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7.1 & 7.2 Study Guide
For Questions 1 – 7, match the organelle with its description.
1. Ribosomes
2. Endoplasmic
reticulum (ER)
A. Changes energy from sunlight into chemical energy
that is stored in food
3. Golgi
4. Lysosomes
5. Central vacuole
6. Chloroplasts
7. Mitochondria
B. Stack of membranes that modifies, sorts, and
packages proteins and other materials for storage or
C. Changes chemical energy stored in food into a form
that can be easily used by the cell (ATP!)
D. Internal membrane system that moves proteins
through the cell
E. Large saclike structure that stores water
F. Small particles where proteins are made
G. Filled with enzymes used to break down
carbohydrates into smaller molecules
8. Structure that contains DNA in a eukaryotic cell is the NUCLEUS.
9. Cell structure that makes ribosomes is the NUCLEOLUS.
10. Describe Robert Hooke’s contributions to knowledge of cells.
Coined the term “cell” after looking a cork under a simple microscope
11. Describe the cell theory.
1. All living things are made of cells.
2. Cells are basic unit of structure and function of all living things.
3. Cells come from existing cells.
12. Describe FULLY a prokaryotic cell, and give one example.
Simple, small cell with no nucleus or organelles; DNA is a single thread floating in middle of cell bacteria
13. Describe FULLY a eukaryotic cell, and give three examples.
Complex, larger cell with a nucleus and organelles; DNA is protected inside a nucleus – plants, animals,
protists, fungi
14. Which of the cells is a plant cell?
How do you know? More square-like
15. Which of the cells is prokaryotic?
How do you know? No nucleus
16. What is the MAIN difference between a unicellular organism and a multicellular organism?
Unicellular is one, small cell while a multicellular organism has many, many cells so is more complex
and larger
17. Describe the function of each of the following organelles/structures, and what type of cell (plant, animal
or both) you would find the organelle/structure:
a. cell membrane: controls what enters & leaves the cell; in BOTH cells
b. cell wall: outside cell membrane; provides support for PLANT cells
c. central vacuole: large sac that stores water and other materials in PLANT cells
d. chloroplast: green organelle with stacks on the inside; absorbs sunlight so the PLANT cells can
photosynthesize (make own food)
e. cytoplasm: jelly-like material inside the cell that the organelles float in; found in BOTH cells
f. Golgi: flatten stacks of membranes that modify, repackage, and send out proteins; found in
BOTH cells
g. lysosome: small round organelles that contain enzymes to recycle used cell parts and clean up
“junk” in cell; found in BOTH cells
h. mitochondria: kidney bean-shaped organelle with folds on the inside to change food into ATP
(cellular energy); found in BOTH cells
i. nuclear envelope: membrane that surrounds the nucleus; found in BOTH cells
j. nuclear pores: small openings in the nuclear envelope that allows materials to move in and out of
the nucleus; found in BOTH cells
k. nucleolus: small, round structure inside the nucleus that makes ribosomes; found in BOTH cells
l. nucleus: large, round organelle that houses and protects the DNA; found in BOTH cells
m. ribosomes: very tiny, round organelles found in the cytoplasm and attached to the rough ER that
make proteins for the cell; found in BOTH cells
n. rough ER: transport system of membranes (directly off the nucleus with ribosomes attached to
the surface) that move proteins to other parts of the cell; found in BOTH cells
o. smooth ER: transport system of membranes (directly off the nucleus with NO ribosomes attached
to the surface) that makes enzymes for the cell; found in BOTH cells
18. Which organelles are involved in making/moving/packaging proteins, and in what sequence does this
Ribosomes  rough ER  smooth ER  Golgi
Cell Membrane
Rough E.R.
Smooth E.R.
Cell Wall
Cell Membrane
Central Vacuole
Rough E.R.
Smooth E.R.
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