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Structure Green; contains chlorophyll; many in cell if it is
photosynthesizing (like a leaf cell)
Function A plastid that absorbs sunlight as the 1st step in
Cell Membrane
Made of lipids with proteins embedded in them (fluid mosaic
model); composed of 2 layers of molecules.
Separates the cell from its external environment; it gives shape
and flexibility to the cell, selectively permeable membrane (lets
some things in but not others).
Cell Wall
Structure Rigid covering of plant cell; made of long chains
of cellulose.
Function Gives cell shape and protection.
Structure Membrane structure that looks like a vacuole but
is usually smaller.
Function Digests unnecessary parts or worn out cell
organelles. “The garbage dump” can fuse with
vacuoles to digest its contents.
Structure Filled with protein rich nucleoplasm; contains
chromosomes and one nucleolus, held in by a
nuclear envelope, one per cell, round and large.
Function Site for nucleic acids to be synthesized, directs the
activities of the cell, involved in cell division.
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
Structure A membrane system composed of folded sacs and tunnels,
can be joined to the nuclear envelope; covered with
ribosomes (rough ER); or not covered with ribosomes
(smooth ER); amounts can vary between cells
Function An intracellular highway & as a storage area for proteins to
be later exported from the cell.
Structure Large organelles; number varies depending on cell
type; 2 membranes: smooth outer membrane for a
boundary, and an inner membrane with many
folds call cristae to increase surface area.
Function Respiration centers of the cell; produces ATP; the
“Powerhouse” of the cell.
Golgi Body (Apparatus)
Structure Flat, pancake like stack of membranes
Function Packaging, processing, and secreting proteins
Structure Jelly like material found inside the cell membrane;
contains water, salts, & organic molecules.
Function Surrounds organelles; constantly in motion
(cytoplasmic streaming); transports materials.
Structure Can take up as much as 90% of the volume of cell.
Function Large water vacuoles are found in plant cells;
stores enzymes and waste products.
Structure 1 pair per cell, sit at right angles to each other;
Function Involved in cell reproduction (mitosis)
Characteristics Unicellular organisms composed of
prokaryotic cells; prokaryotic cells lack
membrane bound structures (no true
Characteristics Unicellular or multi-cellular organisms composed of
eukaryotic cells, which contain a true nucleus and
membrane-bound organelles
Yeast, plants, and animals
Structure Most numerous of cell organelles; small spherical
Function Site of protein synthesis (assembling)