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Lesson 1 - Structuring Cell Processes
The Cell Theory states:
ii) Cells are the functional units of life.
iii) -_________________________________________________________
In order for a cell to carry out its day-to-day functions, it must:
Convert energy from an external source into a form that works within the
Carry out chemical reactions;
Eliminate wastes;
Keep records of how to build structures.
There are two basic cell types known as ____________________ and
____________________ cells.
Prokaryotes (pro = before) are the ____________________ cells with the simplest type
of internal organization; _________________________. Instead the DNA is
concentrated in an area inside the cell called the ___________________.
____________________________ is an example of a prokaryote.
Eukaryotes (eu = true) are cells that ________________________________________.
These cells are larger and have a more complex internal structure. They also have a
__________________. Examples of Eukaryotes include
In addition to the nucleus, eukaryotes have specialized structures called
______________________. These organelles have a highly specific function within the
Organelles allow the cell to
_______________________________________________________ so that several
chemical reactions can occur simultaneously. Also, many organelles contain
_____________________________________ that increase the surface area on which
chemical reactions can be coordinated.
Cell organelles are suspended in protoplasm (cytoplasm), which is a thick, semitransparent medium inside the cell membrane.
A) Structures of Animal Cells:
The nucleus is a round, dense area near the centre of an animal cell, and off to the side of
a plant cell.
The nucleus is the “brain” of the cell,
Unless the cell is preparing for division, the DNA will be found in an uncoiled state
within the nucleus called ____________________. When the cell prepares for division,
the DNA will be in the form of ________________________ (twisted upon itself).
The nucleus also contains a nucleolus, which is a
Every cell contains thousands of ribosomes.
Ribosomes are assembled in the nucleus, and contain 2 subunits:
Ribosomes help to produce proteins used within the cell.
The ER are ___________________________________ which attach to the nuclear
membrane and often extend their cytoplasm to attach to the cell membrane.
If ribosomes remain attached to the ER, it is called
__________________________________________ (or RER). If there are no ribosomes
attached, it is called ________________________________________________ (or
The ER contains numerous folded membranes, which provide a ___________________
for chemical reactions to take place.
The ER also _______________________________ such as lipids.
When proteins are produced on the ribosomes, they travel into the
Therefore, the ER serves as a transport system and as a site of chemical reactions.
The Golgi apparatus consists of ________________________________________. They
may resemble the ER, however, there are ____________________ attached, nor does it
connect to the __________________________.
The function of the Golgi apparatus is to package substances delivered to it by the ER
[_________________________________] and transport these packages (in vacuoles) to
their appropriate locations
The Golgi apparatus also forms _______________________, which are specialized
vesicles, used to transport cellular digestive enzymes safely through the cytoplasm.
To summarize:
diff. locations
Circular, ______________________________________________________________.
They are formed by the GA or by inpocketing of the cell membrane during
______________________________, or ___________________________________.
Act as “_____________________________” to carry substances (i.e., nutrients) around
the cell or to the cell membrane (i.e., wastes).
Also called the “_____________________________” or “____________________” of
the cell, since it produces the energy (ATP) required by the cell to perform its normal
functions. Cells such as those in the liver, where a large amount of ATP is needed can
house as many as _________________________________________________!
It is bound by 2 membranes:
The ______________________________________ is convoluted, and it extends into the
interior of the organelle to form _______________________________________”. The
inner membrane is highly folded, thereby increasing the
______________________________ and sites for the production of ATP.
The _________________________________ separates the inner membrane from the
cytoplasm, allowing for a safe place for ATP to be made.
Also called the “________________________” of the cell!
They resemble vacuoles, but they have a __________________________________ to
prevent the digestive enzymes within from escaping.
Lysosomes are ______________________________.They have 3 functions:
destroy germs/pathogens;
destroy old _______________________________ or even the cell itself as it
__________________, in order to recycle the elements.
Peroxisomes are synthesized in the cytoplasm, and resemble lysosomes and vacuoles.
Their main function is to break down
___________________________________________ and detoxify alcohol (ethanol).
The cytoskeleton extends from the __________________________________________.
It has 3 functions:
a) ________________________________________________________________;
b) gives shape to the cell;
c) ________________________________________________________________.
The cytoskeleton consists of three components:
Actin filaments form a _________________________ under the cell membrane and
contract repeatedly. This forms the ______________________________________
Intermediate filaments __________________________________________________ as
well as support the nuclear envelope and cell membrane.
The rod-like tubes of microtubules act like tracts along which organelles, such as vesicles
and mitochondria, _______________________________________ with irregular
contours. They also form the
________________________________________________ and of centrioles, cilia, and
There _________________________________ found in each animal cell. They help the
cell to divide.
Each centriole is composed of 9 groups of 3 microtubules. Centrioles are at right angles
to each other.
The cytoplasm surrounding the centrioles is referred to as the
_______________________. The centrioles are near, but outside the nucleus.
Cilia are short cylindrical projections that produce a _____________________________
Flagella are long projections that produce an undulating,
Both have the same internal construction, and can
____________________________________ using energy from the cell.
B) Structures of Plant Cells:
Notice that many organelles are the same, and perform the same functions, however there
are some differences.
Plant cells:
a) ____________________________________________________________;
b) have a cell wall;
c) have fewer _______________________, since they can make their own
d) have __________________________;
e) lack centrioles and centrosome, since they undergo cell division differently.
The cell wall consists mostly of cellulose fibers and adds ______________________ to
the cell.
Unlike the membrane, the cell wall __________________________ control the materials
that can pass through it. However, the cell wall does help the cell deal with hypertonic or
hypotonic environments. It prevents the cell from
The central vacuole is a large fluid-filled sac that presses outwards on the cell wall to
help support it.
It also provides a _______________________________ for water and other substances.
The green _______________________ is one of a group of organelles in a plant cells
called plastids, which contain stacked internal membrane sacs.
These sacs are enclosed with a double membrane, and have the ability to perform
___________________________ (only when exposed to light). They also act as storage
containers for starches, lipids, and proteins.
They have their own ______________________________________.
The green pigment _____________________ gives chloroplasts their colour.