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Simulating Protein Synthesis and RNA Interference in the Classroom
To simulate the process of protein synthesis using student volunteers and pipe cleaners
A piece of paper with drawings is used to represent the DNA and associated genes while students take
on the roles of active proteins and RNA in the synthesis pathway. A student copies the patterns from the
“DNA” and students carry the patterns to “Ribosome” students who attempt to recreate the drawing
using pipe cleaners. In a second round of simulation the teacher will represent the RNA silencing
proteins and will remove the pattern for a specific “protein” from the pool as students carry patterns to
the ribosome.
Needed Supplies:
Laminated “DNA” Sheet
Pipe cleaners
White Drawing Paper
Student Volunteers, at least:
o One Transcription Protein
o One Ribosome
o One mRNA
1) Select five student volunteers to represent the active parts of Protein Synthesis
2) One student will represent the DNA Transcription proteins and should be seated at a table on
one end of the room
3) A second student will represent the Ribosome, responsible for making proteins from RNA
instructions, and should be seated on the opposite end of the classroom with a set of pipe
4) The remaining students will represent mRNA molecules, responsible for carrying the instructions
for proteins from the DNA to the Ribosome
a. To slow down the process of protein synthesis, additional tables, desks, chairs, and
other obstacles can be placed between the DNA and the Ribosome to represent the
internal contents of the cell and the Nuclear Envelope
5) Present the “Transcription Proteins” Student with the laminated “DNA” sheet containing the
pattern for three different proteins
6) Have the student copy each of the patterns to a separate sheet of white paper and hand it to an
mRNA molecule volunteer
7) The students representing mRNA should carry the copied pattern across the room to the
8) One the ribosome receives a copied protein pattern they should attempt to recreate the drawn
protein using pipe cleaners
a. Make each “protein” a different color pipe cleaner for easy identification
9) Completed “proteins” should be released (tossed) into the cell and the mRNA should disperse
back to their seats
10) After all mRNA has dispersed collect the synthesized proteins.
Simulating RNA Interference
Repeat the simulation for general protein synthesis with the following changes:
Before starting the simulation a second time the teacher should take a piece of paper and copy
down a gene pattern to be “silenced”
While running the simulation the teacher will represent the RNA silencing proteins of the cell
and should wander around between the DNA and Ribosome
The teacher should check the DNA pattern of each mRNA student to see if the pattern matches
with his/her template
If the teacher interacts with a student whose protein matches his/her pattern, the teacher
should take the piece of paper containing the protein pattern and return the student to their
At the end of the simulation, compare the proteins produced to those from the Protein
Synthesis experiment, the “silenced” gene should have been expressed only very little, or not at
After performing both simulations, students can fill out a short table and sheet to display their
understanding of the exercise.
The students represent the active portions of the protein synthesis pathway, whether it be proteins or
RNA. The paper represents information carried either in the DNA or the mRNA and contains the
instructions for the creation of specific proteins. The teacher represents the RNA silencing protein
complex that is activated in RNA interference to remove RNA from the pool that matches its internal
pattern. When RNA interference is activated in the cell the silencing complex removes a protein from
the cell by stopping and removing all RNA carrying instructions to create it. Neither the protein nor the
DNA are effected and all the interaction occurs during information transfer.
DNA Protein Patterns
Fill in the table to identify how the simulation corresponds to the real world:
Person or Object in Simulation
Part of Protein Synthesis
Drawn pictures of Proteins
The Nucleus
Students Carrying Paper
RNA Silencing Proteins
The Student Folding Pipe Cleaners
Folded Pipe Cleaner
DNA Transcription
The Process of Folding Pipe Cleaners
Create a labeled drawing to explain the process of protein synthesis below:
Modify your drawing above to demonstrate how RNA interferences “silences” genes to prevent them
from forming proteins.