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End of Course Review by the California Biology standards
Cell Biology
Essential Questions and Book References
1. The fundamental life processes of plants and animals depend on a variety of chemical reactions that
occur in specialized areas of the organism’s cells. As a basis for understanding this concept:
a. semipermeable
Chapter 7-3
1. What are the main functions of the cell membrane?(182-189)
2. What is diffusion and what is osmosis?(183-186)
3. Predict what will happen to a cell in different solutions (hypotonic solution,
isotonic solution, hypertonic solution)(186)
4. Compare Facilitated diffusion and Active transport(187-189)
5. Compare Endocytosis and Exocytosis (188-189)
b. enzymes are proteins
Chapter 2-4
6. What happens to chemical bonds during chemical reactions?(49)
7. Is an enzyme used up when catalyzing (speeding up) a chemical
8. Does an enzyme increase or decrease a reactions activation energy?(51-53)
9. Where does a substrate bind to an enzyme?(52)
10. How does temperature pH affect Enzyme activity?(51-53)
c. prokaryotic cells,
Chapter 7 and 19
eukaryotic cells and
11. Compare and contrast Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells (172-173 for basics,
viruses differ in
more detail 172-181 + 471-477)
complexity and general
12. What is an organelle?
13. Compare and Contrast The two key Eukaryotic cells: Plant and Animal cells
14. Compare and contrast Cells and Viruses (483)
15. Which is the least complex and which is the most complex : (viruses,
prokaryotic cells, and eukaryotic cells)
d. transcription of (RNA) in
Chapter 7-2 and Chapter 12
the nucleus to translation
16. What is the function of the nucleus and ribosomes (176-177)
of proteins on ribosomes
17. What is the role of DNA and RNA (306)
in the cytoplasm.
18. What is the connection between Genes and proteins? (306)
e. endoplasmic reticulum
Chapter 7-2
and Golgi apparatus in
19. What is the function of rough and smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum? (177-178)
the secretion of proteins.
20. What is the function of the Golgi apparatus? (178)
f. energy is captured from
7-2 and Chapter 8
sunlight by chloroplasts
21. What is the function of the Chloroplast? (180)
and is stored through the
22. Does the energy from the sun get stored in the sugar or the oxygen
synthesis of sugar from
produced during the process of photosynthesis? (206)
carbon dioxide.
23. What color light does chlorophyll absorb and which does it reflect (207)
g. mitochondria make energy Chapter 7-2 and Chapter 9
by the breakdown of
24. What is the function of the Mitochondria?(179)
glucose to carbon
25. What is cellular respiration? (221-222)
26. What is the role of ATP in cellular Activities? (202-203)
h. Students know most
Chapter 2-3
27. What is the connection between a polymer and a monomer? (45)
(polysaccharides, nucleic
28. What are the monomer building blocks of polysaccharides (carbohydrates)?
acids, proteins, lipids are
made from small particles
29. What are the monomer building blocks of proteins? (47-48)
30. What are the monomer building blocks of nucleic acids? (47)
2. Mutation and sexual reproduction lead to genetic variation in a population. As a basis for understanding
this concept:
a. meiosis: pairs of chromosomes
Chapter 11-14 and Chapter 14
separate and segregate randomly
31. What happens during the process of meiosis (275-277)
during cell division to produce
32. How is meiosis different from mitosis (278)
gametes containing one chromosome
33. How many chromosomes does a human somatic cell have?
of each type.
34. How many chromosomes does a human gamete (sex cell
35. What is the difference between a 2N cell and an N cell? (278)
End of Course Review by the California Biology standards
36. What is fertilization? (263 + 1016-1017)
37. What percentage of DNA/genes did you inherit from your mom? (275)
38. What percentage of DNA/genes did you inherit from your dad? (275)
f. chromosomes in determine an
individual’s sex.
39. What is the difference between sex chromosomes & autosomes (341)
40. What are the sex chromosomes for a female and male? (341-342)
g. predict the possible combinations of
Chapter 11
alleles in a zygote from the genetic
41. What is the principle of dominance?(264-265)
makeup of the parents.
42. What happens during segregation? (265-266)
43. In people the allele for Dimples (D) is dominant over the allele for non
dimples (d). Two Heterozygous (Dd) people are expecting a baby.
