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Name: _______________________________Teacher: ______________ Biology Period: _____
Chapter 3 - Cell Structure and Function Study Guide
Section 3.1 Cell Theory
1) Which invention played a huge role in the discovery of cells?
2) What are the 3 principles of the cell theory?
3) Define cytoplasm.
4) Compare/contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
5) Define organelles.
Section 3.2 Cell Organelles
6) List two examples of eukaryotic cells.
7) List an example of a prokaryotic cell.
8) What organelle stores the cell’s genetic (DNA & RNA) information?
9) How would you best describe the rough ER?
10) What organelle is responsible for energy?
11) What organelle contains enzymes to break down old cell parts?
12) The process of photosynthesis happens in what organelle?
13) What organelle provides support for a plant cell?
14) What organelle stores food or is a storage site?
15) What organelle serves as a transportation network?
16) Protein synthesis takes place in which organelle?
17) These organelles are used in endocytosis and exocytosis.
18) This is the organelle where cellular respiration takes place.
19) Describe the function of the nucleus.
20) Name 2 places that ribosomes can be found in a cell.
21) Which organelle is used by the cell to remove wastes and defends a cell against viruses?
22) What macromolecule is needed by a cell for growth and repair?
Section 3.3 Cell Membrane
23) What is the name of the model developed by scientists to describe the cell membrane?
24) How would you describe the structure of the cell membrane?
25) Phospholipids are composed of what?
26) How does the cell membrane maintain homeostasis?
Section 3.4 Diffusion and Osmosis
27) Does passive or active transport require energy from the cell?
28) List and describe 3 types of passive transport.
29) List and describe 3 types of solutions.
30) The water concentration is higher inside the cell than outside. Resulting in water flowing out of the cell
causing the cell to shrink. What type of solution is this?
31) The water diffuses from outside to inside the cell because the concentration is higher outside the cell
causing the cell to swell. What type of solution is the cell in?
32) Define osmosis.
33) Define concentration gradient.
Section 3.5 Active transport, Endocytosis, and Exocytosis
30) What type of molecular transport does not require energy?
31) What process uses proteins to move molecules against a concentration gradient?
32) Define endocytosis; provide an example.
33) Define exocytosis; provide an example.