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Review for Final Exam
Name: _____________________________
Date: ______________________Per:_____
Unit 1: Intro, history, DNA structure
1. What is genetics?
2. Who is Gregor Mendel?
3. List the 4 major areas of study in genetics and describe their focus.
Major areas of genetic study
Main focus
4. What controls the inheritance of your traits and what does multifactorial mean?
5. Compare DNA to RNA (include structure and function)
Name of sugar
Nitrogen Bases
Base Pairing Rule
# of Strands
6. What is a sequence of DNA that codes for making a protein?
7. Explain what DNA replication is and when a cell would need to do this.
8. Describe the steps in protein synthesis (include where they happen in the cell).
9. Replicate the following DNA sequence to produce the complimentary strand:
10. Transcribe the following DNA sequence (think about what type of nucleic acid you’re making during
11. What enzyme is responsible for unzipping the double helix during protein synthesis and/or replication?
12. What enzyme is responsible for bringing in the complimentary nucleotides during DNA replication?
13. Explain what semi-conservative replication means.
14. Explain the significance of the numbers 46 and 23 with regards to the human genome.
15. What is a karyotype and what information can be determined by analyzing it?
16. What are the three different structures of a chromosome? Draw a picture of each and label them.
17. How much of our DNA used to be called junk DNA?
18. What determines the synthesis of a protein?
19. Intervening sequences in the genome which are transcribed but are later edited out of the final message.
20. What are the sequences of DNA that are translated into proteins called?
Unit 2: Mendelian Genetics
21. Explain what a monohybrid cross is and provide an example, using a Punnett Square to illustrate it.
22. List Mendel’s Postulates, which then became the major principles of classical genetics.
23. What is a pedigree?
24. Explain what chi square analysis is and write the formula to calculate it.
25. Describe the Hardy-Weinberg Equation and what it can be used for. Be sure to label each part of the equation
regarding what genotype frequency they represent.
26. What conditions are necessary to maintain the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium?
27. Provide a sample problem using Hardy-Weinberg Equation to solve for allele frequency. Show your work.
28. What hypothesis regarding skin variation, selects for dark skin and allows for reproduction to influence that trait?
Unit 3: Mutations & Disease
29. Explain what epigenetics is.
30. Explain how genes can be turned on and turned off by chemical attachment.
31. Describe how each of the following terms influences gene expression:
a. Suppressor genes
b. Genomic imprinting
c. Position effect
d. Various types of environmental influences, including temperature.
32. Changes in a gene’s nucleotide sequence are called?
33. Give an example of how mutations can be beneficial.
34. What factors can contribute to genetic variation and cause natural selection that can lead to evolution?
35. Describe what each of the variables in the following expression represents or tells us:
47, XX +21
36. Label the following examples with the specific mutations they illustrate and give a brief definition of each:
37. Complete the chart below
Type of Point Mutation
Effect on amino acid
38. What is a Frameshift mutation?
39. Which type of mutation would have a larger affect on the resulting protein?
40. Compare the different types of chromosomal mutations: deletion, duplication, inversion, translocation.
41. What chromosomal abnormality results from non-disjunction of homologous chromosomes resulting in an extra
chromosome? When it lacks one homologous chromosome?
42. List reasons why someone might be interested in genetic testing.
43. What is mad cow and compare that to Creutzfield-Jacob disease.
44. What is a prion?
45. Explain genomic imprinting and x-inactivation.
46. How come your genome doesn’t necessarily determine your phenotype?
47. Explain what gene therapy is, the advantages and the limitations.
48. Explain how pharmacogenetics can be used to in regards to genetic diseases.
Unit 4: Genetic Engineering/Testing/Ethics
49. What is genetic engineering and what can it be used for?
50. What are restriction enzymes used for?
51. What process is used to separate the DNA fragments after restriction enzymes have been used?
52. If an electrophoresis gel was used to separate DNA fragments and it ran from bottom to top, where would the
longer fragments be located?
53. What charge does DNA carry and what evidence supports your answer?
54. Describe the step-by-step process of gel electrophoresis.
55. What is the purpose of a buffer solution in the electrophoresis chamber?
56. Two different DNA strands spliced together is called _?_.
57. What are “sticky ends” and how are they created?
58. Create a DNA sequence that is 6-9 nucleotides long and illustrate how sticky ends are created.
59. What can the sticky ends be used for?
60. What can restriction enzymes that leave straight cuts be used for?
61. List the steps to create recombinant DNA.
62. Explain what a transgenic organism is.
63. How is the foreign gene introduced into the organism to be transformed?
64. Give an example of a real transgenic organism.
65. Explain the benefits and disadvantages of GMOs
66. List some advantages of transformed organisms and how they benefit us in real life.
67. What is a plasmid?
68. Describe how we transformed the E.coli.
69. In our transformation lab, what evidence would have suggested that we successfully transformed the E.coli with
the green fluorescent protein? List all that you can think of.
70. What traits did the E.coli possess after a successful transformation?
71. What is cloning? Explain the process.
72. How are clones different than transgenic organisms?
73. List advantages and disadvantages of the ability to clone organisms.
74. Explain the difference between mosaics and chimerics.
75. Explain gene doping
76. What is one side effect from use EPO to boost performance?
****You should also review your notes, labs and worksheets. Come in for help if you need it. ****