smooth and rough. i) What company or place does the
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) resemble in a Cell City? ii) Why do you think so?
i) ____________________________________________________________________________________
ii) ____________________________________________________________________________________
11. The golgi bodies pack proteins for export outside of the cell. The proteins are wrapped in a membrane
called a vesicle, which becomes part of the cell membrane. i) What company or place does the golgi bodies
resemble in a Cell City? ii) Why do you think so?
i) ____________________________________________________________________________________
ii) ____________________________________________________________________________________
12. The ribosomes are the protein factories of the cell. They make all of the parts that become cell organelles
and cellular messages. They are found throughout the cell in the cytoplasm and attached to the endoplasmic
reticulum. i) What company or place does the ribosome resemble in a Cell City? ii) Why do you think so?
i) ____________________________________________________________________________________
ii) ____________________________________________________________________________________
13. The cytoskeleton is the protein framework that supports all of the organelles within the cytoplasm. The
cytoskeleton allows the cell to change shape, grow and divide. i) What company or place does the
cytoskeleton resemble in a Cell City? ii) Why do you think so?
i) ____________________________________________________________________________________
ii) ____________________________________________________________________________________
Draw your Cell City below using all 13 parts of the cells covered in this packet. Must be colored to earn full