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Insane in the Membrane!
4 Straws
4 Cups
Bubble Solution (10 parts water/1 part Joy/ 1 tsp of Karo)
Cotton string
Part 1:
Fluidity and Flexibility:
1. Dip your straw “contraption” into the soap mixture to form a film of
bubble solution on your straw contraption and see if you can fold and
bend the film. Make sure all members of your group do this!
2. Practice getting a film on your straw contraption and setting in on top of
the cups so that it is suspended in the air. (The corners of your
contraption should be touching the 4 cups.)
3. Make another film in the membrane holder and suspend it on the cups.
Stick a dry, straightened paperclip into the membrane and pass it
through to the other side.
a. Did the membrane seal around the paperclip or did it pop?
4. Repeat step 3 - This time, dip the paperclip in the soap solution before
passing it through the membrane.
a. What happens? Why?
5. Make a new film. Dip your finger into the soap solution, and stick it into
the membrane. Move your finger around the membrane. Remove your
finger from the membrane.
a. What happens to the membrane when you remove your finger?
b. Can the membrane heal around small punctures?
Transport Proteins: In a cell membrane, small molecules can sometimes
move through the lipid bilayer. Larger molecules or polar molecules cannot
pass through the membrane because of the non-polar tails in the interior
of the membrane. Proteins form a polar tunnel through which larger or
polar molecules can pass.
6. Take the small circle of thread. Form another film in your membrane
holder. Dip your thread circle in the soap solution and carefully stick it
into the membrane. Next, pop the inside of the thread circle with a dry
paperclip. Cells must get important materials in and out of the cell in
order to perform important cell functions.
7. To demonstrate the fluidity of the membrane, stick your finger in the
pore created by the thread circle and gently move the circle around the
8. Pretend we are about to get some important molecules into the cell.
The Starbursts will represent these molecules. Using
the technique you used in Steps 6 and 7, you are going
to create a transport through the membrane using the
string. Your goal is to see how many times you can get
your Starburst through the membrane in a row without
popping the membrane. HOWEVER, YOU MUST RESEAL THE
any time your film breaks, you must remove all Starburst that were “in
the cell” and start again. You will use the same Starburst over and over.
9. Answer the questions on your lab sheet. Reference your text
references as needed.
Cell Division: (EXTRA CREDIT – IF TIME)
Cells divide when an organism is growing, when tissues need to be
repaired, or when the surface area to volume ratio becomes too small
(i.e. the cell grows too large).
11. Dip one end of a straw in the soap solution. Hold it just above the
surface of the soap solution and gently blow to create a bubble. Make a
bubble about 8-10 cm across.
With your plastic knife, wet it with soap solution, and starting in
the solution at one side of the bubble, cut the bubble in half. You have
created a bilayer across the middle and made two bubbles. (Cell division
is somewhat similar to this.)
Cut the two new bubbles in half. Keep dividing the bubbles until
you have at least 10. Notice how the bubbles fit together without any
spaces between them. Your cells fit together in much the same manner.
Insane in the Membrane!
Before Lab:
1. Draw a diagram that shows the structure of a cell membrane. Make
sure there is a title, labels, and captions that clearly describe each of
the parts that make up the membrane.
2. How is the structure of a cell membrane related to its function?
3. Other than the cell membrane, where are other membranes found in the
cell? Why is there a need for membranes in these places?
4. Are all membranes in a cell exactly the same in structure? Why?
During Lab:
5. During Step 3, did the membrane seal around the dry paperclip or did it
6. During Step 4, what happens to the paperclip covered in bubble
solution? Why?
7. During Step 5, what happens to the membrane when you remove your
finger? Can the membrane heal around small punctures?
After Lab:
8. What are the similarities and differences between a cell membrane and
the soap membrane we created today?
Draw cells dividing. Then, explain how you showed each in the lab.
Cell Membranes
We have been talking about cells being a unit of organization in biology.
Let's look at the cell membrane and see how that membrane keeps all of
the pieces inside. When you think about a membrane, imagine it is like a
big plastic bag with some tiny holes. That bag holds all of the cell pieces
and fluids inside the cell and keeps any nasty things outside the cell. The
holes are there to let some things move in and out of the cell.
Flexible Containers
The cell membrane is not one solid piece. Everything in life is made of
smaller pieces and a membrane is no different. Compounds called proteins and phospholipids make up most of
the cell membrane. The phospholipids make the basic bag. The proteins are found around the holes and help
move molecules in and out of the cell.
Scientists describe the organization of the phospholipids and proteins with
the fluid mosaic model. That model shows that the phospholipids are in a
shape like a head and a tail. The heads like water (hydrophilic) and the
tails do not like water (hydrophobic). The tails bump up against each
other and the heads are out facing the watery area surrounding the cell. The
two layers of cells are called the bilayer.
Ingrained in the Membrane
What about the membrane proteins? Scientists have shown that the proteins float in that bilayer. Some of them
are found on the inside of the cell and some on the outside. Other proteins cross the bilayer with one end outside
of the cell and one end inside. Those proteins that cross the layer are very important in the active transport of ions
and small molecules.
Many Membranes
As you learn more about the organelles inside of the cell, you will find that most have a membrane. They do not
have the same chemical makeup as the cell membrane. Each membrane is unique to the organelle. The
membrane that surrounds a lysosome is different from the membrane around the endoplasmic reticulum. They are
both different from the cell membrane.
Some organelles have two membranes. A mitochondrion has an outer and inner membrane. The outer membrane
contains the mitochondrion parts. The inner molecule holds digestive enzymes that break down food. While we
talk about membranes all the time, you should remember they all use a basic phospholipid bilayer, but have many
other different parts.
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