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Chapter 2-2 THE CELL
Pg 50-59
Cell Theory The cell is the basic unit of life
 All organisms are made up of cells
 All cells come from other cells
Organelle- “tiny organs” within the cytoplasm
Cell Wall- rigid, outer layer that provides support & structure
 Only in PLANTS, fungi, bacteria
 “brick wall or support beams”
Cell Membrane- allows materials to enter and leave the cell
 outer layer
 “doorway to cell”, screen
Cytoplasm- gel-like material that surrounds all organelles; flows slowly
 “Jell-O”
Ribosomes- where proteins are made
 proteins are needed for chemical reactions
 “Protein Factory” (Rib for Proteins)
Nucleus- controls all the cells activities
 contains DNA
 “brain of the cell” or “control center”
Chloroplasts- site where photosynthesis occurs
 contains a green pigment, chlorophyll, that traps sunlight (PLANTS)
 “Food Maker” or “Solar Panel”
Mitochondria- releases ENERGY for the cell
 Respiration occurs here
 “Mighty Mitochondria” or Powerhouse
Golgi Body- receives, packages & delivers materials around the cell
 “Post Office”
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)- pathways on which materials & messages
move about in the cell
 “Roadways”
Nuclear Membrane- membrane that surrounds the nucleus
 “Guard” or “skull”
Vacuole- storage area for food, water & other materials
 Plants have a much larger vacuole than animals
 “Storage Bin” or vacuum
DNA- genetic information that is passed on from parent to offspring
 “Blueprints” (instructions)
Lysosomes- contain chemicals to digest large food molecules & worn out
cell parts
 “Clean Up Crew” or “Janitors”
Cell- smallest unit of life that can carry all of life functions