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Name _______KEY_____________________
Lab Section _____________________________
Nsci 1100: Human Neuroanatomy
Examination 2
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Lecture 12 brainstem
1. In the intact brain, the dorsal side of the fourth ventricle is covered by …
A. pontine grey (pontine nuclei).
B. cerebellum.
C. inferior colliculus.
D. cerebral peduncles.
E. medulla.
2. Cells in which brain structure degenerate in Parkinson’s disease?
A. cerebellum
B. inferior olivary nucleus
C. substantia nigra
D. thalamus
E. red nucleus
3. Some axons in the dorsal columns of the spinal cord synapse in the …
A. cuneate nucleus.
B. decussation of the pyramids.
C. inferior olivary nucleus.
D. pontine nuclei.
E. cerebellum.
4. Which of the following is a landmark of the midbrain?
A. pontine nuclei
B. inferior olivary nucleus
C. pyramids
D. fourth ventricle
E. red nucleus
Lecture 13 forebrain
5. The medial lemniscus carries what type of information to the thalamus? (select the best
A. proprioception and touch
B. pain, temperature and touch
C. auditory
D. auditory and vestibular
E. vision
Nsci 1100 – Midterm Exam 2
page 2
6. Which of the following is NOT part of the forebrain?
A. hypothalamus
B. epithalamus
C. pons
D. cerebral cortex
E. optic chiasm
7. Which of the following is a major function of the hypothalamus?
A. regulates temperature
B. regulates circadian rhythms
C. regulates feeding and drinking
D. regulates endocrine systems
all E. More than one of the above are functions of the hypothalamus.
8. The internal capsule carries …
A. axons from spinal cord to cortex.
B. axons from cortex to spinal cord.
C. axons from thalamus to spinal cord.
D. axons from cerebellum to spinal cord.
E. More than one of the above are correct.
Lecture 14 cranial nerves
9. Although axons in cranial nerves can function in general motor, parasympathetic, general
sensory or special sensory systems, a single cranial nerve has axons for only a single
function. True or false?
A. true
B. false
10. How many pairs of cranial nerves do humans normally have?
A. 10
B. 11
C. 12
D. 14
E. 15
11. Which cranial nerve is NOT part of the peripheral nervous system?
A. optic nerve (CN II)
B. oculomotor nerve (CN III)
C. trigeminal nerve (CN V)
D. facial nerve (CN VII)
E. vagus nerve (CN X)
12. Bell’s Palsy results from a loss of function of what cranial nerve?
A. optic nerve (CN II)
B. oculomotor nerve (CN III)
C. trigeminal nerve (CN V)
D. facial nerve (CN VII)
E. vagus nerve (CN X)
Nsci 1100 – Midterm Exam 2
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Lecture 15 somatosensory I
13. What is the function of Pacinian corpuscles deep in the dermis of the skin?
A. They are receptor cells for vibration and relay this information via synapses to dorsal
root ganglion neurons.
B. They are a class of dorsal root ganglion neurons that are activated by vibration.
C. They are specialized cells that surround the receptor endings of dorsal root ganglion
neurons activated by vibration.
D. They are cells that vibrate when activated and are often near sensory neurons.
14. Proprioceptive information from the right side of the body is carried to the cerebellum by
axons ascending in tracks on what side of the spinal cord?
A. right
B. left
C. both sides
15. Where do most primary sensory (receptor) neurons carrying pain information from the body
have synapses?
A. dorsal root ganglia
B. dorsal horn of the spinal cord
C. gracilis or cuneate nucleus
D. ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus
16. Primary somatosensory cortex for information from the face is localized in a …
A. dorsal region of the precentral gyrus.
B. dorsal region of the postcentral gyrus.
C. dorsal region of the orbitofrontal gyrus.
D. ventral region of the precentral gyrus.
E. ventral region of the postcentral gyrus.
Lecture 16 somatosensory II (from Dr. Giesler)
17. Which statement regarding diabetes is FALSE?
A. It increases circulation of blood in the legs.
B. It can cause neuropathies to develop.
C. It can prevent pain reflexes from occurring.
D. It can lead to gangrene.
E. It can produce pain.
18. Which
of the following is a pathological condition in which gentle, innocuous stimuli cause
19. Damage to the lung often causes pain to be referred to which of the following?
A. chest
B. left arm
C. cranium
D. upper back
E. None of the above is correct.
Nsci 1100 – Midterm Exam 2
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20. Which of the following can cause itch?
A. morphine applied to the spinal cord
C. Hodgkin’s disease
D. diseases of the gall bladder
all E. More than one of the above can cause itch.
Lecture 17 & 18 vision
21. The first structure light passes through when entering the eye is the …
A. anterior chamber.
B. sclera.
C. cornea.
D. lens.
E. retina.
22. Insufficient drainage of aqueous humor into the blood vasculature in the margins of the
anterior chamber of the eye results in a condition called glaucoma. True or false?
A. true
B. false
23. Which of the following cranial nerves is most important for pointing your eyes at the text on
this page?
A. trigeminal nerve (CN V)
B. abducens nerve (CN VI)
C. facial nerve (CN VII)
D. glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
E. accessory nerve (CN XI)
24. A muscle in which of the following structures is particularly important for focusing the visual
image on the retina?
