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Cell Processes Day 3
Cell Theory
1. All cells come from pre existing cells
2. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function
3. All living things are made of cells
Cell Organization
Organ System
Cell to Cell Communication
• Chemical Signals (hormones) can be sent from one cell to another
• Receptor proteins on the plasma membrane receive the signal
 Simple, no membrane
bound organelles such
as mitochondria
 Bacteria only
 Includes: chromosome,
ribosome, and plasma
Review membrane
Cell membrane
• Complex, contains
membrane bound
• Have a true nucleus
containing chromosomes
• Includes: protists, fungi,
plants and animals
1. What are the levels of cell organization?
CellTissueOrganOrgan SystemIndividual Organism
2. What do eukaryotes have that prokaryotes don’t have?
Eukaryotes contain a nucleus and membrane bound organelles
Organelles- compartment for carrying out a specific job/reaction
• Chloroplast: Photosynthesis, plant cell only
• Mitochondria: “powerhouse” of the cell, produces energy in ATP form, cellular respiration
• Ribosomes: protein synthesis, in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. A protein is a polymer made of a series of amino
acid monomers. Examples of protein are some hormones and enzymes
• Lysosome- digest waste/ food material
• Vacuoles: storage of materials. Plants have one large vacuole
• Nucleus: control center, contains DNA/chromosomes
• Nucleolus: makes ribosomes
• Endoplasmic Reticulum• Rough – transports protein
• Smooth – synthesizes lipids and membranes
Animal Cell
Plant Cell
 No cell Wall
• Cell Wall
 Cell
• Cell Membrane
 No Chloroplast
One or more
small vacuoles
• Contain Chloroplast
• Large Vacuole
• No centrioles
Review Questions
1. Name one organelle a plant cell has that an animal cell doesn’t.
Chloroplast, cell wall, large vacuole
2. Name one organelle an animal cell has that a plant cell doesn’t.
3. Name one organelle an animal cell and plant cell have in common.
Cell membrane, mitochondria, ER, golgi apparatus…
Plasma Membrane AKA Cell Membrane
Surrounds the cell
Regulates what enters and leaves the cell
Helps maintain homeostasis
Made of phospholipids with embedded proteins
Osmosis & Diffusion- Passive Transport
Diffusion: solutes move from high to low concentration
Osmosis: diffusion of water from high to low water concentrations through a semi permeable membrane
Hypotonic – water enters cell
Hypertonic – water exits cell
Isotonic – equal movement of water in and out of cell
Does not require energy: Passive Transport
Ex: cell is salt water shrivels & cell in fresh water swells
Ex: Turgor pressure in plants- wilted plants do not have enough pressure
Ex: regulating the amount of water lost during transpiration due to opening and closing in stoma and guard cell.
Facilitated Diffusion
Movement of a substance down its concentration through a transport protein channel
Review Questions
1. What is passive transport?
Movement of molecules from a high to low concentration: Does not require energy.
2. What are the examples of passive transport?
Diffusion and Osmosis
3. What does semi permeable mean?
Some (semi) particles can enter/leave and others cannot
Active Transport
• Particles move against the concentration gradient from low to high concentration, which REQUIRES ENERGY
Endocytosis: process by which cells take in material
o Phagocytosis: the process of a cell engulfing solid particles
o Pinocytosis: cells engulf liquid particles
 Energy process which a cell releases contents out of the cell membrane
Review Questions:
Fill in this chart. Also give the letter or number of the part as seen in the diagrams below.
Cell Part and Letter
Structure Description
Contains cells heredity information
Control center of the cell
and controls growth & reproduction.
Plasma Membrane
Also known as cell membrane.
Controls the movement of
Protects the interior of the cell.
substances in and out of the cell.
Cell wall
Made up of cellulose.
A tough outside layer surrounding
a plant cell.
Provides the cell with energy.
“Powerhouse” of the cell.
Plants have one large vacuole.
Animals have one or more small
Only in plant cells.
Carry out photosynthesis.
Synthesizes (makes) proteins.
Protein production.
Comparison of active and passive transport
Requires energy?
Does NOT require energy
Low to high concentration or
high to low concentration?
Storage of materials.
Requires Energy (ATP)
High to Low
Low to High
Endocytosis & Exocytosis
1. Which cell is the plant cell (left or right)? LEFT
2. Which structures are found only in the plant cell?
Cell wall, chloroplast, large vacuole
3. Which structures are found only in the animal cell?