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Standard #: SC.7.L.16.1
This document was generated on CPALMS -
Understand and explain that every organism requires a set of instructions that specifies its traits,
that this hereditary information (DNA) contains genes located in the chromosomes of each cell,
and that heredity is the passage of these instructions from one generation to another.
Subject Area: Science
Grade: 7
Body of Knowledge: Life Science
Big Idea: Heredity and Reproduction A. Reproduction is characteristic of living things and is essential for the survival of species.
B. Genetic information is passed from generation to generation by DNA; DNA controls the traits
of an organism.
C. Changes in the DNA of an organism can cause changes in traits, and manipulation of DNA in
organisms has led to genetically modified organisms.
Date Adopted or Revised: 02/08
Content Complexity Rating: Level 3: Strategic Thinking & Complex Reasoning - More
Date of Last Rating: 05/08
Status: State Board Approved
Assessed: Yes
Integrate HE.7.C.1.4. Describe how heredity can affect personal health.
Reporting Category: Life Science
Item Type(s): This benchmark will be assessed using: MC item(s) Also Assesses
SC.7.L.16.2 Determine the probabilities for genotype and phenotype combinations using
Punnett Squares and pedigrees.
SC.7.L.16.3 Compare and contrast the general processes of sexual reproduction requiring
meiosis and asexual reproduction requiring mitosis.
Clarification :
Students will describe and/or explain that every organism requires a set of instructions
that specifies its traits.
Students will identify and/or explain that hereditary information (DNA) contains genes
located in the chromosomes of each cell and/or that heredity is the passage of these
instructions from one generation to another.
Students will use Punnett squares and pedigrees to determine genotypic and phenotypic
Students will compare and/or contrast general processes of sexual and asexual
reproduction that result in the passage of hereditary information from one generation to
Content Limits :
Items may assess the general concepts of mitosis and meiosis but will not assess the
phases of mitosis or meiosis. Items will not use the terms haploid or diploid.
Items referring to sexual reproduction will not address human reproduction.
Items addressing Punnett squares or pedigrees will only assess dominant and recessive
Items addressing pedigrees are limited to assessing the probability of a genotype or
phenotype of a single individual. Items may require the identification of parental
genotypes that result in certain genotypic or phenotypic probabilities in offspring.
Items will not assess incomplete dominance, sex-linked traits, polygenic traits, multiple
alleles, or codominance.
Items addressing Punnett squares are limited to the P and F1 generations.
Items will not assess mutation.
Items will not address or assess the stages of meiosis, fertilization, or zygote formation.
Items will not address or assess human genetic disorders or diseases.
Stimulus Attributes :
Genotype and phenotype probabilities will only be in percent.
Response Attributes :
Options may be in the form of percents or percentages.
Prior Knowledge :
Items may require the student to apply science knowledge described in the NGSSS from
lower grades. This benchmark requires prerequisite knowledge from SC.4.L.16.1,
SC.4.L.16.2, and SC.4.L.16.3.
Difficulty Type
Item #
Sample The gene for curled ears (C) is dominant over the gene for straight N/A
Item 1 ears (c). The picture below shows a cat with curled ears (Cc) and a
cat with straight ears (cc).
What percent of the offspring are expected to have curled ears as
a result of a cross between the cats shown?
Related Courses
Course Number
Course Title
M/J Life Science (Specifically in versions: 2014 - 2015, 2015
and beyond (current))
Access M/J Comprehensive Science 2 (Specifically in versions:
2014 - 2015, 2015 and beyond (current))
M/J Comprehensive Science 2 Accelerated Advanced
(Specifically in versions: 2014 - 2015, 2015 and beyond
M/J Life Science, Advanced (Specifically in versions: 2014 2015, 2015 and beyond (current))
Fundamental Integrated Science 1 (Specifically in versions:
2013 - 2015, 2015 - 2017 (course terminated))
Fundamental Integrated Science 2 (Specifically in versions:
2013 - 2015, 2015 - 2017 (course terminated))
Fundamental Integrated Science 3 (Specifically in versions:
2013 - 2015, 2015 - 2017 (course terminated))
M/J Comprehensive Science 2 (Specifically in versions: 2014 2015, 2015 and beyond (current))
M/J Comprehensive Science 2, Advanced (Specifically in
versions: 2014 - 2015, 2015 and beyond (current))
M/J STEM Life Science (Specifically in versions: 2015 and
beyond (current))
Related Access Points
Access Point Number
Access Point Title
Explain that some characteristics are passed from parent to child
Access Point Number
Access Point Title
Recognize that offspring have similar characteristics to parents.
