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2-4 Looking
Inside Cells
Parts of the Cell
• Cells (which you remember are the
smallest unit of structure and
function in the body) contain smaller
structures called organelles.
• Organelles carry out specific
functions in the cell much as organs
like the heart and lungs carry out
functions in your body.
From Outside In
• Plant cells (unlike animal cells) have a
rigid layer of non-living material
surrounding the cell called a cell wall.
The cell wall acts like the plants
skeleton giving it support.
• Inside this plant cells have a cell
membrane. Animal cells outermost
layer is the cell membrane.
Cell Membrane
• All cells have cell membranes. It acts like the
skin of the cell.
• The main function of the cell membrane is to
control what substances come into and out of
a cell.
• Things cells need like oxygen, water, and
food enter through the cell membrane while
waste products like carbon dioxide leave
through it.
• In the center of the cell is a large oval
structure called a nucleus.
• The nucleus acts like the cells “brain”- it is the
control center of the cell directing all of its
activities like growth and reproduction.
• It is filled with a substance called chromatin.
Chromatin contains genetic material, the
instructions that direct the functions of the
cell. For example, it tells the cell how to grow.
• The region between the cell membrane and
the nucleus is filled with a jelly-like substance
called cytoplasm.
• Most cell organelles are found floating in the
• These organelles function to produce energy,
build and transport needed materials, and
store and recycle wastes.
• Mitochondria are bean-shaped
organelles in the cell’s cytoplasm that
are called the “powerhouse” of the cell
because they produce most of the
energy the cell needs to carry out its
Endoplasmic Reticulum
• The E.R. is a maze-like collection of
passageways surrounding the nucleus.
• They carry proteins and other materials
from one part of the cell to another.
• Ribosomes are small, round structures
found throughout the cytoplasm.
• They function as protein factories
• They pass these proteins on to the
endoplasmic reticulum. From inside the
e.r., they are transported to the golgi
Golgi Bodies
• Golgi Bodies are a flattened bunch of
sacs and tubes.
• Act like a mailroom. They receive
proteins from the e.r. and distribute
them to other parts of the cell and even
outside the cell.
 Chloroplasts are found only in plant
cells (and some bacteria).
 Their function is to capture the sun’s
energy and use it to produce food as
 Their pigments make the plant green.
• Vacuoles are large sacs filled with
• They act as the cell’s water storage
• Most plants have them, some animal
cells do, some don’t
• Lysosomes are small round structures
containing chemicals that break down
food and old cell parts.
• They act like the cell’s cleanup crew.
The other Cell Type:
• Bacteria cells are much smaller than most
animal or plant cells.
• Bacteria like plants, do have cell walls and
cell membranes.
• But bacteria do not have a nucleus and
except for ribosomes, none of the other
organelles found in animal and plant cell.
Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
• Cells (like bacteria) that have no nucleus are
called Prokaryotes (which means “before
the nucleus” because its thought they evolved
earlier in time before more advanced cells).
• Cells that do have a nucleus (like plant and
animal cells) are called Eukaryotes which
means “has a nucleus.”