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Nervous and Endocrine System
• At the end of class you should be able to:
– Understand the various parts of the nervous
system and explain their functions.
– Understand how the hormones of the endocrine
system differ from the nervous system?
Nervous System
• Spinal Cord
– Connects brain to rest of body; extension of the brain
– Bundles of axons from base of brain to near tailbone
– Damage can result in paralysis
• Brain
– Weighs 3lbs & believed to have 85-180 billion neurons
– Responsible for all body functions including speech,
vision, hearing, cognition, memory, etc.
Nervous System
• Central Nervous System:
– The brain and the spinal cord.
• Peripheral Nervous System:
– The sensory and motor neurons that connect the
central nervous system to the rest of the body.
The Peripheral Nervous System
• Two Parts!
– Somatic Nervous System
• The part of the nervous system that controls the body’s
skeletal muscles.
– Autonomic Nervous System
• The part of the nervous system that controls glands and
Autonomic Nervous System
• Two Parts!
– Sympathetic
• Arouses the body and mobilizing its energy in stressful
– Parasympathetic
• Calms the body down and conserves energy.
Endocrine System
• Chemical substances released by endocrine
• Messengers for the body
• Impact our emotions
• Affect development such as change during
Endocrine System
• Glands that secrete chemical messengers
called hormones into your blood.
– Pineal gland: Produces melatonin (Controls
– Hypothalamus: Produces hormones that stimulate
or stop hormones of the pituitary gland.
– Pituitary Gland: Produces hormones that cause
– Thyroid Gland: maintains metabolism
– Parathyroids: maintain calcium levels in blood.
• Adreanal Glands: Produces steroid hormones
• Pancreas: Regulates sugar levels.
• Ovaries and Testes: sex organs used for