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EXAM 3. BIOL 1406.
Chapters 9, 10, and 11
remote #______
Date _______________
Multiple choice
1) The hereditary material that is
present in all cells is
A) protein.
D) R-strain.
E) S-strain.
2) What was the main point of Griffith's
experiments with pneumonia in mice?
A) Mice exposed to the S-strain
bacterium became resistant to the Rstrain bacterium.
B) There is a substance present in dead
bacteria that can cause a heritable
change in living bacteria.
C) The genetic material was definitively
proven in these experiments to be DNA.
D) S-strain bacteria can cause
E) Heat destroys the hereditary
3) What is the relationship among DNA,
a gene, and a chromosome?
A) A chromosome contains hundreds of
genes which are composed of protein.
B) A chromosome contains hundreds of
genes which are composed of DNA.
C) A gene contains hundreds of
chromosomes which are composed of
D) A gene is composed of DNA, but
there is no relationship to a
E) A gene contains hundreds of
chromosomes which are composed of
4) In Griffith's experiments, what
happened when heat-killed S-strain
pneumococcus were injected into a
mouse along with live R-strain
A) DNA from the live R-strain was taken
up by the heat-killed S-strain, converting
them to R-strain and killing the mouse.
B) DNA from the heat-killed S-strain
was taken up by the live R-strain,
converting them to S-strain and killing
the mouse.
C) Proteins released from the heat-killed
S-strain killed the mouse.
D) RNA from the heat-killed S-strain
was translated into proteins that killed
the mouse.
E) nothing
5) DNA has
A) A, U, G, and C bases.
B) only C and T bases.
C) only A and G bases.
D) C, T, A, and G bases.
E) both U and T bases.
6) The DNA of a certain organism has
guanine as 30% of its bases. What
percentage of its bases would be
A) 0%
B) 10%
C) 20%
D) 30%
E) 40%
7) Which is NOT found in DNA?
A) deoxyribose sugar
B) adenine
C) phosphate group
D) phospholipid group
E) thymine
8) The correct structure of a nucleotide
A) phosphate-5 carbon sugar-nitrogen
B) phospholipid-sugar-base.
C) phosphate-sugar-phosphate-sugar.
D) adenine-thymine and guaninecytosine.
E) base-phosphate-glucose.
9) The rules formulated by Chargaff
state that
A) A = T and G = C in any molecule of
B) A = C and G = T in any molecule of
C) A = G and C = T in any molecule of
D) A = U and G = C in any molecule of
E) DNA and RNA are made up of the
same four nitrogenous bases.
10) The X-ray diffraction pattern for
DNA suggested to Wilkins and Franklin
all of the following features about DNA
A) a DNA molecule is helical.
B) a DNA molecule has a diameter of 2
C) one full turn of the DNA helix occurs
every 3.4 nanometers.
D) the phosphate-sugar "backbone" of
the molecule is on the outside of the
DNA helix.
E) A pairs with T and G pairs with C in a
DNA molecule.
11) The sequence of subunits in the
DNA "backbone" is
A) --base--phosphate--base-phosphate--base--phosphate-.
B) --phosphate--sugar--phosphate-sugar--phosphate--sugar.
C) --sugar--base--sugar--base--sugar-base--sugar--base-.
D) --base--sugar--phosphate--base-sugar--phosphate-.
E) --base--phosphate--sugar--base-phosphate--sugar-.
12) Complementary base pairs are held
together by
A) peptide bonds.
B) hydrogen bonds.
C) disulfide bonds.
D) covalent bonds.
E) ionic bonds.
13) In a DNA molecule, base pairing
occurs between
A) adenine and thymine.
B) adenine and guanine.
C) guanine and uracil.
D) thymine and cytosine.
E) adenine and uracil.
14) For the DNA sequence GCCTAT in
one polynucleotide chain, the sequence
found in the other polynucleotide chain
15) In the comparison of a DNA
molecule to a twisted ladder, the rungs
(steps) of the ladder represent
A) nitrogenous bases linked together.
B) deoxyribose linked to phosphates.
C) deoxyribose linked to sulfates.
D) nitrogenous bases linked to
E) the backbones of the molecule.
16) It became apparent to Watson and
Crick after completion of their model
that DNA molecule could carry a vast
amount of hereditary information in its
A) sequence of bases.
B) phosphate-sugar backbone.
