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Cell Organelles and Functions
Cell Organelles and Functions
Cell Membrane
• protects the cell; performs active transport and
passive transport to move materials in and out
Cell Organelles and Functions
• Jelly like material constantly moving, pads and
supports the organelles in the cell
Cell Organelles and Functions
• Microtubules and microfilaments
together allow the cell to hold its
shape, and move itself and its
Cell Organelles and Functions
• Produces energy for the cell.
• The process of creating cell energy is known as
cellular respiration.
Cell Organelles and Functions
• Protein Synthesis
• Makes protein
Cell Organelles and Functions
Endoplasmic Reticulum - Abbrev: ER
Two types
• – Smooth (no ribosomes) – produces lipids
• – Rough (covered with ribosomes) - Transports
materials throughout the cell
Cell Organelles and Functions
• controls the cell’s activities
Cell Organelles and Functions
• They carry the genetic code that determines the
characteristic of the organism
• provides the instructions for the cell’s activities (directs
growth, reproduction)
Cell Organelles and Functions
• Found only in animal cells, and are there to help the
cell when it comes time to divide.
Cell Organelles and Functions
• Vesicles that are there to digest things. They might be
used to digest food or break down the cell when it dies.
Cell Organelles and Functions
Golgi bodies/apparatus/complex
• Gathers simple molecules and combines them to make
molecules that are more complex. It then takes those
big molecules, packages them.
• Processes and packages molecules
Cell Organelles and Functions
• Plant cell vacuoles
• Very few and very large
• Stores water
• Animal cell vacuoles
• storage-tanks for food,
water, wastes, or enzymes
Cell Organelles and Functions
Cell Wall
• rigid, tough,
made of
• protects and
supports each
Cell Organelles and Functions
• captures the energy in sunlight and uses it to produce