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Name ____________________________________________ Date ______________ Period _____
Cellopolis Worksheet
Directions: Use the picture of Cellopolis below and your Notebook to answer the questions on both
sides of this assignment.
1. Fill in the missing information in the chart below.
City structure
Function of city structure
Construction site
Build things
Transport company
Move materials around
Power plant
Make energy
Food processing plant
Make food
Waste disposal plant
Get rid of waste
City hall
Place where decision-makers meet
Storage tanks
Hold extra water and other materials
Hard structure that protects what’s inside
Organelle that has the
most similar function
2. Based on the cell parts you identified in question 1, what kingdom does Cellopolis (assuming it’s
alive) most likely belong to? Explain why. ____________________________________________
3. What domain would Cellopolis belong to? ____________________________________________
4. Which organelle must an organism have to get into the domain from question 3? _____________
5. The following organelles were not shown in the diagram of Cellopolis. Give the name of a city
structure that could have been included in the picture that would represent the functions of each of
these parts.
a. Pili - __________________________________________________________________
b. Cell membrane - ________________________________________________________
c. Contractile vacuole - _____________________________________________________
d. Genetic material - _______________________________________________________
6. In this example, the individual buildings and structures represented organelles. The city
represented a cell. For each of the items listed below, identify the level of multicellular
organization they would represent. (HINT: they are out of order on purpose)
a. Country - ________________________________________
b. Bolt - ________________________________________
c. Continent - ________________________________________
d. Building - ________________________________________
e. Heater - ________________________________________
f. County - ________________________________________
g. City - ________________________________________
h. State - ________________________________________