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Anatomy and Physiology
10th Annual Boyceville Invitational
Boyceville High School
December 3, 2016
School/Team Name: _________________________________
Team Number: _____
Team Members: ______________________________
Part A. Nervous System
(1 pt for each question unless otherwise noted)
1. What is the difference between a neuron and a nerve?
a. One is sensory in function, the other motor.
b. Nerves are found only in the central nervous system.
c. They consist of different numbers of cells.
d. Neutrons are made of white matter, nerves of gray matter.
e. Neurons are found only in vertebrates.
2. A cluster of nerve cells bodies outside the central nervous system is referred to as
a(n) _______________.
a. cranial nerve
b. nucleus
c. association area
d. ganglion
e. effector cell
3. A type of neuron that when stimulated by the environment transmits an impulse to the
central nervous system is a(n)?
a. sensory neuron
b. motor neuron
c. interneuron
d. autonomic neuron
e. Schwann cell
4. The part of a neuron that carries nerve impulses toward the cell body is called _____.
a. a nerve
b. white matter
c. a neurotransmitter
d. a dendrite
e. an axon
5. The sodium-potassium pump _____.
a. expels sodium from the cell
b. expels sodium and potassium from the cell
c. pumps sodium into the cell
d. pumps sodium and potassium into the cell
e. allows most ions to move in either direction through the membrane
6. A drug that causes potassium to leak out of a neuron, increasing the positive charge
on the outside, would ______.
a. Make it easier to trigger action potentials in the neuron
b. Cause the cell to release its neurotransmitter
c. Speed up nerve signals traveling the length of the cell
d. Act as a stimulant
e. Inhibit transmission of nerve signals by the neuron
7. An action potential is generated when _______.
a. Sodium ions (Na+) diffuse into the cytoplasm at the trigger zone
b. Potassium ions (K+) diffuse into the cytoplasm along the axon
c. Calcium ions (Ca2+) diffuse into the cytoplasm at the dendrites
d. Potassium ions (K+) diffuse out of the cytoplasm at the trigger zone
e. During the depolarization phase, sodium ions diffuse into the cell and the
interior of the cell becomes more positive, and potassium ions diffuse out of
the cytoplasm making it less positive.
8. How are neurons structurally adapted to chemically transmit impulses to neighboring
a. Synaptic knobs contain neurotransmitter substances with synaptic vesicles.
b. They have numerous nodes of Ranvier.
c. They have numerous dendrites.
d. They have Schwann cells that surround axons.
e. Neurotransmitters must be enzymatically distributed to receptors on receiving
9. The gray matter of the cerebral cortex, where most higher-level thinking occurs, is
composed mostly of ______.
a. nerve cell bodies and dendrites
b. myelinated axons of neurons
c. sensory neuron cell bodies
d. Schwann cells
e. motor neuron cell bodies
10. Which of the following categories includes all the others?
a. autonomic nervous system (ANS)
b. motor division
c. somatic nervous system
d. peripheral nervous system (PNS)
e. sensory division
11. Which of the following structures is included in the peripheral nervous system?
a. medulla oblongata
b. gray matter
c. spinal cord
d. taste receptor
e. cerebral cortex
12. You come to class and are surprised to find out that there is an exam today. As a
result of your surprise, your heart rate increases, your breathing rate increases, and your
digestive system shuts down. Amazingly, you remain calm enough to realize that these
events are being stimulated by the _____.
a. sympathetic division of the PNS
b. parasympathetic division of the PNS
c. limbic system
d. temporal lobe
e. sensory division of the PNS
13. Which of the following structures constitute(s) the mammalian forebrain?
a. cerebrum only
b. cerebellum and medulla oblongata
c. pons
d. cerebrum and cerebellum
e. thalamus, epithalamus, hypothalamus, and cerebrum
*14. As you start to pick up your biology book, you suddenly realize that it is much
heavier than you thought it would be. Which of the following brain regions is responsible
for the rapid adjustment of muscle force that allows you to pick up the book smoothly?
a. medulla oblongata
b. cerebrum
c. cerebellum
d. hypothalamus
e. pituitary
15. Which ancestral region of the brain is responsible for modern humans' speech and
ability to do algebra?
a. forebrain
b. midbrain
c. hindbrain
d. cerebral hemisphere
e. cerebellum
16. Which of the following is specifically a part or a function of the central nervous
a. sensory receptor
b. sensory input
c. interpretation of sensory signals
d. motor output
e. effector
17. Which disorder is a chronic, unpredictable disease of the CNS that is thought to be
an immune-mediated disorder where the immune system incorrectly attacks healthy
tissue in the CNS?
