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Turn in your Do Now
Reflections to the
Do Now—11.16.15
A person can be blind without having a damaged
Behaviors can be made automatic.
Our senses (hearing, olfaction, taste, sight, touch)
do not work in isolation.
Reflexes are different from responses.
There are different stages of sleep.
The left side of your brain controls the right side of
your body.
Neurons are lost (die) before you are born
Certain parts of your brain are responsible for
certain functions.
Turn in your Do Now
Reflections to the
Do Now—11.16.15
A person can be blind without having a damaged
Behaviors can be made automatic.
Our senses (hearing, olfaction, taste, sight, touch)
do not work in isolation.
Reflexes are different from responses.
There are different stages of sleep.
The left side of your brain controls the right side of
your body.
Neurons are lost (die) before you are born
Certain parts of your brain are responsible for
certain functions.
The Nervous System
describe the anatomy and
physiology of the nervous system.
Nervous System
 Which
survival need and life function
is fulfilled by the nervous system?
Nervous System
 Which
survival need and life function
is fulfilled by the nervous system?
Survival need = heat/temperature
Life function = respond and react
 Homeostasis
regulated and
controlled by the
nervous system
(rapid response)
and the endocrine
(slower response)
Sensation & Perception
 Sensation
stimuli passively.
 Perception
interpreting stimuli
Sensation & Perception
 Sensation
 Perception
interpreting stimuli.
Which Obama is more handsome?
Which Obama is more handsome?
Which Obama is more handsome?
Which Obama is more handsome?
Which Obama is more handsome?
Which Obama is more handsome?
Which Obama is more handsome?
Which Obama is more handsome?
Which Obama is more handsome?
Thatcher Effect
 Thatcher
showed that we
examine images
Nervous System Functions
 Three
functions of the nervous
system: sensory input, integration and
motor output.
Nervous System Functions
 Sensory
input: we use sensory
receptors to monitor the stimuli in and
out of our body.
Nervous System Functions
 Sensory
input: we use sensory
receptors to monitor the stimuli in and
out of our body.
 Integration: we process and interpret
stimuli and determine the appropriate
response necessary.
Nervous System Functions
 Sensory
input: we use sensory
receptors to monitor the stimuli in and
out of our body.
 Integration: we process and interpret
stimuli and determine the appropriate
response necessary.
 Motor output: we activate muscle
Nervous System Divisions
Nervous System
(afferent) (efferent)
(voluntary) (involuntary)
Nervous System Anatomy &
 Central
Nervous System is
made of the brain and spinal
cord. The CNS interprets
stimuli and issues instructions
to the body using the PNS.
Nervous System Anatomy &
 The
Peripheral Nervous System is
made of the spinal nerves and cranial
nerves. The PNS is how signals are
sent to and from the body.
Nervous System Anatomy &
 The
PNS is made of the spinal nerves
and cranial nerves. The PNS is how
signals are sent to and from the body.
 The
sensory division
carries impulses to the
CNS (afferent) and
the motor carries
impulses from the
CNS (efferent).
Nervous System Anatomy &
 The
parasympathetic is the resting
system and the sympathetic is the
active system of the autonomic
Nervous System Anatomy &
 The
parasympathetic is the resting
system and the sympathetic is the
active system.
 The parasympathetic division is the D
division (digesting, defecation, and
diuresis) while the sympathetic is the
E division (exercise, excitement,
emergency and embarrassment).
Exit Slip
 When
you are digesting food which
division of the nervous system are
you using?
Exit Slip
 When
you are digesting food which
division of the nervous system are
you using?
Parasympathetic Division
Phineas Gage (1823-1860)
 Phineas
Gage was a
efficient, respectable
Phineas Gage (1823-1860)
Phineas Gage (1823-1860)
Phineas Gage (1823-1860)
Phineas Gage (1823-1860)
 The
rod went
through Gage’s
left frontal lobe.
Phineas Gage (1823-1860)
Phineas Gage (1823-1860)
 After
the accident
Phineas Gage was
angry and vulgar. He
was fired from his job
and loss many of his
friends and made his
living as a traveling
medical miracle.
Brain Localization
Optical Illusions
 How
do we think?
Optical Illusions
 How
do we think?
Optical Illusions
 How
do we think?