Download A plant cell consists of many organelles. Each one of them plays its

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A plant cell consists of many organelles. Each
one of them plays its own role to make the cell
function correctly. If the cell was missing a
organelle not would not function the way it’s
meant to.
What a plant cell contains
Golgi Bodies
Rough and smooth Endoplasmis Reticulum
Plasma Membrane
Nucleus- the nucleus is one of the most
important parts in a cell. It is found right in the
centre of the cell and has two major functions.
1-It stores the cells DNA.
2- It also organizes the cells activities, which
consists of cell division, protein synthesis,
intermediary metabolism and growth.
Nucleolous- the primary role in the nucleus is
ribosome biogenesis.
Golgi Bodies- the Golgi Bodies distributes for any
chemicals within the cell. Proteins and fats are
modified which have been built in the
endoplasmic reticulum and prepares them to get
exported outside the cell.
Ribosomes- Any living thing will contain
ribosomes within the cell. They are made up of
60 percent RNA and 40 percent protein.
Ribosomes are tiny organelles
Lysosomes- (also called cell vesicles) round
organelles surrounded by a membrane and
containing digestive enzymes. This is where the
digestion of cell nutrients takes place.
Rough Endoplasmis Reticulum- membranous,
infolded and convoluted sacks that are located
in the cell's cytoplasm (the ER is continuous
with the outer nuclear membrane). Rough ER is
covered with ribosomes that give it a rough
appearance. Rough ER transports materials
through the cell and produces proteins in sacks
called cisternae (which are sent to the Golgi
body, or inserted into the cell membrane).
Smooth Endoplasmis Reticulum- (smooth ER) a
vast system of interconnected, membranous,
infolded and convoluted tubes that are located
in the cell's cytoplasm (the ER is continuous
with the outer nuclear membrane). The space
within the ER is called the ER lumen. Smooth
ER transports materials through the cell. It
contains enzymes and produces and digests
lipids and membrane proteins, smooth ER buds
off from rough ER, moving the newly-made
proteins and lipids to the Golgi body, lysosomes,
and membranes.
Mitochondria- Mitochondria break down
carbohydrate and sugar molecules to supply
energy. They are oblong shaped organelles and
found in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells.
Microtubules- microtubules are also found in the
cytoplasm of a eukaryotic ell. They are a hollow
cylinder shape. Microtubules carry out many
different functions such as transport and
structural support.
Cytoplasm- Most of the celluar activities happen
in the cytoplasm. Such functions as growth,
replication and cell expansion occur in the
cytoplasm. Cytosol is a major part in the
cytoplasm. It has enzymes which take molecules
and break them down. This then allows
individual organelles to use them when they
need to.
Plasma Membrane- a plasma membrane is
found in all living cells. They regulate the
passage of molecules in and out of cells.
Plastids- the main function for a plastid is to
store molecules. A certain type of molecule that
plastids store is called pigment. This is when
fruits and vegetables are orange or red when
they ripen.
Vacuole- every plant cell has only one large
vacuole. It helps in plant growth. The vacuole
also plays a very important structure for the
Chloroplasts- the chloroplast allows the
important process of photosynthesis to occur.
This is when the chloroplasts make their own
food by turning light energy into chemical
How the plant cell works as a whole
So you know the function of each organelle
within the plant cell but what happens when
one of the organelles don’t do its role?
If there was one part of the plant cell that
wasn’t functioning correctly then the whole cell
wouldn’t perform to its full ability. Each of the
organelles is connected in some way but yet they
are not all joined together. For example the
microtubules are connected to the cytoplasm
which allows them to work together. If the
microtubules weren’t working correctly then the
rest of the cell would not be able to function
correctly leaving the cell useless. Each part of
the plant cell has its own role within in the
plant cell and it’s responsible for making sure it
does what it’s meant to. So therefore all of the
organelles found within in the plant cell need to
work together and work correctly to function to
full ability.