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CP Biology Midterm Review 2014-2015
Chapter 1 The Science of Biology
Designing an Experiment
Scientific method- steps
Inference, hypothesis, theory
Controls, independent and dependent variables
Characteristics of Living Things
Levels of Organization
Chapter 2 The Chemistry of Life
Atoms, protons, neutrons, electrons
Draw an atom
Atomic number, atomic mass
Ionic bonds
Covalent bonds
hydrogen bonds
the water molecule and properties of water
Solute, solvent
Chemical reactions, identify the reactants and products
Acids, Bases and the pH scale
The chemistry of carbon
What monomers make up each macromolecule
Identify the structures of the monomers
Dehydration and hydrolysis reactions
Function of each macromolecule
Lipids, saturated, unsaturated
Proteins- enzymes- enzyme action
Activation energy, active site, substrate
Regulation of enzyme activity- pH, temperature, enzyme shape
Chapter 7 Cell Structure and Function
The cell theory
Using the light microscope
Electron microscopes
prokaryotes and eukaryotes
cell organelles, structure and function
Identification of cell structures from a diagram
plant cell and animal cell characteristics
Cell membrane- fluid mosaic model- structure and function
Passive transport- diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion, concentration, equilibrium
Hypotonic, hypertonic, isotonic
Active transport – Active transport with carrier proteins, phagocytosis, endocytosis, exocytosis
Chapter 10 Cell Division
The cell cycle
The stages of mitosis and cytokinesis
Differences between cell division in a plant verses animal cell
Any material covered from the beginning of the year until present may appear on the midterm
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