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Word/ Phrase
Official Definition
The sugar and phosphate group are
identical in all DNA nucleotides.
However, the nitrogenous base may
be any one of four different kinds –
thymine, cytosine, adenine, or
guanine. Nitrogenous bases that have
a double ring of carbon and nitrogen
atoms, such as adenine and guanine,
are called purines.
In My Own Words
A purine base, C5H5N5, that is a
component involved in base pairing
with thymine in DNA and with uracil in
One of the alternative forms of a gene
that governs a characteristic, such as
hair color
An allele is an alternative form of a
gene (one member of a pair) that is
located at a specific position on a
specific chromosome. The gene for
seed shape in pea plants exists in two
forms, one form or allele for round
seed shape (R) and the other for
wrinkled seed shape (r).
One of the two strands of a
chromosome that becomes visible
during meiosis or mitosis. During the S
phase, when the chromosome
replicate 2 chromatids form
The exchange of genetic material
between homologous chromosomes
during meiosis; can result in genetic
The sugar and phosphate group are
identical in all DNA nucleotides.
However, the nitrogenous base may
be any one of four different kinds –
thymine, cytosine, adenine, or
guanine. Nitrogenous bases that have
a single ring of carbon and nitrogen
atoms, such as cytosine and thymine,
are called pyrimidines.
The offspring of a dihybrid cross are
called dihybrids. A dihybrid cross is a
Portions of chromatids may break off
and attach to adjacent chromatids on
the homologous chromosome – a
procees called crossing-over which
allows genetic recombination.
A pyrimidine base that is a component
of DNA and RNA, forming a base pair
with guanine. Chemical formula:
cross in which two characteristics are
A cell that contains two haploid sets of
F1 Cross
First filial: when the P generation
F2 Cross
Second filial: when the F1 generation
The entire genetic makeup of an
organism; also the combination of
genes for one or more specific traits
One of the four main nitrogenous
bases found in nucleic acids
Describes a cell, nucleus, or organism
that has only one set of unpaired
Incomplete Dominance
Describes an individual that has two
different alleles for a trait
Describes an individual that has
identical alleles for a trait on both
homologous chromosomes
A condition in which a trait in an
individual is intermediate between the
phenotype of the individual’s two
parents because the dominant allele is
unable to express itself fully
A micrograph of the array of
chromosomes visible in a cell during
metaphase; a graphical display that
shows an individual’s chromosomes
arranged in homologous pairs and in
order of diminishing size
RrYy RrYy RrYy RrYy
RrYy RrYy RrYy RrYy
RrYy RrYy RrYy RrYy
This Punnett square is a dihybrid cross
of a homozygous recessive (rryy) and a
homozygous dominant (RRYY).
Diploid means that there is the full
number of chromosomes whereas
haploid means that there is half the
number of chromosomes.
True breeding (P generation) x True
breeding (P generation) = F1
The self pollination of the F1
generation = the F2 generation
An F2 cross is the cross between the
F1 generation that was produced.
The genetic makeup (ex. PP, Pp, pp)
One of the four nitrogenous bases
which is a purine
Two alleles in the pair are different :
one dominant, one recessive (ex. Pp)
Both alleles of a pair are like: both
dominant, both recessive (ex. PP, pp)
The F1 offspring will have a phenotype
in between that of the parents (ex.
When red flowering four o’clocks are
crossed with white flowering four
o’clocks, all of the F1 offspring has
pink flowers)
An organized profile of an individual’s
Nitrogen base
An organic base that contains
nitrogen, such as a purine or
pyrimidine; a subunit of a nucleotide
in DNA and RNA
In a nucleic-acid chain, a subunit that
consists of a sugar, a phosphate, and a
nitrogenous base
A diagram that shows the occurrence
of a genetic trait in several
generations of a family
An organism’s appearance or other
detectable characteristic that results
from the organism’s genotype and the
Describes a characteristic that is
influenced by many genes
A nitrogenous base that has a doublering structure; one of the two general
categories of nitrogenous bases found
in DNA and RNA; either adenine or
A nitrogenous base that has a singlering structure; on e of the two general
categories of nitrogenous bases found
in DNA and RNA; thymine, cytosine, or
The basis for biological inheritance, is
a fundamental process occurring in all
living organisms to copy their DNA
DNA molecules that are artificially
created by combining DNA from
different sources
The four chromatids in a pair of
homologous chromosomes that come
together as a result of synapsis during
The crossing of an individual of
unknown genotype with a
homozygous recessive individual to
determine the unknown genotype
Contains nitrogen (N) atoms and
carbon (C) atoms and is a base
(accepts hydrogen ions)
Both DNA and RNA are polymers,
composed of thousands of linked
monomers called nucleotides. Each
nucleotide is made of three main
components: a phosphate group, a
five-carbon sugar, and a ring-shaped
nitrogenous base.