A. iris
B. choroid
C. sclera
D. ciliary body
E. pigment epithelium
25. Which of the following statements regarding rod cells in the retina is true?
A. Rod cells detect three different colors but only in low illumination.
B. Rod cells are particularly important for motion detection.
C. The highest density of rod cells is in the fovea.
D. Rods are the only photoreceptor in the optic nerve head.
E. More than one of the above are true.
26. Which of the following statements regarding the suprachiasmatic nucleus is true?
A. Visual information reaches the suprachiasmatic nucleus via axons of neurons in the
lateral geniculate nucleus.
B. The suprachiasmatic nucleus is required for the pupillary light reflex.
C. The suprachiasmatic nucleus regulates sleep wake cycles.
D. The axons from neurons in the suprachiasmatic nucleus that synapse in parietal
association cortex are important for regulating visual attention.
Nsci 1100 – Midterm Exam 2
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Everyone received credit for the next question, although it might appear again on the final exam.
27. Which of the following statements regarding the lateral geniculate nucleus is true?
A. Individual neurons in the right lateral geniculate nucleus receive visual information
from the right and left sides of the visual field.
B. Individual neurons in the right lateral geniculate nucleus receive synapses from
retinal ganglion cells in the right and left eyes.
C. Individual neurons in the right lateral geniculate nucleus receive synapses from
retinal ganglion cells in the right or left eye, but not both.
D. Individual neurons in the right lateral geniculate nucleus receive synapses from Mand P-type retinal ganglion cells.
E. More than one of the above are true.
28. An area in which lobe of cerebral cortex is most important for recognizing an object using
A. frontal lobe
B. parietal lobe
C. temporal lobe
D. limbic lobe
E. cerebellar lobe
Lecture 19 hearing & balance
29. A pressure differential between the middle ear and the outside world is normally equalized
by opening the …
A. external auditory meatus.
B. eustachian tube.
C. round window.
D. oval window.
E. small hole in the top of the head.
30. A friend of yours has scarring on one tympanic membrane due to an ear infection when she
was young. She was complaining that she had trouble hearing. What would you say to her?
A. I would suggest that she ask her physician about getting a hearing aid.
B. I would suggest that she ask her physician about getting a cochlear implant.
C. I would suggest that she ask her physician about getting a cortical implant that
directly activates auditory cortex.
D. I would explain that her problem is probably not due to the scarring on one tympanic
membrane since her good ear sends information to both sides of the brain.
E. I would tell her that she is not missing anything since there really is nothing worth
31. How many vestibular sensory apparatuses are in the right inner ear?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
E. 7
Nsci 1100 – Midterm Exam 2
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32. The axons of neurons in the vestibular nuclei in the brainstem synapse …
A. with hair cells in the semicircular canal or otoliths.
B. in the vestibular ganglion in the inner ear.
C. in the flocculonodular lobe in the cerebellum.
D. in the parietal lobe of cerebral cortex.
E. in the frontal lobe of cerebral cortex.
Lecture 20 chemical senses
33. Taste receptor cells have their somas in the tongue and send axons into the brainstem via
cranial nerves. True or false?
A. true
B. false
34. Taste information is carried into the central nervous system by axons in which cranial nerve?
A. trigeminal nerve (CN V)
B. facial nerve (CN VII)
C. glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
D. accessory nerve (CN XI)
BC E. More than one of the above are correct.
35. Sensory information detected on one side of the body is typically relayed to the contralateral
(opposite) side of cerebral cortex or to both sides. Which of the following sensory systems is
sent only to the ipsilateral (same) side of cerebral cortex?
A. vision
B. hearing
C. taste
D. somatosensory
E. More than one of the above are correct.
36. Taste, olfactory and somatosensory information comes together in what region of the
cerebral cortex?
A. Insula
B. orbitofrontal cortex
C. prefrontal cortex
D. parietal lobe
E. These three systems never come together.
Nsci 1100 – Midterm Exam 2
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Lab #3 (from Dr. Nakagawa)
37. Which of the following statements is true about the structure
indicated by an arrow in the image to the right?
A. It is called the axonal arbor.
B. It is called the dendritic shaft.
C. It is called the dendritic spine.
D. It is present in all neurons.
Lab #4 (from Dr. Nakagawa)
38. Which of the following statements is NOT true about action potentials?
A. The depolarization phase requires voltage-gated sodium channels.
B. The repolarization phase is largely due to the opening of voltage-gated potassium
C. Sodium ions leave the cell when the voltage-gated sodium channels open.
D. Potassium ions leave the cell when the voltage-gated potassium channels open.
E. The membrane potential becomes positive at the peak of the action potential.
39. Which of the following statements is NOT true about tetrodotoxin (TTX)?
A. It is found in pufferfish.
B. It blocks voltage-gated sodium channels.
C. It delays or blocks formation of action potentials.
D. It blocks voltage-gated calcium channels.
Lab #5 (from Dr. Nakagawa)
40. Which of the following structures is NOT stained by the Prussian blue method?
A. myelin
B. cell body
C. cell nucleus
D. dendrites
The End!
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