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Chapter 4
Functional Anatomy Eukaryotic
part B
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are more alike than
• All cells, whether they are prokaryotic or eukaryotic, have some common
– Plasma membrane
– Cytoplasm
– Ribosomes
All the current scientific evidence strongly indicates that all
cells are related through evolution.
Functions of the prokaryotic plasma membrane
Osmotic or permeability barrier.
Location of transport systems for specific solutes
(nutrients and ions).
• Energy generating functions
– Involving respiratory and photosynthetic electron transport systems
• establishment of proton motive force, and ATP-synthesizing ATPase
• Synthesis of membrane lipids
• including lipopolysaccharide in Gram-negative cells
• Synthesis of murein (cell wall peptidoglycan)
• Coordination of DNA replication and segregation with
septum formation and cell division
• Location of specialized enzyme systems
– CO2 fixation, nitrogen fixation
Eukaryotic cells
• Eukaryotic cells 10-100 m
– ( prokaryotic cells - 0.2 -1.0 µm  2 - 8 µm)
Eukaryotic cells
• Surface:volume ration
– 0.3:1 in eukaryotic cells
– (3:1 in prokaryotes)
– Eukarya
• Protista
– Protozoa
– Algae
• Fungi
Figure 4.22a
Flagella and Cilia
• Eukaryotic cells may have flagella or cilia.
• Flagella and cilia are organelles involved in locomotion.
Euglena (Algae)
Tetrahymena (Protozoa)
• In eukaryotic cells they consist of a distinct arrangement of
sliding microtubules surrounded by a membrane.
– Microtubules are made of protein tubulin
– The microtubule arrangement is referred to as a 2X9+2 arrangement
Cell Wall
• The cell walls of:
– Many algae contain cellulose.
– Fungal cell walls is chitin, polymer of NAG.
– Yeast cell walls consist of polysaccharides glucan and
• Animal cells – lacking cell wall - are surrounded by a glycocalyx
– Structure
• Carbohydrates extending from animal plasma membrane
• Bonded to proteins and lipids in membrane
– Function
• Strengthens the cell
• Provides a means of attachment to other cells.
Plasma Membrane - structure
Like the prokaryotic plasma membrane, the eukaryotic
plasma membrane is a phospholipid bilayer containing
– Peripheral,
– Integral,
– Transmembrane proteins.
• In addition eukaryotic plasma membranes contain:
– Carbohydrates attached to the proteins
– Sterols
• not found in prokaryotic cells
(except Mycoplasma bacteria).
Plasma Membrane – function
Selective permeability allows passage of some molecules
Simple diffusion, Facilitative diffusion, Osmosis
Active transport
– Phagocytosis: Pseudopods extend and engulf particles
– Pinocytosis: Membrane folds inward bringing in fluid and
dissolved substances
Prokaryotic - The membrane is incapable of
endocytosis and exocytosis
• The cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells includes everything inside the
plasma membrane and external to the nucleus
• Cytosol and organelles
• Cytosol - Fluid portion of cytoplasm
– The cytosol contains thousands of enzymes that are responsible for
glycolysis and for the biosynthesis of sugars, fatty acids, and amino acids.
– Cytoskeleton - Microfilaments, intermediate filaments, microtubules
– Cytoplasmic streaming - Movement of cytoplasm throughout cells
Prokaryotic - They may contains only actin-like proteins that,
along with the cell wall, contribute to cell shape.
• Membrane-bound:
– Nucleus
– ER
– Golgi complex
– Lysosome
– Vacuole
– Peroxisome
– Mitochondrion
– Chloroplast
Contains chromosomes
Transport network
Membrane formation and
Digestive enzymes
Brings food into cells and
provides support
Oxidation of fatty acids;
destroys H2O2
Cellular respiration
• Not membrane-bound:
– Ribosome
Protein synthesis
– Centrosome
Consists of protein fibers and
Mitotic spindle formation
– Centriole
• The nucleus, is the most characteristic eukaryotic organelle.