A document to record ancestry
Organism’s appearance (ex. Purple,
white, etc.)
A characteristic pertaining to two or
more genes (ex. Eye color is polygenic:
It is by determined by a number of
One of the two categories of
nitrogenous bases found in RNA or
DNA; has a double ringed structure
One of the two categories of
nitrogenous bases found in RNA or
DNA; has a single ringed structure
The copying of DNA
Recombinant DNA results when DNA
from two different organisms is joined
A group of four chromatids formed by
synapsis at the beginning of meiosis
A cross involving an unknown
genotype and a homozygous recessive
individual to determine the unknown
A pyrimidine base
A pyrimidine base
The process of forming a nucleic acid
by using another molecule as a
template; particularly the process of
synthesizing RNA by using one strand
of a DNA molecule as a template
The portion of protein synthesis that
takes place at ribosomes and that uses
the codons in mRNA molecules to
specify the sequence of amino acids in
polypeptide chains
A base that replaces thymine and is
present in mRNA
The synthesis of RNA by using one
strand of DNA as a template
Official Definition
An environmental factor that is not
associated with the activities of living
Rain that contains a high
concentration of acids, often because
of the pollution of the atmosphere
A large region characterized by a
specific type of climate and certain
types of plant and animal
An environmental factor that is
associated with or results from the
activities of living organisms
An organism that eats other
organisms or organic matter instead
of producing its own nutrients or
obtaining nutrients from inorganic
A community of organisms and their
abiotic environment
In My Own Words
Not associated with living organisms
Word/ Phrase
Acid rain
Food Chain
Global Warming
The pathway of energy transfer
through various stages as a result of
the feeding patterns of a series of
An increase in the earth's average
atmospheric temperature that causes
corresponding changes in climate and
that may result from the greenhouse
The place where an organism usually
The unique position occupied by a
species, both in terms of its physical
use of its habitat and its function
Protein synthesis that takes place at
ribosomes and uses codons that code
for the amino acids combined by
polypeptide chains
A base that replaces thymine and is
present in mRNA
Rain that has high concentrations of
A community characterized by
distinctive plant and animal species
and maintained under the climatic
conditions of the region
Pertaining to life
An organism, usually an animal, that
feeds on plants or other animals
A system formed by the interaction of
a community of organisms with their
The chain from a food source to the
ultimate consumer
An increase in the earth's average
atmospheric temperature that causes
corresponding changes in climate and
that may result from the greenhouse
A special environment for living in
over an extended period
The position or function of an
organism in a community of plants
and animals
Ozone layer
Water Cycle
within an ecological community
The layer of the atmosphere at an
altitude of 15 to 40 km in which ozone
absorbs ultraviolet solar radiation
A group of organisms of the same
species that live in a specific
geographical area and interbreed
An organism that can make organic
molecules from inorganic molecules; a
photosynthetic or chemosynthetic
autotroph that serves as the basic
food source in an ecosystem
The progressive replacement of one
community by another until a climax
community is established
The continuous movement of water
between the atmosphere, the land,
and the oceans
The layer of the upper atmosphere
where most atmospheric ozone is
concentrated, from about 8 to 30 mi
A group of individuals of the same
species occupying a particular
geographic area
An organism, as a plant, that is able to
produce its own food from inorganic
The progressive replacement of one
community by another until a climax
community is established
The natural sequence through which
water passes into the atmosphere as
water vapor, precipitates to earth in
liquid or solid form, and ultimately
returns to the atmosphere through