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Topic: Neurons
Student learning outcome: Explain how neurons work
Appropriate courses: Introduction to Psychology
Teaching resource: Classroom Demonstration of Neural Transmission.
I use a brief classroom exercise to teach neural transmission. With a bag of Hershey chocolate Kisses, index cards
with Na+ written on them, and some willing volunteers, you can provide a memorable demonstration of neural
transmission. Have five volunteers who enjoy eating chocolate come to the front of class. Four will serve as
dendrites (D) and one as a cell body (CB). Recruit five more students to serve as the axon (A) and two or more to act
as terminal branches (TB) (each branch should be given a few chocolate Kisses to hold onto).
Arrange your students like this.
If you have enough students, create a second neuron of students who will receive the signal from this neuron.
Explain that sodium ions are floating throughout the body (toss the sodium ion cards around your volunteers) and
that the Hershey Kisses are neurotransmitters (perhaps acetylcholine, responsible for muscle movement).
Begin by suggesting that you are the terminal branch of a nearby neuron and toss Hershey Kisses (neurotransmitters)
in the direction of the dendrites and cell body (that is, into the synapse). The dendrites and cell body pick up the
Kisses and pop them into their mouth (receptor sites) and immediately pick up one of several cards (sodium ions).
Once three cards have been picked up, the neuron reaches threshold (all-or-none response) and the first person in the
axon picks up a card, while the dendrites and cell body drop theirs. (At this point, they should also spit out the
neurotransmitter, but it’s probably best if they just eat the chocolate.) The next person in the axon then picks up a
card while the previous person drops theirs, and so on down the line. When the end of the axon has been reached,
the terminal fibers toss their Hershey Kisses in the direction of the dendrites and cell body of the nearby neuron,
repeating the process. If you didn’t create a second neuron, just have the terminal branches toss the chocolate to the
rest of the class.
You can extend the demonstration by using Hershey Kisses with differently colored wrappers to illustrate the effects
of agonistic and antagonistic drugs. (I use Hershey’s Hugs – silver wrapper, brown stripes – for an agonist and
Hershey’s dark chocolate Kisses – purple wrapper – for an antagonist.) If you use acetylcholine for your example,
then discuss nicotine as an agonist (one symptom of nicotine poisoning is twitching of the muscles) and curare as an
antagonist (one symptom of curare poisoning is paralysis).
The demo takes about 20 minutes, and one bag of Hershey Kisses is good for two classes of two neurons each.
Evidence of effectiveness:
Looking at the one multiple choice exam question I have that specifically covers neuronal transmission, over the last
2 terms (3 sections of students), 52 out of 71 (73%) answered the question correctly. Following the demonstration I
ask students, as a class, if they understand neurons better, and students almost unanimously report that they do,
although I do not have numerical data on this question.