• Nuclear envelope – double membrane
• Nuclear pores
Chromatin ( threadlike mass) – DNA and histones
Nucleolus – rRNA synthesis
Nucleus -chromosomes
• Contains DNA in the form of chromosomes, ( rod-like bodies)- DNA,
histones and nonhistones proteins
Endoplasmic Reticulum
• The ER is continuous with the outer
membrane of nuclear envelope
• Extensive network of flattened
membranous sacs or tubules called
– The internal space of the cisterns is called
the ER lumen
• Rough ER – contain ribosomes
– factory for synthesizing proteins and
membrane molecules
• Smoot ER - extend from rough ERnetwork of membrane tubules
– synthesis of fats, steroids
– secretory function
Figure 4.25
Golgi Complex
• The Golgi apparatus is a membrane-bound structure with a
single membrane.
• The stack of larger vesicles is surrounded by numerous
smaller vesicles containing those packaged
• It is important in packaging macromolecules for
transport elsewhere in the cell.
Figure 4.26
• Lysosomes are formed from Golgi complexes.
• Store hydrolytic enzymes necessary for intracellular
• Common in animal cells, but rare in plant cells.
– Hydrolytic enzymes of plant cells are more often found in the
Figure 4.22b
• Vacuoles are membrane-enclosed cavities derived from the
Golgi complex or endocytosis.
• They are usually found in plant cells
– Store various substances
– Help bring food into the cell
– Increase cell size, and provide rigidity to leaves and stems.
Figure 4.22b
• Eukaryotic ribosomes - 80S (large unit– 60S, small unit 40S)
– Attached to ER formed rough ER
– Free in cytoplasm
• Ribosomes 70S
– In chloroplasts and mitochondria
Prokaryotic - The ribosomes
are composed of a 50S and
a 30S subunits forming an
70S ribosome
• Centrosome: consists of protein fibers and centrioles
• They are involved in formation of the mitotic spindle and
Duplicated centrosomes with centriole pairs
Spindle microtubules
• Mitochondria provide the energy a cell needs - they are the power
centers of the cell.
• They are about the size of bacteria
• They are membrane-bound organelles
• Have a double membrane
– The outer membrane is fairly smooth,
– The inner membrane is highly convoluted, forming folds (cristae)
• The cristae increase the inner membrane's surface area.
• It is on these cristae that food (sugar) is combined with oxygen to produce ATP the primary energy source for the cell.
• They have their own DNA and 70S ribosomes
• They are self replicated
• Algae and green plants have chloroplasts
– this organelle is responsible for photosynthesis
• Chloroplasts have a double outer membrane.
• Within the stroma are other membrane structures - the thylakoids.
– Thylakoids appear in stacks called "grana" (singular = granum).
• The chloroplast has its own DNA, which codes for redox proteins
involved in electron transport in photosynthesis.
– 70S ribosomes
• Prokaryotic - There are no chloroplasts.
• Photosynthesis usually takes place
in infoldings or extensions derived from
the cytoplasmic membrane.
Figure 4.15
Figure 4.28
Endosymbiotic Theory
• The endosymbiotic theory concerns
the origins of mitochondria and
• Lynn Margulis - According to the
endosymbiotic theory, eukaryotic
cells evolved from symbiotic
prokaryotes living inside other
prokaryotic cells.
1. Large bacteria lost their cell wall
2. Plasma membrane folded around
the chromosome- nucleus
3. Ingested aerobic bacteria
4. Endosymbiosis
Figure 10.2
Mitosis and meiosis
Learning objectives
• Differentiate between prokaryotic and eukaryotic flagella.
• Compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell
walls and glycocalyx.
• Compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic plasma
• Compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic
• Define organelle.
• Describe the functions of the nucleus, endoplasmic
reticulum, ribosomes, Golgi complex, lysosomes,
vacuoles, mitochondria, chloroplasts, peroxisomes, and
• Discuss evidence that supports the endosymbiotic theory
of eukaryotic evolution.
• Compare and contrast Mitosis and Meiosis