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3.4 C: Transcription Quiz
The diagram below shows an error in the transcription of a DNA template to messenger RNA
Which statement best describes the error shown in the diagram?
(A) The mRNA strand contains the uracil base whereas it should contain the thymine base.
Distractor Rationale:
This answer suggests the student may understand that uracil is not found in DNA, but does
not understand that it is present in mRNA because RNA contains uracil instead of thymine.
(B) The mRNA strand is being synthesized from left to right in the 3'
should be synthesized in the 5'
5' direction whereas it
3' direction.
This answer suggests the student understands that, when DNA is transcribed, the mRNA is
synthesized in the 5'
3' direction so that it runs antiparallel to the DNA template.
(C) The DNA strand is being transcribed from left to right in the 3'
should be transcribed in the 5'
5' direction whereas it
3' direction.
Distractor Rationale:
This answer suggests the student may understand that DNA is only transcribed in one
direction, but does not understand that this is always in the 3'
5' direction, and that the
mRNA is synthesized in the 5'
3' direction, because RNA polymerase can only function
moving along the template 3'
5'. In transcription, the result is an mRNA polymer.
(D) The DNA strand should be arranged in triplets of three bases, and the mRNA bases should
be arranged into codons.
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3.4 C: Transcription Quiz
Distractor Rationale:
This answer suggests the student may understand that information in DNA is arranged in
triplets and in codons on mRNA, but does not understand that this is not visible on the
strands because the DNA and RNA are arranged as continuous sequences of nucleotides,
not sets of triplets, and that the error in the diagram is that mRNA should be synthesized in
the 5'
3' direction, not in the 3'
5' direction.
Aligned to: LO 3.4 CA 3.4: Represent Genetic Information
A bacterial gene has just been activated by a regulatory protein, and RNA polymerase binds to
the template strand and begins transcription. Which pair of DNA and mRNA shows the most
accurate representation of the sequences and the resulting transcription of the DNA in the
bacterial cell?
Distractor Rationale:
This answer suggests the student may understand that thymine (T) is not found in RNA, but
does not understand that uracil (U) is not present in DNA because DNA uses thymine (T)
instead of uracil (U).
Distractor Rationale:
This answer suggests the student may understand that adenine (A) on DNA pairs with uracil
(U) on RNA, but does not understand that thymine (T) on DNA pairs with adenine (A) on
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3.4 C: Transcription Quiz
This answer suggests the student understands that when DNA is transcribed, the mRNA
pairs uracil (U) with adenine (A) instead of with thymine (T).
Distractor Rationale:
This answer suggests the student may understand the base-pairing rules of DNA, but does
not understand that when DNA is transcribed, the mRNA pairs uracil (U) with adenine (A)
instead of with thymine (T), and that uracil (U) is not present in DNA because DNA uses
thymine (T) instead of uracil (U).
Aligned to: LO 3.4 CA 3.4: Represent Genetic Information
A segment of DNA from a human gene is shown in the diagram below.
It is discovered that the same DNA sequence found in another individual carries a mutation.
Which choice accurately shows an RNA transcript from the other individual with an explanation of
the DNA mutation that resulted in the RNA transcript?
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3.4 C: Transcription Quiz
The resulting RNA transcript is due to a two-base deletion in the DNA sequence.
This answer suggests the student understands that a deletion of the third base and fourth
base in the DNA sequence results in a shift in the DNA sequence so that ATGCCC …
becomes ATCC … and the resulting RNA sequence becomes UAGG ....
The resulting RNA transcript is due to a single substitution in the DNA sequence.
Distractor Rationale:
This answer suggests the student may understand that a substitution in the DNA sequence
will result in a change in the resulting RNA sequence, but does not understand that the
given RNA transcript is the result of more than one substitution because more than a single
base is affected: the RNA transcript for the normal DNA sequence would be UAC GGG AAC
CAG UUG …, and the given RNA transcript shows two substitutions, one in the third base
(G instead of C) and one in the seventh base (U instead of A).
The resulting RNA transcript is due to three substitutions in the DNA sequence.
Distractor Rationale:
This answer suggests the student may understand that substitutions in the DNA sequence
will result in a change in the resulting RNA sequence, but does not understand that the
given RNA transcript is the RNA transcript for the normal DNA sequence and shows no
evidence of substitutions in the normal DNA sequence.
The resulting RNA transcript is due to a three-base addition in the DNA sequence.
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3.4 C: Transcription Quiz
Distractor Rationale:
This answer suggests the student may understand that an addition to the DNA sequence will
result in a change in the resulting RNA sequence, but does not understand that the given
RNA transcript is the result of a three-base deletion instead of a three-base addition: the
RNA transcript for the normal DNA sequence would be UAC GGG AAC CAG UUG …, and
the given RNA transcript shows that the third through fifth bases (CCC) were deleted.
Aligned to: LO 3.4 CA 3.4: Represent Genetic Information
The table below shows how mRNA codons are translated into amino acids.
A base substitution in which a guanine (G) base is replaced with a cytosine (C) base occurs on
the DNA template shown below.
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3.4 C: Transcription Quiz
Which statement best predicts what will happen to the polypeptide that is translated from this
altered DNA template?
(A) The substitution will result in no change in the polypeptide, because only the third base in
the affected codon will be changed, and only the first two bases in a codon determine the
amino acid that is translated.
Distractor Rationale:
This answer suggests the student may understand that the third base is not as influential as
the first and second bases in determining the translated amino acid in many mRNA codons,
but does not understand that this substitution will cause a significant change in the given
polypeptide sequence because this substitution changes the original codon to a stop codon.
(B) The substitution will result in a change in the second amino acid to Ile, because the codon
will be changed to AUC, which codes for the amino acid Ile.
Distractor Rationale:
This answer suggests the student may understand that the amino acid translated from the
affected codon will change as a result of the base substitution, but does not understand
that the polypeptide will stop because the anticodon that pairs with the codon UAG is a stop
(C) The substitution will result in only one amino acid being translated, because the second
codon will be changed to a stop codon, and translation will immediately stop.
This answer suggests the student understands that this base substitution would result in
the transcription of the codon UAG, which is a stop codon and would stop polypeptide
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3.4 C: Transcription Quiz
(D) The substitution will result in a change in all of the amino acids after the substitution,
because the new base will also change the codons translated after the substitution.
Distractor Rationale:
This answer suggests the student may understand that the base substitution changes the
affected codon, but does not understand that although translation of all of the codons
“downstream” of the substitution is stopped prematurely, the actual codons will remain
Aligned to: LO 3.4 CA 3.4: Represent Genetic Information
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