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BL 424 Study guide Test 2 (Chapts 8-12) post as word file
Organelles and structures/components: components and function
Nucleus - Nucleolus - Nuclear membrane - Nuclear Pore complex - Nuclear lamina
Ribosome - polysome
Endoplasmic reticulum - ERGIC
Plasma membrane
Mitochondria – Matrix- intermembrane space
Chloroplast – stroma – thylakoid space, thylakoid membranes
Chromoplasts, etioplast, leucoplasts
Electron transport chains for oxidative respiration, photosynthesis
Special signals on mRNA; RNA-RNA hybrids
Shine-Delgarno sequence
poylA, CAP
ribosome scanning for 1st AUG
tRNA: mRNA pairing
Micro RNAs or RNAi
Primary transcript of rRNA genes vs. final products
Special signals on proteins for transport, location etc.
NLS, Nuclear Localization sequence; NES, nuclear export sequence
KDEL sequence
Signal sequence
Internal stop-transfer signals
GPI anchor
Transit peptide
Internal signal sequence
Mannose 6 phosphate
Modifications to proteins or RNAs and enzymes that do the reactions
Phosphorylation – phosphatases, kinases and role of ATP
Ubituitination – ubituitin ligase
S-S bonds – protein disulfide isomerase
Binding of GTP vs. GDP by Ras, Ran, Rab proteins
Glycosylation – glycosyl transferase; removal of sugars by glycosidase;N-linked vs. O-linked
Addition of lipids Role of chaperones – why are they called ‘heat-shock proteins’
Proteolysis – by signal peptidase, by proteasome
Amino acyl tRNA synthetases
Splicing of rRNA precursors – primary transcript to processed product
Binding of GTP vs. GDP by Actin, by microtubules
Matrix processing peptidase, stroma processing peptidase, signal peptidase
New terms/ complexes
SV40 T antigen
Mitochondria use some different genetic codes
Mitochondria and chloroplasts have genomes
ATP synthase
Mechanisms/ transport complexes
Tom complex
Tim complex
Guidance complex
Toc complex
Tic complex
SRP particle
Actin – subunits, polymerization
Actin binding proteins – a-actinin, spectrin, ankyrin, dystrophin
Myosin II role, examples of actin-myosin contraction
Sarcomere structure
Intermediate filaments – subunits, polymerization - keratin
Microtubules – subunits, polymerization
Microtubule associated proteins – how function
Microtubule motor proteins – kinesin, dynein – what they move and what end
Adherens junctions, focal adhesions, adhesion belt
Cadherins, Desmosomes,
Microvilli, pseudopodia, fibroblasts moving
Centrosome, centriole
Cilia, flagella
Chemiosmotic mechanism – compartments in prokaryotes, mitochondria, chloroplast
Some lipids
Some drugs and what they affect
Human diseases so far: 8 of them by students
Basic facts – protein/ mRNA defect – basic characteristics of disease
Other human diseases discussed in book
How are lipids synthesized – from cytosolic aqueous-soluble precursors and inserted into membranes
Topology of compartments – from lumen of ER to Golgi to outside of cell
From nucleus to where?
General concepts: Consider integral membrane protein in the ER, versus a secreted protein or a
nuclear protein. How are they targeted to their locations? What about a ribosomal protein?
Draw structure of eukaryotic cell, clearly indicating major subcellular structures, and organelles
Opportunities for regulation – of RNA transport, of translation, of post-translational modifications to
the protein, of protein transport, protein activity
Consider how ribosomes end up on the rough ER versus remaining free ribosomes
Consider the cellular compartments transversed by a protein destined for different final destinations –
role of aa sequence, modifications, enzymes.
Consider what might happen to mutated protein (also pathways for degradation)
Clathrin-coated vesicles
Consider the basic import of proteins into nucleus, and the role of Ran, importins
Consider import into mitochondria, into chloroplasts
Consider what catalyzes the peptide bond on the ribosome – evidence for rRNA
Models for movement on microtubules
Models for actin/myosin and muscle contraction
Consider transport of vesicles through cells, separation of chromosomes at mitosis
Numbers – if an amino acid weights 110 daltons, then a polypeptide of 20 kD (20,000 daltons) has
_____ amino acids. (about largest size that can passively diffuse through nuclear pore; most proteins
need to be actively transported through nuclear pore).