What is the phenotype and genotype possible outcomes.(Use a
Punnett Square? (268-269)
44. In people the allele for Dimples (D) is dominant over the allele for non
dimples (d). A homozygous dominant mother (DD) and a
homozygous recessive father (dd) are expecting a baby. What is the
phenotype and genotype possible outcomes.
3. A multicellular organism develops from a single zygote, and its phenotype depends on its genotype, which
is established at fertilization. As a basis for understanding this concept:
a. predict the outcomes of
Chapter 11 and 14
phenotypes in a genetic cross
45. What is a genotype? What is a phenotype? (268)
from the genotypes of the parents
46. What is the difference between homozygous and heterozygous? (268)
(autosomal or X-linked, dominant
47. What is the difference between dominant and recessive? (264-265)
or recessive).
48. Use a punnett square to show how two normal skin colored parents can
have an albino child. Note: N= Dominant allele for normal skin color; n =
recessive allele for albinism.
49. What are sex-linked gene? (350)
50. Which sex has the most number of individuals affected by sexlinked
disorders? (350)
b. Mendel’s laws of segregation and
Chapter 11
independent assortment.
51. Describe is segregation, use fig 11-5? (266)
52. During which stage of meiosis do the homologous chromosomes
segregate? (276-277)
53. What is Mendel’s principle of independent assortment? (270-271)
4. Genes are a set of instructions encoded in the DNA sequence of each organism that specify the sequence
of amino acids in proteins characteristic of that organism. As a basis for understanding this concept:
a. Students know the general pathway by
Chapter 12
which ribosomes synthesize proteins,
54. What is the function of mRNA? (301)
using tRNAs to translate genetic
55. What is the function of tRNA? (301)
information in mRNA.
56. Describe the process of transcription? (301-302)
57. Describe the process of Translation? (303-305)
58. What is a codon? (302)
59. What is the amino acid
Sequence of the mRNA
60. What is an anticodon (304)
61. What are the tRNA
anticodons of mRNA strand:
62. Complete the DNA strand
that coded for the following
mRNA strand?
mRNA strand:
b. Students know how to apply the
genetic coding rules to predict the
sequence of amino acids from a
sequence of codons in RNA.
d. a zygote is the fusion of male and
female gametes (fertilization).
e. why does half of an individual’s DNA
sequence comes from each parent.
End of Course Review by the California Biology standards
c. mutations in the DNA sequence of a gene
Chapter 12-4
may or may not affect the expression of
63. What is a mutation? (307)
the gene or the sequence of amino acids.
5. The genetic composition of cells can be altered by incorporation of exogenous DNA into the cells. As a
basis for understanding this concept:
a. Students know the general structures and
Chapter 12
functions of DNA, RNA, and protein.
64. Describe the structure of DNA? (291+293-294)
65. What is the function of DNA? 47)
66. Compare and contrast DNA and RNA? (300)
67. How many different amino acids are there that can be used to
build a protein? (47)
68. In RNA molecules complementary rules between mRNA and
tRNA (304-305)
o Cytosine = _____
Guanine = ____
o Adenine = _____
Uracil = ______
b. apply base-pairing rules to explain
precise copying of DNA during replication
69. Complementary base pairing rules: What is the mRNA sequence
and transcription of information from DNA
transcribed from the following gene’s DNA?(301)
into mRNA.
mRNA: AUG???????????????
70. What is the process called of making mRNA from a Gene’s DNA
6. Stability in an ecosystem is a balance between competing effects. As a basis for understanding this concept:
c. fluctuations in population size are
Chapter 5
determined by the rates of birth,
71. What factors affect population size? (120-122)
immigration, emigration, and death.
72. What factors limit population growth? (124-127)
e. a vital part of an ecosystem is the
producers and decomposers.
