Download 3D Plant Cell Model

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3-D Plant Cell Model
Requirements and Limits:
The cell can be no smaller than 4" x 6", and no larger than 9" x 12".
The cell must be 3-D (no posters).
The model must be delivered in a box (e.g. shoebox, shirt box, etc.).
Use clear drying glue. Avoid tape, pins, and staples. Ideas for materials include:
yarn, beads, toothpicks, pipe cleaners, string, straws, Styrofoam, Plexiglas, food,
Play-Doh™... Use many types and your imagination, but be sure it will stay
together! (Note – you must use three or more materials to make your cell.)
You must identify all the organelles listed below for whichever cell you choose.
The type of cell, your name, and block must be identified somehow on the model
and the key.
DO NOT label the organelles on the model, use ID numbers. The key will identify
which organelle is represented by each ID number.
Organelles to be included:
Cell membrane
Smooth ER
Rough ER
Golgi apparatus
Cell Wall
Central Vacuole
***REMEMBER: Plant and Animal Cells have different
shapes, and this should be reflected in your model.