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Name ______________________________ Class ___________________ Date __________________
Skills Worksheet
Critical Thinking Chapter 7
In the space provided, write the letter of the term or phrase that best describes
how each numbered item looks.
_____ 1. flagellum
a. hot dog with a maze inside
b. water balloon
c. tail on a skate (a type of fish)
d. stack of pancakes
e. spikes
_____ 2. mitochondrion
_____ 3. pili
_____ 4. Golgi apparatus
_____ 5. central vacuole
In the space provided, write the letter of the term or phrase that best describes
how each numbered item functions.
_____ 6. chloroplast
_____ 7. cell membrane
_____ 8. ribosome
_____ 9. cytoskeleton fibers
_____ 10. vesicle
a. scaffolding
b. sugar factory
c. protein factory
d. ribosome factory
e. reclosable plastic bag
f. security gate and fence
_____ 11. nucleolus
Cause and Effect
In the space provided, write the letter of the term or phrase that best matches each
cause or effect given below.
12. _______________
13. microtubules present
14. _______________
15. surface free of
16. ________________
cell theory
cell structures protected
from substances that
could break them down
rough ER
a. ribosomes present
b. smooth ER
c. observations of
Schleiden, Schwann,
and Virchow
d. enzymes made in
Golgi apparatus
encased in a lysosome
e. information moves
from one part of the
cell to another part
Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
Holt Biology
Cell Structure
Name ______________________________ Class ___________________ Date __________________
Critical Thinking continued
In the spaces provided, write the letters of the two terms or phrases that are linked
together by the term or phrase in the middle. The choices can be placed in any
17. ribosome parts pass into
cytoplasm ______
18. _____ protein crosses
ER membrane______
19. central vacuole ______
20. _____ Golgi apparatus ______
a. protein produced on a ribosome
b. rough ER, through cytoplasm
c. water enters
d. through cytoplasm to cell membrane
e. ribosome completed outside of
f. plant cell rigidity
g. nucleolus produces ribosome parts
h. vesicle formed from ER membrane
around protein
An analogy is a relationship between two pairs of terms or phrases written as
a : b :: c : d. The symbol : is read as “is to,” and the symbol :: is read as “as.”
In the space provided, write the letter of the pair of terms that best completes the
analogy shown.
_____ 21. Hooke : cork cells ::
a. Schleiden : animals
b. van Leeuwenhoek : single-celled organisms
c. Virchow : plants
d. Schwann : disease-causing microbes
_____ 22. prokaryote : nucleus ::
a. plant cell : chloroplasts
b. bacteria : ribosomes
c. cell : cell membrane
d. animal cell : cell wall
_____ 23. large cell : small cell ::
a. protist : plant cell
b. bacteria : protist
c. inefficient : efficient
d. specialized : unspecialized
Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
Holt Biology
Cell Structure