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Amgen Biotech Labs
In this set of labs, students will:
• Lab 1.1: Learn how to use a pipette to dispense small volumes of solutions
• Lab 1.2: Learn how to use the technique of gel electrophoresis to separate
molecules based on their size
• Lab 2: Learn how to use restriction enzymes to cut DNA at specific locations
• Lab 3: Learn how to use DNA Ligase to join together DNA fragments
• Lab 4: Learn how to use gel electrophoresis to check to verify successful
creation of a plasmid with the desired genes
• Lab 5: Learn how to transform competent cells with a plasmid containing a
desired gene (that is, insert a desired gene into bacteria so you can grow it to
produce the desired protein)
• Lab 6: Isolate and purify the desired protein
Animations on DNA Sequencing, DNA Extraction, Cloning, Gel Electrophoresis, loading a gel, etc are
all available on the Amgen Biotech site:
Biotechnology Overview with a lot of good info:
Amgen Biotech Labs
What is Genetic Engineering?
…the branch of biology that
uses special procedures
and techniques to change
an organism’s DNA.
One example is removing
DNA from one organism
and inserting it into
another organism.
In this image, the gene for insulin has
been remove from human DNA and
inserted into a bacterial plasmid. The
plasmid with the human insulin gene
is then put into a bacterium which
reproduces to make many copies.
Each bacterial cell produces the
human insulin protein which can be
purified from the solution.
Amgen Biotech Labs
Insulin is the hormone
responsible for regulating
glucose levels in the blood
In this image, the gene for insulin has
been remove from human DNA and
inserted into a bacterial plasmid. The
plasmid with the human insulin gene
is then put into a bacterium which
reproduces to make many copies.
Each bacterial cell produces the
human insulin protein which can be
purified from the solution.
Diabetes Movie: (8:40 min)
Amgen Biotech Labs
In this set of labs, students will:
• Lab 1.1: Learn how to use a pipette to dispense small volumes of solutions
Amgen Biotech Labs
In this set of labs, students will:
• Lab 1.1: Learn how to use a pipette to dispense small volumes of solutions
• Lab 1.2: Learn how to use the technique of gel electrophoresis to separate
molecules based on their size
Negatively charged molecules (like DNA)
are attracted to the positive electrode.
Smaller fragments move through the
porous gel faster than larger fragments.
Amgen Biotech Labs
In this set of labs, students will:
• Lab 1.1: Learn how to use a pipette to dispense small volumes of solutions
• Lab 1.2: Learn how to use the technique of gel electrophoresis to separate
molecules based on their size
Amgen Biotech Labs
In this set of labs, students will:
• Lab 2: Learn how to use restriction enzymes to cut DNA at specific locations.
Amgen Biotech Labs
In this set of labs,
students will:
• Lab 2: Learn how
to use restriction
enzymes to cut
DNA at specific
Amgen Biotech Labs
In this set of labs, students will:
• Lab 2: Learn how to use restriction
enzymes to cut DNA at specific
Amgen Biotech Labs
In this set of labs, students will:
• Lab 2: Learn how to use restriction enzymes to cut DNA at specific locations.
Cut two genetically engineered plasmids into DNA fragments that contain
specific genes of interest:
From the Plasmid pKAN-R
 red fluorescent protein (rfp) – the protein we want to grow and isolate
 promotor (pBAD) – site at which RNA polymerase binds to DNA to initiate
transcription (an RNA copy of the genes are made which then moves to the
ribosomes which use them to build the proteins)
From the plasmid pARA
 ampicillin resistance gene (ampR) – enables us to selectively grow only
bacteria that have the plasmids with the desired genes in them
 arabinose activator gene (araC) – codes for a protein that blocks the promoter unless
the sugar Arabinose is present to remove it (thus the genes are only able to be
activated and their proteins made when arabinose is mixed in)
Restriction Enzymes being used to make the cut:
BamH I and Hind III
Amgen Biotech Labs
In this set of labs, students will:
• Lab 3: Learn how to use DNA Ligase to join together DNA fragments
Join together the DNA fragments produced in Lab 2, resulting in the production
of different plasmids with various combinations of genes:
Amgen Biotech Labs
In this set of labs, students will:
• Lab 3: Learn how to use DNA Ligase to join together DNA fragments
Join together the DNA fragments produced in Lab 2, resulting in the production
of different plasmids with various combinations of genes:
Amgen Biotech Labs
In this set of labs, students will:
• Lab 4: Learn how to use gel electrophoresis to check to verify successful
creation of a plasmid with the desired genes
Amgen Biotech Labs
In this set of labs, students will:
• Lab 4: Learn how to use gel electrophoresis to check to verify successful
creation of a plasmid with the desired genes
Amgen Biotech Labs
In this set of labs, students will:
• Lab 4: Learn how to use gel
electrophoresis to check to
verify successful creation of a
plasmid with the desired genes
Amgen Biotech Labs
In this set of labs, students will:
• Lab 5: Learn how to transform competent cells with a plasmid containing a
desired gene
1) Insert plasmid with desired gene into E coli bacteria
2) Verify that it worked by growing the bacteria in the presence of ampicillin
(which acts as an indicator for transformation) and arabinose (which is required
to activate the rfp gene)
Amgen Biotech Labs
In this set of labs, students will:
• Lab 5: Learn how to transform competent cells with a plasmid containing a
desired gene
1) Insert plasmid with desired gene into E coli bacteria
Amgen Biotech Labs
In this set of labs, students will:
• Lab 5: Learn how to transform competent cells with a plasmid containing a
desired gene
2) Verify that it worked by growing the bacteria in the presence of ampicillin
(which acts as an indicator for transformation) and arabinose (which is required
to activate the rfp gene)
Amgen Biotech Labs
In this set of labs, students will:
• Lab 5: Learn how to transform competent cells with a plasmid containing a
desired gene
2) Verify that it worked by growing the bacteria in the presence of ampicillin
(which acts as an indicator for transformation) and arabinose (which is required
to activate the rfp gene)
Amgen Biotech Labs
In this set of labs, students will:
• Lab 5: Learn how to transform competent cells with a plasmid containing a
desired gene
2) Verify that it worked by growing the bacteria in the presence of ampicillin
(which acts as an indicator for transformation) and arabinose (which is required
to activate the rfp gene)