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What Are They Thinking? Understanding Your Child’s Brain Development 1 SYNAPSES: Brain Cells Are Making Connections! •Synapses(connections) are created in the brain while the fetus is still in the womb. •In the last months of pregnancy, the fetus is able to hear external sounds and see light. He feels when his mother rubs her expanded belly. 2 Your Own Brain…is a three pound universe! • You have at least 100 billion nerve cells (neurons) in your brain. • Each of the neurons makes between 5,000 and 50,000 connections with other neurons. • If you multiply 100 billion neurons times 10,000 contacts, you end up with how many connections? 3 1 Quadrillion! Learning & Our Brains The more senses you use the more you remember. Think about things you remember through the senses. Sensory Memory 4 Short Term Memory Long Term Memory Synapses Gone Wild! In the early years, children’s brains form twice as many synapses (connections) as they will eventually need. If used in a child’s day to day life, they’re reinforced and become part of the brain’s permanent circuitry. If not, they are eliminated . Rethinking the Brain:New Insights into Early Development by Rima Shore (NY: Families and Work Institution: Drawing by H.T. Chugani 5 The Brain of a One Year Old looks more like an Adult’s than a Newborn! Black = Activity 6 7 • Size of a large Grapefruit or Cantaloupe • Shaped like the meat of a walnut • Grayish white/beige color • Can be cut with a Butter Knife 8 The depth of what children learn is astounding… • By 2 ½ children have sense of place and relationship PBS Kermit Loves a Bucket • By 9 months children can discriminate between kind and unkind behavior PBS Social Networks and the Spark • By one day a child’s brain can differentiate between b and p PBS Children and the Brain (4th one down) 9 Popcorn Activity 1. One person “POPS” with a “Did You Know” Statement and reads it aloud 2. Sit down when finished 3. Then another person “POPS” up 4. Continue until all statements are read 10 “M-Space” Ability to hold certain number of facts in short term memory… • The capacity of short-term memory appears to develop with age. The number of spaces increases by one unit every other year beginning at age three. Each block is a piece of information. Juan Pascual-Leon, 1970 11 Memory Activity How much information can you remember? 12 Myth & Facts Activity Seven Myths of Learning 1. Pair up with a partner “Cookie Mingle” 2. Mingle about a Myth and a Fact 3. When bell rings, change partners 13 http://www g http://www contained 21101 BrainyTips for a richer literacy environment… • Books, music, toys developmental level • Form secure attachments • Include your child in conversations • Read, read and read some more with your child. 14 Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes Sing Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes Eyes and ears and mouth and nose Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes Say between verses…. Touch your eyes, touch your ears, touch your mouth, touch your nose touch your knees, touch your toes - Great job! Sing again Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes Eyes and ears and mouth and nose Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes 15