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Packet 9: Transcription and
Name: _____________________
Hour: _____
Notes: Transcription-DNA vs. RNA
Terms to Know:
• DNA: The _______________ for _____ _______ _____________
• RNA: The _______________ system that takes the instructions _____ ______
and makes ______________ for the cell.
• Gene: are ________ ______ instructions that control the production of
• Codon: ___________ consecutive ______________ on mRNA that specify a
particular amino acid.
• Genes are _________ ___ ______ that control the production of proteins.
• Genetic ___________ can be decoded by ________ part of _____ into _____.
The Structure of RNA
• RNA consists of a long chain of ___________.
• Each nucleotide is made up of a 5-carbon ______,
a ___________ group, and a nitrogenous _____.
• There are _______ main ________________ between RNA and DNA:
• The sugar in RNA is _______ instead of deoxyribose.
• RNA is generally ________-_________.
• RNA contains ________in place of ___________.
Types of RNA
• There are three main types of RNA:
• _______________ RNA
• _______________ RNA
• _______________ RNA
Messenger RNA (mRNA) ___________ _________ of instructions from _____
for assembling amino acids into proteins.
_____________ are made up of proteins and ribosomal RNA (_______).
During _____________construction, transfer RNA (tRNA) _____________ each
___________ _________ to the ______________.
• Transcription: _________ molecules are ______ by __________ part of _____
into a complementary sequence of mRNA.
• Transcription requires the enzyme ________________.
• Occurs IN THE ___________
The Genetic Code
• The genetic code is the “_____________” of mRNA instructions.
• The code is written using _______ “letters” (the bases: A, ____, C, and G).
• Codon: ____ consecutive nucleotides on ___________ that specify a particular
amino acid.
• Each codon specifies a particular __________ ___________ that is to be
placed on the polypeptide chain.
• Some amino acids can be specified by more than one codon.
Notes:Translation- mRNA to Protein
During translation, the cell uses information from ___________ to produce
Translation takes place on ______________.
__________ is made in the ___________, and then enters the cytoplasm where it
attaches to a ___________.
Translation begins when an __________ molecule attaches to a ___________.
As each ______ of the mRNA molecule _______ through the ribosome, the proper
________ ______ is __________ into the ribosome by ________.
In the ribosome, the _________ ________ is added to the growing polypeptide chain.
Each _______ molecule carries only _____ kind of _______ ______.
In addition to an amino acid, each ______ molecule has three unpaired bases.
These bases, called the ______________, are complementary to one mRNA codon.
The ribosome binds new tRNA molecules and amino acids as it moves along the
mRNA. Eventually, a chain of ______ _______ _____ that will become a ________
Together, transcription (DNA-mRNA) and translation (mRNA+tRNA+ribosomeProteins) is called ____________ ______________