a. Epilepsy
b. Multiple Sclerosis
c. Alzheimer’s Disease
d. Shingles
e. Parkinson’s Disease
18. Please use the wordbank below to fill in the terms that fit into the organizational
flowchart of the vertebrate nervous system. (1 pt for each box)
Enteric, sympathetic, somatic, CNS, spinal cord, parasympathetic division, nervous
system, autonomic, PNS, brain
Hint: voluntary control over
Hint: involuntary control over
Hint: fight or flight
HInt: rest and digest
Hint: regulated by
sympathetic and
Part B. Sense Organs
(1 pt for each question unless otherwise noted)
19. Which of the following types of receptors detect changes in temperature?
a. chemoreceptors
b. hair cells
c. thermoreceptors
d. electromagnetic receptors
e. mechanoreceptors
20. What region of the brain functions as the body’s major thermostat?
a. pons
b. cerebellum
c. hypothalamus
d. medulla oblongata
**21. Which of the following is a type of mechanoreceptor?
a. stretch receptor
b. retina
c. cone cell
d. taste bud
e. rod cell
22. The sensory receptors for taste, smell, and hearing are, respectively, _____.
a. chemoreceptors, chemoreceptors, and mechanoreceptors
b. thermoreceptors, chemoreceptors, and free nerve endings
c. thermoreceptors, chemoreceptors, and mechanoreceptors
d. chemoreceptros, chemoreceptors, and free nerve endings
e. pain receptors, chemoreceptors, and mechanoreceptors
23. What type of eye, or eye structure, allows for image formation?
a. retina
b. single-lens eye
c. eye cup
d. vitreous humor
e. pupil
24. The fluid in the anterior chamber of the eye is the ____.
a. aqueous humor
b. ciliary humor
c. vitreous humor
d. pupillary humor
e. tears
25. Match each disorder with the correct description.
(1 point for each blank)
otitis media
_______ farsightedness
_______ farsightedness caused by loss of elasticity of the lens of the eye,
occurring typically in middle and old age
_______ is the inability to see well at night or in poor light. It is not a disease in
itself, but rather a symptom of an underlying problem, usually a
retina problem
______ a defect in the eye or in a lens caused by a deviation from spherical
curvature, which results in distorted images, as light rays are
prevented from meeting at a common focus
_______ also known as pinkeye, is an inflammation of the conjunctiva
_______ nearsightedness
______ a group of inflammatory diseases of the middle ear
True or False
If a statement is false, please fix the underlined word to make the statement true.
(1 pt for each question)
26. ______ Smell requires the stimulus to be dissolved in mucus.
27. _______ The olfactory sense is the sense of sight.
28. _______ Diffuculty in distinguishing red from green is most likely due to a defect in
certain cornea cells.
29. _______ The pons is the region of the brain that functions as the body’s major
30. Please put the following terms in the correct order to appropriately trace the path of
light into your eyes.
Terms: retina, lens, cornea, pupil
Part C. Endocrine System
(1 pt for each question unless otherwise noted)
Short Answer
***31. Part I. What is homeostasis? What is negative feedback? (1 point for each
32. Since water-soluble hormones are unable to pass through the plasma membrane,
the cellular action they initiate results from _____.
a. ligand binding
b. the activation of a signal transduction pathway
c. direct stimulation of the cell’s DNA
d. the enzymatic behavior of the signal molecule
e. binding to the intracellular receptors
33. Since water-soluble hormones are unable to pass through the plasma membrane,
the cellular action they initiate results from _____.
a. steroids are bigger, slower molecules
b. steroids must usually be carried longer distances by the blood
c. steroid hormones produce a hormone-receptor complex that attaches to sites
on the cell’s DNA; this takes time
d. Steroids must relay their message via relay molecules
e. it takes longer for endocrine cells to make and secrete steroids
34. Which of the following hormones is(are) believed to act at the cellular level by
entering the nucleus and interacting with the nuclear genetic material?
a. protein hormones
b. thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
c. sex hormones (steroids)
d. epinephrine
e. all hormones act as transcription factors in the nucleus
35. Which of the following is an endocrine gland?
a. salivary gland
b. tear gland
c. pituitary gland
d. prostate gland
e. liver
36. What hormone does the pineal gland produce to chemically identify day and season
a. glucagon
b. thymosin
c. melatonin
d. norepinephrine
e. thyroxine
37. Which of the following organs, although it is considered to be an endocrine organ,
does not actually manufacture hormones but, instead, stores hormones produced
a. thymus
b. adrenal cortex
c. adrenal medulla
d. anterior pituitary
e. posterior pituitary
38. The anterior pituitary gland secretes all of the following except _____.
a. growth hormone
b. prolactin
c. thyroid-stimulating hormone
d. follicle-stimulating hormone
e. oxytocin
39. Which of the following hormones is sometimes given to strengthen contractions of
the uterus during childbirth?
b. thyroxine
c. oxytocin
d. insulin
e. follicle-stimulating hormone
40. The level of which of the following hormones increases in the blood as a means to
conserve water in the body?
a. oxytocin
b. insulin
c. FSH
d. ADH
e. glucagon
*Tie Breaker: The following question will only be considered in the case of a tie and will
be used as a tiebreaker. If there is still a tie, the other questions in this assessment will
be considered tie breakers as well are denoted with a * next to them
Please fill in the following table to the best of your knowledge. Each correct combination
is worth one point.
Match each hormone (top) with the gland where it is produced (center) and its effect on
target cells (bottom).
1. thyroxine ________________________________
2. epinephrine ______________________________
3. androgens _______________________________
4. insulin __________________________________
5. melatonin ________________________________
6. FSH ____________________________________
7. PTH ____________________________________
8. ADH ____________________________________
a. lowers blood pressure
b. stimulates ovaries
c. triggers fight-or-flight
d. promotes male traits
e. regulates metabolism
f. related to daily rhythm
g. raises blood calcium level
h. boosts water retention