Access Point Number
Related Resources
Lesson Plan
Access Point Title
Recognize a characteristic passed from parents to self, such as
eye color.
A Taste of DNA
Dog DNA---A Recipe for
Fishy Forms - Adaptations
Tell Us Lifestyles
Frankenstein Foods- GMO
Heredity Mix 'n Match
This is an introductory lesson for middle school genetics with a
focus on vocabulary development and conceptual
"A Taste of DNA" is an activity-based lesson intended to be
used as a reinforcement of the concepts associated with the
structure of DNA and building DNA. It covers information
pertaining to base pairing, DNA shape and structure, cellular
organelles, and the function of DNA. In this lesson students will
have the opportunity to move around the classroom, build a long
strand across the science floor, and create their own strand with
the knowledge they've gained.
Students will examine Gregor Mendel's laws of genetics in this
lesson. Students will first explore the range of variation in
human physical traits and discuss where this variation comes
from. They will be then paired into groups and given the role of
genetic counselors that are trying to predict the traits of
offspring using traits of their parents. A toss of a coin will
represent alleles for various characteristics. Students will
combine dominant and recessive traits to determine the
phenotype and genotype of their genetic babies. Their predicted
baby will be displayed for peers to view. As an extension to this
activity, the students can learn that through gene technology,
parents may soon have more choices available to them: hair
color, physical size, intelligence. Students canl research and
evaluate how can science answer new and ethical questions.
Students will discover how DNA will "code" for traits by
performing a lab activity where segments of paper DNA (genes)
are picked at random, a list of traits is made, and a dog is drawn
featuring its genetic traits.
In this lesson, students explore morphology (body shape) of fish
and how they can indicate the fish"s lifestyle.
Students will read "Your Genes, Your Choices." They will
explore the impact of Biotechnology and create a brochure that
represents what they have learned. By the end of the lesson,
students will have a better understanding of DNA, GMOs, and
Students randomly select jelly beans (or other candy) that
represent genes for several human traits such as tongue-rolling
ability and eye color. Then, working in pairs (preferably of
mixed gender), students randomly choose new pairs of jelly
beans from those corresponding to their own genotypes. The
new pairs are placed on toothpicks to represent the
chromosomes of the couple's offspring. Finally, students
compare genotypes and phenotypes of parents and offspring for
all the "couples" in the class. In particular, they look to see if
there are cases where parents and offspring share the exact same
genotype and/or phenotype, and consider how the results would
differ if they repeated the simulation using more than four traits.
In this lesson students will investigate pedigrees and culminate
I Have a Pedigree too, Prince
in an activity where students create their own or imaginary
The nucleus of the cell contains genetic material known as
DNA. Sections of DNA are genes that code for specific traits
and DNA coils to create chromosomes. Students will be able to
Location, Location, Location!
define DNA, chromosomes, and genes. Students will also create
a model to show how these structures are related and where they
are found in the cell.
Through this lesson, students will use pedigree analysis in the
The Hunt for mitochondrial
context of mitochondrial DNA inheritance to determine how
they would identify a missing person.
Students will use toothpicks (representing chromosomes) with
dots on them (representing genes) to understand how traits are
Toothpick Chromosomes
passed from parents to offspring. They will understand the
relationship between genes, chromosomes, and traits.
Uncle Henry's Dilemma is a problem solving lesson to
determine the global location for the reading of Uncle Henry's
will. The students will interpret data sets which include
temperature, rainfall, air pollution, travel cost, flight times and
health issues to rank five global locations for Uncle Henry's
Uncle Henry's Dilemma
relatives to travel to for the reading of his will. This is an
engaging, fun-filled MEA lesson with twists and turns
throughout. Students will learn how this procedure of selecting
locations can be applied to everyday decisions by the
government, a business, a family, or individuals.