C) complementary base pairing.
D) side groups of nitrogenous bases.
E) different five-carbon sugars.
17) Why did scientists at first think that
DNA would be a poor candidate for the
hereditary material?
A) Griffith's experiments suggested
protein was the hereditary material.
B) Studies showed that viruses lacking
DNA passed genetic traits to the next
C) DNA was made of only four kinds of
D) The work of Franklin and Wilkins
showed that DNA could not be the
hereditary material.
E) None of the above is correct.
18) When a cell divides
A) each daughter cell receives a nearly
perfect copy of the parent cell's genetic
B) each daughter cell receives exactly
half the genetic information in the parent
C) each daughter cell receives the same
amount of genetic information that was
in the parent cell, but it has been
D) genetic information is randomly
parceled out to the daughter cells.
E) None of the above are true.
19) Semiconservative DNA replication
A) the old DNA is completely broken
B) the old DNA remains completely
C) A pairs with T and G pairs with C.
D) only half of the DNA is replicated.
E) each new DNA molecule has half of
the old one.
20) All of the following occur during
DNA replication EXCEPT
A) separation of parental DNA strands.
B) use of parental DNA as a template.
C) formation of chromatids.
D) synthesis of totally new doublestranded DNA molecules.
E) use of DNA polymerase enzymes.
21) Which of the following are NOT
involved in the DNA replication process?
A) DNA helicase
B) DNA ligase
C) DNA replicase
D) DNA polymerase
E) All of the above are involved.
22) DNA polymerase, before any
proofreading by repair enzymes, makes
on average one mistake for every
A) 100 base pairs.
B) 1000 base pairs.
C) 10,000 base pairs.
D) million base pairs.
E) billion base pairs.
23) The DNA in your body's cells can
accumulate errors for which of the
following reasons?
A) Mistakes are made during DNA
B) Some DNA spontaneously breaks
down at normal body temperature.
C) Ultraviolet light in sunlight damages
D) All of the above are reasons DNA
can accumulate errors.
E) None of the above are true.
24) Which one of the following forms of
damage to DNA is caused by ultraviolet
A) Adjacent thymines on a strand
become linked together.
B) The two strands become separated
from each other.
C) The DNA becomes fragmented.
D) The DNA begins growing
E) The DNA begins to decay from its
two ends.
25) The sequence of nitrogencontaining bases on one strand of DNA
most directly determines the sequence
A) fatty acids in a fat molecule.
B) amino acids in a protein molecule.
C) sugars in a polysaccharide molecule.
D) All of the above choices are correct.
E) bases in a protein molecule.
26) Both DNA and RNA
A) are single-stranded molecules.
B) contain the same four types of
nitrogen-containing bases.
C) have the same five-carbon sugars.
D) contain phosphate groups.
E) cannot both be present in a cell
27) The number of consecutive mRNA
bases needed to specify an amino acid
A) 3.
B) 4.
C) 20.
D) 64.
E) a variable number.
28) The number of different possible
codons is
A) 3.
B) 4.
C) 20.
D) 64.
E) unknown
29) If the sequence of bases in a
section of DNA is TAGGCTAA, what is
the corresponding sequence of bases in
30) The process of copying genetic
information from DNA to RNA is called
A) translation.
B) transformation.
C) replication.
D) transcription.
E) polymerization.
31Which of these molecules functions
to transfer information from the nucleus
to the cytoplasm?
D) proteins
E) lipids
32) A transcription start signal is called
A) an initiation codon.
B) a promoter.
C) an origin.
D) a start site.
E) a nonsense codon.
33)) Uracil pairs with
A) thymine.
B) adenine.
C) guanine.
D) cytosine.
E) uracil.
34) Which occurs in the nucleus?
A) transcription only
B) assembly of amino acids into protein
C) replication of genetic material
D) transcription and replication of
genetic material
E) translation only
35) The anticodon for AUC is
36) The process of converting the
"message" of mRNA into a sequence of
amino acids is called
A) translation.
B) transcription.
C) activation.
D) replication.
E) repression.
37) The site of protein synthesis is the
A) smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
B) nucleus.
C) nucleolus.
D) ribosome.
E) eukaryotic chromosome.
38) Each new amino acid is attached to
the growing chain by
A) an ionic bond.
B) a physical bond.
C) hydrogen bonds.
D) an RNA bond.
