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The Incredible Edible Cell!!!
Due: Friday, September 3
The Incredible Edible Cell
Bring a folder or binder for project materials
Please see if a parent can come in and help
during assembly day!
You must follow all directions completely in order
to achieve the highest grade possible: 500
project points.
• GOAL: Your task is to create a model of a cell that is made
completely of edible things. That’s right… you will be able to
eat this cell after you are through! In your journey, you will also
create a paper describing the main parts of your cell, as well as
create a blueprint of your cell and a table detailing the items
you will use for construction. (If acquiring your products is a
financial difficulty please see me for alternative arrangements).
You must follow all directions completely in order to achieve the
highest grade possible: 300 Project points
• ROLE: You are a super scientist trying to create a cell that will
help others understand how the cell is organized. Your paper
will serve as a journal explaining cell organization, structure and
• AUDIENCE: Your audience is young children who are learning
about plant and animal cells and how they work.
• SITUATION: Your project must explain to your audience the
locations, structures and functions of cell organelles in a way
that is fun and in a language that is easy to understand.
Your project consists of three parts. For each of the
three parts (depending on your cell selection), you
must include the following cell organelles.
*ANIMAL CELL (round shape) 9 organelles total
• Cell Membrane Cytoplasm Mitochondria
Ribosome (free or on ER) Endoplasmic Reticulum
Golgi Bodies Lysosome Vacuole (few & small)
*PLANT CELL (square or rectangular shape) 11
organelles total
• Cell Membrane Cytoplasm Mitochondria
Ribosome (free or on ER) Endoplasmic Reticulum
Golgi Bodies Lysosome Vacuole (one & large)
Nucleus (Nucleolus/Nuclear Membrane/DNA)
Chloroplast Cell Wall
Part 1: The Paper- 100 points
EACH INDIVIDUAL must turn in a typed or neatly handwritten
paper explaining all of the organelles discussed in class. The
formatting of the paper must include:
An introduction in which you introduce what the project
A paragraph on each of the organelles consisting of FOUR
One sentence describing what type of cell this organelle is found in EUKARYOTIC, PROKARYOTIC, PLANT or ANIMAL
One sentence on the organelle’s structure (its appearance and/or
One sentence on the organelle’s function (its job)
One sentence explaining what would happen to the cell if the organelle
was missing or absent from the cell.
A concluding paragraph in which you describe your thoughts on
the project.
*** Papers on Animal cells have 10 total paragraphs;
*** Papers on Plant cells have 12 total paragraphs
Part 2: Key and Blueprint- 200 points
• EACH TEAM must create a key and blueprint
for your edible cell model so that others can tell
what cell part (organelle) your food represents.
Use your resources to help you decide what
foods would best represent each cell part.
• Food items should look similar to the structure
of the organelles i.e. a nucleus is round and has
a nucleolus inside so a jawbreaker cut in half
with the small round center exposed would best
represent the nucleus and nucleolus.
• Key (100 pts): Create a chart or table that states both
food part and the organelle or cell part each food
represents. This should be typed or neatly written
How organelle is
represented in your model
Golgi Body
Red bubble tape looped
back and forth
Cake or cookie batter
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Blueprint (100 points):
• Create a drawing of what
your cell model will look like
when you have created it. It
should be a drawing of a cell
as a cookie/cake. The foods
and which organelle the food
represents must be clearly
shown and labeled. You
must make sure that
organelle location is
• This will act as your blueprint
as you construct your cell
model. Placement of
organelles/food items must
match between your blueprint
and model.
Part 3: The Model- 200 points
This is the fun part! EACH TEAM needs to build your cell model. Each part
needs to be made of the food part listed on the data table. You will be
graded on how accurate your model is and how close your actual model was
to the drawing - i.e. if the nucleus was in the middle of the drawing then the
food nucleus needs to be in the middle of the model. The model must
contain two parts in order to receive full credit. These parts are:
Labels (100 pts): Each food item must have a label. The label must state on
one side what organelle the food represents. The other side must have
bulleted points that state the function of the organelle. Labels must have a
support like a flag so they can be fastened into your food items. For
Cell Membrane
Lets wastes out
Lets nutrients in
Protects cell
Part 3: The Model- 200 points
Edible Cell (100 points): This is the actual model of the
cell. EACH TEAM will be graded on how close the
actual model is to the drawing made in Part 2 and
you will be graded on content. You need to make
sure that each item that was written in your data
table is represented in the actual cell model.
What not to do:
You will be graded according to the rubric below. Four categories will be assessed as follows:
• Content:
Paper: Does your paper describe the location, structure and function of each cell organelle
listed in the product description? Do you have an introduction and closing paragraph?
Table/Blueprint: Does your table list each organelle in the product description, its function, and
the representing candy? Does your blueprint depict each organelle from the product
Model: Does your model contain each organelle from the product description?
• Accuracy: Is the information in your paper, blueprint, table, and labels presented correctly and
accurately? Are the items used to construct your model accurate representations of the
individual organelles (i.e. do they look like the organelles they represent)?
• Presentation: Is the information in your paper, blueprint, table, and labels neatly handwritten
or typed? Is your model constructed using the appropriate materials
• Creativity: Does your project represent your original thought? Is it creatively designed?
Total Worth: 300 Points
Due: Friday, September 3
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