Understanding the DNA
Students will use reading strategies to help them understand
Replication Process using
how the DNA replication process works.
Reading Strategies
This is a 7th grade Genetics lesson, primarily on genes, alleles
Where Do Our Looks Come
and chromosomes. This lesson will teach dominant and
recessive genes.
Why Do We Look and Act the
Beginning genetics lesson for 7th grade students.
Way We Do?
Text Resource
A Success for Designer Life
This informational text resource is intended to support reading
in the content area. This article reveals how scientists have
found a way to make a synthetic chromosome and insert it into
yeast cells. Scientists discovered that this chromosome can alter
or create new traits in an organism. This research could lead to
creating an entirely synthetic genome, which scientists expect to
accomplish in the next few years.
This resource comes from the Cold Springs Harbor Laboratory:
DNA from the Beginning online module series. There are 41
modules located on this site all focused on DNA and organized
Concept 41: "Genes Come in by individual concepts. The science behind each concept is
explained in each module by: animations, an image gallery,
video interviews, problems, biographies, and additional links.
This is the 2nd module in the series, and it is focused on how
genes come in pairs.
This informational text resource is intended to support reading
in the content area. Studying dog DNA may have many
applications including helping scientists to have a better
What Makes a Dog?
understanding of canine origins and how dogs became
domesticated. Understanding and locating certain genes has
many breeding applications. Studying and understanding dog
diseases may be able to further the study of human diseases.
This informational text resource is intended to support reading
in the content area. The article describes how scientists have
Where Native Americans
found that Native Americans have ancestral roots in Asia using
Come From
DNA evidence from a 12,600 year old toddler skeleton from the
Clovis culture in Montana.
This informational text resource is intended to support reading
in the content area. Scientists used ancient bones to compare
Neandertal DNA to that of modern humans from around the
Your Inner Neandertal
globe. The results are surprising: many of us are closer to
Neandertals than previously thought. Once considered very
unlikely, scientists now believe that humans and Neandertals
may have interbred.
This 13-minute video segment produced by NOVA Science
Now explores the work by one committed family and
Autism Genes
researchers to identify patterns in the genetic information of
autism patients.
Introduction to Basic Genetics This website allows students and/or teachers to refresh their
memory on terms such as DNA, traits, heredity, and genetics.
In this video module, students learn how scientists use genetic
information from dogs to find out which gene (out of all 20,000
dog genes) is associated with any specific trait or disease of
interest. This method involves comparing hundreds of dogs with
the trait to hundreds of dogs not displaying the trait, and
examining which position on the dog DNA is correlated with
the trait (i.e. has one DNA sequence in dogs with the trait but
another DNA sequence in dogs not displaying the trait).
Students will also learn something about the history of dog
breeds and how this history helps us find genes. The methods
shown are the same as those used in studies looking for genes in
people for diseases like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. This
lesson will take one full class period. In preparation for the
MIT BLOSSOMS lesson, it may be helpful for students to have some basic
Discovering Genes Associated
understanding of what DNA is and that differences in DNA
with Diseases and Traits in
between people can cause genetic disorders. However, these
topics are reviewed briefly in the lesson. All necessary handouts
and worksheets are downloadable in Word and PDF formats,
and students need only paper and pen/pencil to complete the
lesson. Other than a few group discussion questions, there are
four main in-class activities in this lesson. First, students match
4 dog breeds to 4 breed behaviors. Second, students make a dog
breed by choosing founders from 28 dogs. Third, students
complete a chart showing 3 DNA positions in 8 dogs to
demonstrate understanding of what it means for a site on the
DNA to be correlated with a specific trait. Fourth, students use
real DNA data from a specific scientific study to find the gene
that is altered in boxer dogs displaying the trait of white coat
This lesson focuses on the molecular biology technique of DNA
fingerprinting: what it is, how it works, and how the data from
these experiments are used for paternity testing and forensics.