73. What is the function of Detritvores and decomposers in an ecosystem? (69)
f. each link in a food web some energy
is stored but much energy is
74. Where does the energy for life processes come from? (67)
dissipated into the environment as
75. How does energy flow through an ecosystem? (67-71)
76. On average, how much energy gets transferred from one trophic level to
another in an Ecological Energy Pyramid? (72)
Other things to study in preparation for end of course exam:
77. The Carbon Cycle and how human activites can affect it (76-77)
78. Nitrogen cycle and the function of different bacteria in nitrogen fixation and denitrification (78)
7. The frequency of an allele in a gene pool of a population depends on many factors and may be stable or
unstable over time. As a basis for understanding this concept:
a. Students know why natural
Chapter 15-3 and 16-2
selection acts on the phenotype
79. What is Natural Selection (380-381)
rather than the genotype of an
80. How does Natural Selection act on a Single gene trait? (397-398)
Peppered MothsCharles Darwin accumulated a tremendous collection of facts to support the theory of
evolution by natural selection. One of his difficulties in demonstrating the theory, however, was the lack
of an example of evolution over a short period of time, which could be observed as it was taking place in
nature. Although Darwin was unaware of it, remarkable examples of evolution, which might have helped
to persuade people of his theory, were in the countryside of his native England. One such example is the
evolution of the peppered moth Biston betularia.
The economic changes known as the industrial revolution began in the middle of the eighteenth century.
Since then, tons of soot have been deposited on the country side around industrial areas. The soot
discoloured and generally darkened the surfaces of trees and rocks. In 1848, a dark-coloured moth was
first recorded. Today, in some areas, 90% or more of the-peppered moths are dark in colour. More than
70 species of moth in England have undergone a change from light to dark. Similar observations have
been made in other industrial nations, including the United States.
81. How is The Peppered moth an example of Natural selection acting on
phenotype and only indirectly affects genotype? (see above reading)
End of Course Review by the California Biology standards
b. alleles that are lethal in a
homozygous individual may be
82. Why are many African Americans carriers (heterozygous) for Sickle cell
carried in a heterozygote.
Disease? (347-348)
c. Students know new mutations are
constantly being generated in a
83. Define evolution in Genetic terms. (349)
gene pool.
84. What are the sources of Genetic variation in a Gene pool? (394-395)
d. Students know variation within a
species increases the likelihood
85. How does genetic variation increase the likelihood that at least some
that at least some members of a
members of a species will survive under changed environmental
species will survive under
conditions? (380-381+394)
changed environmental
a. What is adaptation?
8. Evolution is the result of genetic changes that occur in constantly changing environments. As a basis for
understanding this concept:
a. natural selection determines the
86. What was Darwin’s Theory? (386)
survival of groups of organisms.
b. a great diversity of species
87. How have scientists tested Natural selection in Nature to confirm that
increases the chance that at least
greater diversity of species increases the chance that at least some
some organisms survive major
organisms will survive environmental changes? (406-407)
changes in the environment.
c. Students know the effects of
genetic drift on the diversity of
88. What is genetic drift and founder effect? (399-400)
organisms in a population.
a. How do they both affect the genetic diversity of the population?
d. Students know reproductive or
geographic isolation affects
89. How does reproductive isolation affect speciation (404)
90. How does geographic isolation affect speciation? (405)
e. analyze fossil evidence:
biological diversity, episodic
91. What is the evidence of evolution (382-385)
speciation, and mass extinction.
10. Organisms have a variety of mechanisms to combat disease. As a basis for understanding the human immune
a. Students know the role of the skin in
providing nonspecific defenses against
b. Students know the role of antibodies in the
body’s response to infection.
c. Students know how vaccination protects
an individual from infectious diseases.
d. Know the differences between bacteria
and viruses with respect to their
requirements for growth and replication,
the body’s primary defenses against
bacterial and viral infections, and effective
treatments of these infections.
e. individuals with a compromised immune
system (for example, a person with AIDS)
may be unable to fight off and survive
infections by microorganisms that are
usually benign.
f.* Students know the roles of phagocytes, Blymphocytes, and T-lymphocytes in the
immune system.
What are your bodies nonspecific defenses against
infection? (1036-1037)
How does your skin protect you against infection? (1036)
94. How do antibodies help in the immune response? (10381040)
95. What is a vaccine?(1041)
96. How does a vaccination help protect individuals against
infectious pathogens? (1041-1042)
97. How can bacterial infections be prevented or treated? (486)
98. Can antibiotics be used to treat viral infections? (488)
99. What is the best defense against viral infections? (488)
100. What cells are infected by HIV virus?(1045-1046)
101. What happens to ones immune system when one is
infected with HIV?(1045-1046)
102. What are the 4 fluids that can transmit HIV? (1046)
40-2 (1038-1040)
103. How do B cells help fight infection?
104. How do Macrophages help fight infection?
105. How do Killer (cytotoxic) T cells help fight infection?