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Genetic Engineering
Regular Biology
Selective Breeding
This is the process of allowing those
organisms with specific
characteristics to reproduce
This allows the most desirable traits
to be passed onto the next
Currently – most domestic animals
and crop plants are results of this
Results of Selective Breeding
Hybridization – when 2 dissimilar
organisms are crossed to get the
best of both organisms
Imbreeding – to continue breeding
individuals with similar traits to
retain characteristics
This does allow more recessive defects
to appear from generation to
Introducing Mutations
Mutations can also be introduced by
using radiation and/or chemicals
In bacteria – radiation was used to
make bacteria that can digest oil
In plants – chemicals were used to
make polyploidy plants that were
stronger than the original (bananas and
Genetic Manipulation
Is the process of changing the DNA
This uses the knowledge of structure
and chemical properties to be able to
change the DNA
This requires being able to extract the
DNA, ID the desired sequence of bases,
cutting and pasting new pieces of DNA,
and then copying the DNA
This is called genetic engineering
Steps of Genetic Engineering
Extract DNA – by opening and
removing DNA from the cell
Read the Sequence – DNA
polymerase is used to copy the DNA
in a test tube and they use dyes to
mark certain nucleotide bases so
they can find the piece they want
How Genetic Engineering Works
Cutting the DNA – using restrictive
enzymes to break apart DNA at a specific
locations they can get the piece they want
Separating DNA – using electrophoresis to
separate the DNA fragments to study
Pasting – using enzymes to put together
the desired sequence
Recombinant DNA – process of putting
together genes from one organism to another
Making Copies – scientist use a process
called polymerase chain reaction which
adds a piece of DNA to both ends to keep
it replicating
Genetic Engineering
Cell Transformation in Bacteria
Cell transformation - is the process of
taking DNA from outside the of the cell to
inside a new cell
The process
In bacteria
 Foreign DNA is joined to a circular DNA
called a plasmid
This plasmid has a DNA sequence that ensures it
will replicate if it gets into a bacterial cell
It also has a genetic marker that allows it to be
recognized if it carries foreign DNA
Plasmid is mixed with bacteria
 Treated with anti-bacteria to kill all cell
except those with the new gene
Using Bacteria For Genetic Engineering
Cell Transformation In Plants And Animals
In plant cells
Use bacterium to transfer a plasmid into
the plant cells
 They can also remove the cell wall and
allow the DNA to enter directly
In animal cells
Some can have DNA injected directly into
the cell’s nucleus and then the DNA can
be inserted into the chromosomes
 Or a DNA sequence can be attached to
the ends of the DNA molecule that only
allow the chromosome to attach to
specific sequences (new DNA)
What Comes After The Bacteria Or A
Virus Has the New DNA
Transgenic Organisms
These are organisms that have
genes from other species
Transgenic microorganisms –
include fast growing bacterium that
are used in health and industry for
items like insulin, growth hormones,
clotting factor
Transgenic Organisms
Transgenic animals – used to
improve the food supply, improve
immunity, allow organisms to be
more resistant to diseases
Transgenic plants – used to make
plants grow faster, produce more
food, resistant to disease, more
nutritious, resistant to
A clone is a member of a population
of genetically identical cells
produced from a single cell.
The nucleus of body cell is removed
Cell is fused with an egg cell from
another adult
The embryo is places in the foster mom
Cloning Cartoon
Cloning Cartoon
Cloning Cartoon