DNA can be used to tell people apart because humans differ
from each other based on either their DNA sequences or the
lengths of repeated regions of DNA. Length differences are
typically used in forensics and paternity testing. The technique
of gel electrophoresis separates DNA by size, thus allowing
people to be identified based on analyzing the lengths of their
DNA to Identify People
DNA. We discuss how gel electrophoresis works, and lab
footage is shown of this technique being performed in real time.
Students then analyze results from these experiments and work
on case examples using DNA to match babies to parents and
crime scene evidence to suspects. In terms of prerequisite
knowledge, it would be ideal if students already have learned
that DNA is the genetic material, and that DNA is made up of
As, Ts, Gs, and Cs. It also would help if students already know
Variation in a Species
that each human has two versions of every piece of DNA in
their genome, one from mom and one from dad. Necessary
supplies for this lesson include only paper and writing utensils,
and the ability to print out or display the provided handouts. The
lesson will take about one class period, with roughly 30 minutes
of footage and 30 minutes of activities. At the end of the lesson,
an optional video tour of the Cambridge Police Department's
Identification Lab is provided, giving students an opportunity to
see the equipment used in crime labs to isolate both real
fingerprints and DNA for DNA fingerprint analysis, from
evidence found at crime scenes.
The video describes how variation can be introduced into a
Perspectives Video: Teaching Idea
Clay DNA
Eye Color Genetics Videos
Strawberry DNA Extraction
This hands-on DNA modeling idea will reinforce your base
Do you want to see an idea about teaching eye color patterns
and genetics?
DNA extraction, for your choice of strawberries or jellyfish.
Perspectives Video: Expert
DNA Microsatellite Analysis Dr. David McNutt explains how large clonal plant populations
for Plant Ecology
can be analyzed with microsatellite analysis of their DNA.
Teaching Idea
As a class, students work through an example showing how
DNA provides the "recipe" for making our body proteins. They
Engineering Design
see how the pattern of nucleotide bases (adenine, thymine,
Challenge: DNA, the Human guanine, cytosine) forms the double helix ladder shape of DNA,
Body Recipe
and serves as the code for the steps required to make genes.
They also learn some ways that engineers and scientists are
applying their understanding of DNA in our world.
In this lab, students use genetics and probability to cross two
Reebop Lab Activity
parent "reebops" and create their offspring. The offspring are
(Marshmallow Genetics)
modeled using marshmallows. It provides an excellent
springboard for Punnett squares, probability, and genetics
Original Tutorial
Explore the inheritance of genetic information and its
relationship to traits in offspring.
Virtual Manipulative
Punnett Square interactive
This resource is a fun and interesting way to teach Punnett
squares. It includes an interactive as well as worksheets, and can
be done as a whole class or on individual computers.
Student Resources
This 13-minute video segment produced by NOVA Science Now
Autism Genes
explores the work by one committed family and researchers to identify
patterns in the genetic information of autism patients.
This resource comes from the Cold Springs Harbor Laboratory: DNA
from the Beginning online module series. There are 41 modules located
on this site all focused on DNA and organized by individual concepts.
Concept 41: "Genes
The science behind each concept is explained in each module by:
Come in Pairs"
animations, an image gallery, video interviews, problems, biographies,
and additional links. This is the 2nd module in the series, and it is
focused on how genes come in pairs.
Explore the inheritance of genetic information and its relationship to
traits in offspring.
Introduction to Basic This website allows students and/or teachers to refresh their memory on
Genetics Terminology terms such as DNA, traits, heredity, and genetics.
Parent Resources
Autism Genes
This 13-minute video segment produced by NOVA Science Now
explores the work by one committed family and researchers to identify
patterns in the genetic information of autism patients.
Clay DNA
Concept 41: "Genes
Come in Pairs"
Eye Color Genetics
This hands-on DNA modeling idea will reinforce your base knowledge.
This resource comes from the Cold Springs Harbor Laboratory: DNA
from the Beginning online module series. There are 41 modules located
on this site all focused on DNA and organized by individual concepts.
The science behind each concept is explained in each module by:
animations, an image gallery, video interviews, problems, biographies,
and additional links. This is the 2nd module in the series, and it is
focused on how genes come in pairs.
Do you want to see an idea about teaching eye color patterns and