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Chapter 7 – The Cell
Name ___________________________________
Discovery of the Cell
Robert Hooke (______)
– English scientist
– looked at a _______________ (oak cork) through a ________________________
– observed _________________________ structures
– called these structures _______ because they reminded him of
– only saw the outer walls (___________) because
Anton van Leeuwenhoek (________)
– Dutch fabric merchant and __________ _____________
– looked at ________________________ _________ through a ______________ (___ lens)
– observed living cells; called some “________________”
– some of the small “animalcules” are now called ____________
Development of Microscopes
van Leeuwenhoek’s microscope was considered a simple light microscope because
it used _____ ____________________________
Hooke’s microscope was compound because it used ________________
In the 200 years after Hooke, compound light microscopes have improved to
magnify objects ____ times using ________ and a ___________
Electron microscopes use a beam of electrons to magnify objects ____________!
– This power allows us to see the structures _______
and _____________________
Electron Microscopes
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
– ____________________________________________________________
Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEM)
– ______________________________________________________________
Scanning Tunneling Microscope
– _________________________________________________________________
Compound Microscope
Cell Theory
Two scientists, Matthias Schleiden and Theodore Schwann (________) expanded upon Hooke’s
observation of “______”
Their observations in plants and animal cells have been summarized as the ______________
The Cell Theory
• 1. ________________________________________
• 2. ________________________________________
__________ organisms – made of __ cell that must perform _____ life’s activities
_________ organisms – made of _____________ cell. Each cell performs _______ of the
major functions of life
• 3. ________________________________________
Before the cell theory, people did not know where these cells came from. People learned that
a cell ________ to form ___ ________________________
The ability of a cell to divide is the basis for
all ____________________ (sexual and asexual)
____________________ of all multicellular organisms
Types of Cells
There are two broad groups of cells
– Prokaryotes
________ have membrane-bound organelles
– Eukaryotes
______ have membrane-bound organelles
– Structure within a cell that is surrounded by a _________ and has a specific ___________ for
cell survival
• ___________ a membrane bound
DNA is _______ within the
• _____ Contain membrane-bound
• Eukaryotes may be ____________
(algae and yeast) or _____________
(plants and animals)
Plasma Membrane (or Cell Membrane)
__________ of the cell
Controls what goes in and out of the cell through the __________________________
– Keeps some things ____ and lets some things ___
Maintains cell’s ___________________
Cell Wall
• Found _________ the cell membrane
Cell Wall
• Gives the cell added __________________________
• Made of the carbohydrate, ______________
• This mesh of cellulose is porous and allows _________ to
pass through
• _____________________________________________________ have cell walls
• Animals ______________
___________ is a semi-fluid material inside the cell
It contains the _____________ and __________ in the cell
It is bound by the __________________
Nucleus and Nuclear Envelope
• Functions in the _____________ of the cell
• Contains the ___________ which are composed of
• The nuclear envelope is a membrane that
* Important parts to know
______________ the nucleus
Regulates the materials that pass between the ____________ and the _____________
• In eukaryotic cells (___________ ____________)
• This is the site of _______________________, a process that provides the cell
with _____________
• The “___________________”
• The ______ energy a cell needs, the ________ mitochondria they may have
For example, a _______ cell would need more mitochondria than a ______ cell because it
requires more ____________ to do its job
• In ____________ cells
Contains the green pigment __________________
__________ absorbs energy from ________ to convert
carbon dioxide and water into sugar during
Only found in __________ ________________
Ribosomes are the site of __________________
Can be found
– floating _______ in the cytoplasm
– or on the ____________________________________
In ____________________________________
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
ER is a complex, extensive network that ____________ materials
throughout the _____________ of the cell
_________ ER:
– _______ ribosomes attached
_________ ER:
– __________ ribosomes
In ____________ only
Golgi Apparatus
Function: ________, _______, ________, and ________ molecules
_____ the cell or _________ the cell
In _____________
Small organelles containing _________
___________ to break down ____________,
_________________, _______, and ______ into
particles that can be used by the rest of the cell
In ______________
• Sac-like structures that ______________ such as water, salts,
proteins, and carbohydrates
• Plants have __________ vacuole that also helps _____
_____________ to flowers and leaves
• Animal cell vacuoles are much _______ than plant cell
• In __________
Cilia and Flagella
Function: Helps to move _______ or ________ ______________;
some organisms use them to _____________.
Cilia – _____, _________, _______ projections that move in a
_________ motion
– _________________________
Flagella – __________ projections that move in a _______ motion
– _____________________________
DNA is __________ in a nucleus or arranged in
________ have most membrane-bound organelles
They ___ have _______________ for protein
They _______ have ____________. They get their
energy from the ____ or from _________________ in
the environment
Many prokaryotes are _________
This cell type includes all _______
Prokaryotes vs. Plants vs. Animals
Plasma Membrane
Cell Wall
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Golgi Apparatus
Cilia or Flagella