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Biochemistry Review Sheet
Chemical Reactions and Properties of Water:
What is formed when an atom has gained or lost an electron?
What type of bond shares electrons?
Which bond gives water molecules its unique properties?
Which pH, an acid or base, has a high hydrogen ion concentration? Which one has a low
hydrogen ion concentration?
5. What three particles make up an atom?
6. Draw a water molecule; label the charges, and the hydrogen and covalent bonds.
7. What range is the pH of an acid, as well as a base?
8. What is the difference between endothermic and exothermic reactions? Provide an
example for each.
9. Water molecules are polar, what does that mean?
10. Write the equation and label the reactants and products:
a. Photosynthesis
b. Cellular Respiration
11. What is the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration?
12. Study the water review table on page 17 in your journal.
Any word that ends in “ase” is considered to be a what?
Most cellular activities are regulated by the action of what?
What makes enzymes?
Define a catalyst. Define a substrate.
Describe how enzymes function in the body.
Explain the lock and key model of an enzyme. Be specific in its function.
What is the function of a catalyst, such as an enzyme in a chemical reaction? There are
two main things.
8. What are substrates usually made up of?
9. If the solution is too acidic or basic what happens to the enzyme?
10. What will happen to the enzyme when the reaction is complete?
11. What are three things that affect how an enzyme works?
12. The activation energy needed for a chemical reaction is decreased by what?
13. Protease is an enzyme that helps digest proteins. How does this enzyme interact and help
the protein molecules?
14. What happens to enzymes when they are subjected to too much heat?
15. Explain the importance of the enzyme substrate complex (Lock and Key) including
examples of how it works and is regulated in the body and helps you maintain
homeostasis. Also draw the diagrams and be sure to include the enzyme, substrate, and
active site of your model.
16. Label the diagram.
Carbon Based Molecules:
Why are lipids and carbohydrates important in animal cells?
List the seven functions of proteins. Know examples for each.
What is the chemical formula for glucose?
How many amino acids are there total? How many does your body make naturally? How
many do you have to eat?
5. What is the difference between dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis?
6. Describe the four macromolecules, listing the polymer and monomer of each, the
function of each class as well an example of each one. Page 31 in your journal.
7. What is unique about carbon? How many bonds can it form at one time?
8. What makes up a triglyceride?
9. What is the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats?
10. What is the role of ATP?
11. What elements make up each macromolecule?
12. DNA: which bonds hold the nitrogenous bases together? Which bonds hold the sugar and
phosphates together?
13. Where is genetic information stored in a cell?
14. Fats and oils are made up of glycerol and what else?
15. Which macromolecule is made up of phosphorus as well as hydrogen, oxygen, and
16. Know the molecular structure of the four macromolecules.
17. What is the chain of bonds called that links peptide bonds together?
18. What is the difference between a monomer and polymer?
19. What property of carbon makes it the “building block of life?”
20. What is a monosaccharide? What group does it belong to? Give an example.
21. Which molecule stores and transmits genetic information?
22. Tell me which macromolecule it is: look over pages 32-34 in journal.
23. Explain dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis.