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Cell Project
Learning Target: I can d escribe the physical structure a nd function a nd of cell organelles. Organelles to research:
Organelles Plasma membrane Cytoplasm/ Cytosol Nucleus Ribosomes Nucleolus Smooth Endoplasmic reticulum Rough Endoplasmic reticulum Golgi bodies Vacuoles Lysosomes Centrioles Mitochondria Chloroplasts Cell Wall Cilia, Flagella Page N umber 185 191 193 193 193 194 194 195 195 196 196 197 197 198 198 Table 7.1 (on page 199) summarizes cell structures Project Choices: Please s elect one of the following projects: 1) Cell Superhero Trading Cards: design trading cards that illustrate the cell organelles as superheroes front of card: a colorful drawing of each organelle represented as a superhero back of card: description of the organelle, which includes: 1. function of the organelle 2. physical description (drawing or adding a p icture may be h elpful) 3. location in the cell 4. size 5. type of cell: plant, animal, or b oth? prokaryote or eukaryote? Group Size: you may work with a partner to complete this cell trading cards. 2) Cell City/School: create a 3-­‐D model depicting the cell as a city/ school/ amusement park/ or an analogy of your choice design and label a 3-­‐D m odel of the cell as a school/city/other analogy considerations of your city include: energy, transportation, manufacturing and production, d efense, storage, maintenance be sure to represent a ll of the above organelles and their functions In addition to your 3-­‐D model, you should also include a written description as to what each aspect of the city represents in terms of cell organelle/function. Be as d escriptive as possible, and write in complete s entences, in explaining the reasoning for relating each organelle to a n aspect of the analogy. “Cell City” example (cannot be used): golgi apparatus: post office, b ecause the Golgi apparatus modifies, sorts, and packages proteins nucleus: town hall, b ecause the nucleus is like the city mayor/manager and directs all cell processes mitochondria: power plant, b ecause mitochondria generate energy for the cell Group Size: you may work a partner to create the model and written d escription. 3) Cell Survivor: create video recordings “Survivor” style, arguing why each individual organelle is important to the structure and functioning of cells as a whole Create video recordings to make one d esperate attempt to keep each cell organelle from being voted out of the cell. Make a convincing argument as to why each cell organelle is important and the cell cannot survive without it. You will upload a s eparate video recording for each organelle, and each video should express your reasoning for keeping your cell part. Your arguments should include: •
What the cell part (organelle) does in the cell? What is its role in the characteristics of life? Why that function is n ecessary for cell survival? A d escription of the cell part’s structure What would happen to the organism if the organelle was missing or malfunctioning? Your recording should b e b etween 1 -­‐2 minutes for each organelle. When you have finished recording your argument, make sure you email or post your video to Edmodo. Group Size: you may work in a group of 3 to create the video recordings.