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Assigned: __________________
due: __________________
For this project, you will:
1. Draw, label, and color a cell type of your choice: plant or animal, on white
unlined paper. Labels may be printed with a computer and attached. Use a key
or legend to identify the organelles on the cell drawing.
2. Include the following cell organelles and their numbers in your drawing:
 1. Cell membrane – show as a bilayer
 2. Chromosomes - in chromatin form
 3. Cytoplasm – represent as cytosol (semifluid, gel-like substance)
 4. Cytoskeleton (composed of microfilaments and microtubules)
 5. Endoplasmic reticulum – rough
 6. Endoplasmic reticulum – smooth
 7. Golgi apparatus – be sure to capitalize “Golgi”
 8. Mitochondria – show with a bilayer (refer to Ch. 9)
 9. Nuclear envelope – with pores
 10. Nucleolus
 11. Nucleus
 12. Ribosomes – free in the cytosol AND attached to rough ER
 13. Vacuole – as appropriate to cell drawn
 14. Lysosomes
 15. Pair of centrioles
14. Cell wall
15. Chloroplast – show with bilayer
(refer to Ch. 8)
3. Attach the cell drawing to a 12 x 18 sheet of construction paper of your choice
(provided in class). * This sheet may be folded in half to fit in your notebook.
4. Be sure to create a TITLE for the drawing in bold print on the same side.
5. Cell Organelle Analogies: illustrate the function (job or purpose) of each of the
15 organelles with either a magazine clipping, a computer downloaded
illustration, or a hand drawn, colored illustration. Identify by the numbers and
sequence in Step 2 above.
6. Attach the illustrations to the same side as the cell drawing with the
accompanying organelle name for each illustration included.
7. Title the sheet of paper “Cell Organelle Analogies”. This page must be typed
using Times New Roman font, size 12, with 1 inch margins at top, bottom, left
and right margins.
8. Make a list of each organelle, using the numbers and sequence from Step 2
9. Using COMPLETE SENTENCES, explain how the illustration shows the function
of the organelle.
1. Cell Membrane - The cell membrane is like a security checkpoint because
it functions to control what enters and exits the cell.
10. You MUST turn in the Cell Organelle Poster Project rubric with all work.
Have fun creating your Cell Organelle Poster masterpieces!
Let your creativity flow!
Think “outside of the box” for your cell organelle analogies!