E) a peptide bond.
39) Ribosomes are a collection of
A) small proteins that function in
B) proteins and small RNAs that
function in translation.
C) proteins and tRNAs that function in
D) proteins and mRNAs that function in
E) mRNAs and tRNAs that function in
40) The adapters that allow translation
of the four-letter nucleic acid language
into the 20-letter protein language are
A) transfer RNAs.
B) ribosomal RNAs.
C) messenger RNAs.
D) ribosomes.
E) all of the above
41) Calico cats are almost always
female. This is because of
A) X-chromosome inactivation.
B) the lack of a Y chromosome in
C) activation of the calico gene by the
female sex hormone estrogen.
D) the calico gene in males is
inactivated by the sex hormone
E) a mutation found on the X
E) DNA in mitochondria.
44) A bacterial cell splits into two new
cells by
A) duplication.
B) forming a cell plate.
C) forming a cell furrow.
D) mitosis.
E) binary fission.
45) During the "S" portion of
interphase, what is the cell doing?
A) resting
B) general cell metabolism
C) synthesizing DNA
D) making a spindle
E) undergoing differentiation
46) The longest period of a cell's life
cycle is
A) prophase.
B) telophase.
C) interphase.
D) anaphase.
E) metaphase.
47) Human body cell nuclei contain
A) 46 pairs of chromosomes.
B) 44 pairs of chromosomes.
C) 23 unpaired chromosomes.
D) 22 pairs of chromosomes.
E) 23 pairs of chromosomes.
42) RNA splicing is the
A) addition of introns to the mRNA.
B) deletion of introns from the mRNA.
C) addition of exons to the mRNA.
D) deletion of exons from the mRNA.
E) combination of two different genes
48) The microtubules of the mitotic
spindle attach to a specialized structure
in the centromere region of each
chromosome, called the
A) kinetochore.
B) nucleosomes.
C) equatorial plate.
D) nucleotide.
E) centrosome.
43) The genetic material in bacteria
consists of
A) several circular DNA molecules.
B) one circular RNA molecule.
C) many rod-like DNA molecules with
D) one circular DNA molecule.
49) The formation of a cell plate is
beginning across the middle of a cell
and nuclei are reforming at opposite
ends of a cell. What kind of a cell is
A) an animal cell in metaphase
B) an animal cell in telophase
C) an animal cell undergoing cytokinesis
D) a plant cell in metaphase
E) a plant cell undergoing cytokinesis
50) Cytokinesis refers to the division of
A) cytoplasm.
B) nucleus.
C) mitochondria.
D) centrioles.
E) chromosomes.
51) Sister chromatids are
A) duplicate chromosomes held
together by a common centromere.
B) specialized gamete-forming cells.
C) non-functional chromosomes.
D) homologous pairs of chromosomes.
E) different in their genetic content.
52) During which stage of mitosis do
chromosomes line up at the equator of
the spindle apparatus?
A) prophase
B) metaphase
C) anaphase
D) telophase
E) The chromosomes do not line up at
53) Sexual reproduction by necessity
involves which two processes?
A) meiosis and fertilization
B) mutation and translocation
C) nondisjunction and pleiotropy
D) mitosis and fertilization
E) differentiation and specialization
54) Which of the following is a
consequence of sexual reproduction, as
compared to asexual reproduction?
A) The offspring will be very similar to
each other.
B) There will be few offspring with
undesirable traits.
C) There will be more genetic diversity
among the offspring.
D) The offspring will have a diploid
chromosome number twice that of their
E) There will be fewer mutations.
55) Which of the following is a haploid?
A) zygote
B) gamete (sex cell)
C) muscle cell
D) embryo
E) brain cell
56) Chromosomes exchange genetic
material by
A) segregation.
B) mitosis.
C) synapsis.
D) fertilization.
E) crossing over.
57) Chromosome number is reduced
during meiosis because the process
consists of
A) two cell divisions without any
chromosome replication.
B) a single cell division without any
chromosome replication.
C) two cell divisions in which half of the
chromosomes are destroyed.
D) two cell divisions and only a single
round of chromosome replication.
E) four cell divisions with no
chromosome replication.
58) Homologous chromosomes pair up
(synapsis) during
A) mitosis.
B) meiosis I.
C) meiosis II.
D) mitosis and meiosis II.
E) protein synthesis.