Solutions to 7.014 Problem Set 1
... below, name the strongest type of interaction (choose from; hydrogen bond, ionic, covalent, van der Waals) that occurs between the side chains of the amino acids indicated. ...
... below, name the strongest type of interaction (choose from; hydrogen bond, ionic, covalent, van der Waals) that occurs between the side chains of the amino acids indicated. ...
Repair of larynx, trachea, and other fibrocartilaginous tissues
... aligned. The alignment can be made With, e.g., the dynamic programming algorithm described in Needleman et al., J. Mol. Biol. 481443 (1970), and the Align Program, a com ...
... aligned. The alignment can be made With, e.g., the dynamic programming algorithm described in Needleman et al., J. Mol. Biol. 481443 (1970), and the Align Program, a com ...
glucagon superfamily peptides exhibiting nuclear hormone
... Glucagon is used in the acute treatment of severe hypoglycemia. Oxyntomodulin has ...
... Glucagon is used in the acute treatment of severe hypoglycemia. Oxyntomodulin has ...
Problem Set
... 4.2. Determine, according to Huckel's rule, which compounds below are aromatic. ans. Aromatic compound must be cyclic, planar and contain 4n + 2 π electrons Compounds that are cyclic, planar and contain 4n π electrons are called antiaromatic, a particularly unstable system. a) ...
... 4.2. Determine, according to Huckel's rule, which compounds below are aromatic. ans. Aromatic compound must be cyclic, planar and contain 4n + 2 π electrons Compounds that are cyclic, planar and contain 4n π electrons are called antiaromatic, a particularly unstable system. a) ...
PDF - Retrovirology
... To identify HIV-1 Vif determinants that are essential for interaction with CBFβ, we used a previously described panel of single or double-alanine substitution mutants of the first 60 amino acids of Vif [19]. Our alanine-scanning mutagenesis screen focused primarily on identifying residues that abrog ...
... To identify HIV-1 Vif determinants that are essential for interaction with CBFβ, we used a previously described panel of single or double-alanine substitution mutants of the first 60 amino acids of Vif [19]. Our alanine-scanning mutagenesis screen focused primarily on identifying residues that abrog ...
Structural elements defining elongation factor Tu mediated
... [3H]-labeled aa-tRNA and EF-Tu GTP in concentrations ranging from 0.02 to 2 mM in 50 mM Na-Hepes pH 7.2, 5 mM NH4Cl, 50 mM KCl, 10 mM MgCl2 and 1 mM GTP. After 5 min incubation at 48C, the mixture was filtered on a nitrocellulose disc presoaked in washing buffer. Filters were washed with 400 ml of r ...
... [3H]-labeled aa-tRNA and EF-Tu GTP in concentrations ranging from 0.02 to 2 mM in 50 mM Na-Hepes pH 7.2, 5 mM NH4Cl, 50 mM KCl, 10 mM MgCl2 and 1 mM GTP. After 5 min incubation at 48C, the mixture was filtered on a nitrocellulose disc presoaked in washing buffer. Filters were washed with 400 ml of r ...
Identification and Cloning of a Cryptococcal Deacetylase That
... Three mice per group were used for CPU determinations, while 10 mice per group were observed daily for 30 days to measure survival lime. Statistical analysis. Ali data are expressed as means ± standard deviations. Statistica! significance of differences in footpad weight or number of organ CPU was a ...
... Three mice per group were used for CPU determinations, while 10 mice per group were observed daily for 30 days to measure survival lime. Statistical analysis. Ali data are expressed as means ± standard deviations. Statistica! significance of differences in footpad weight or number of organ CPU was a ...
Pyruvate dehydrogenase - Wageningen UR E
... the linker sequences are extended and highly flexible [Perham et al., 1981;Duckworth etal., 1982; Hanemaaijer et al., 1988; Texter et al., 1988]. This flexibility is essential for the mechanism of active site coupling, by which the substrate, covalently attached to the lipoyl domain, istransferred b ...
... the linker sequences are extended and highly flexible [Perham et al., 1981;Duckworth etal., 1982; Hanemaaijer et al., 1988; Texter et al., 1988]. This flexibility is essential for the mechanism of active site coupling, by which the substrate, covalently attached to the lipoyl domain, istransferred b ...
PDF - Beilstein
... In vitro reconstitution of NisB activity with the nisin precursor peptide NisA showed that dehydration involves the glutamylation of Ser and Thr side chains prior to elimination of glutamate [50]. This mechanistic proposal was established due to the observation that three NisB mutants (R786A, R826A ...
... In vitro reconstitution of NisB activity with the nisin precursor peptide NisA showed that dehydration involves the glutamylation of Ser and Thr side chains prior to elimination of glutamate [50]. This mechanistic proposal was established due to the observation that three NisB mutants (R786A, R826A ...
... Corn DDGS is also a very good energy source for dairy cattle. Energy values for high quality DDGS are 10 to 15% higher than values previously reported in NRC (2001), and it contains more energy per kg than corn. Furthermore, because almost all of the starch in corn is converted to ethanol during the ...
... Corn DDGS is also a very good energy source for dairy cattle. Energy values for high quality DDGS are 10 to 15% higher than values previously reported in NRC (2001), and it contains more energy per kg than corn. Furthermore, because almost all of the starch in corn is converted to ethanol during the ...
DXN Spirulina for your Family
... Boost immunity with DXN Spirulina Why do some people seldom catch a cold or have the flu while others go from one cold to another, battling to fight off infection? The difference lies in the immune system and levels of resistance. A strong immune system will help you fight off all manner of diseases ...
... Boost immunity with DXN Spirulina Why do some people seldom catch a cold or have the flu while others go from one cold to another, battling to fight off infection? The difference lies in the immune system and levels of resistance. A strong immune system will help you fight off all manner of diseases ...
Identification of Modified Amino Acids by Edman Sequencing
... benchmark of those from other laboratories that provide this valuable service. The ABRF ESRG 2005 sample is a continuation of a similar study conducted with the ESRG 2004 sample in which laboratories were asked to identify the sequence of a synthetic peptide containing both standard amino acids and ...
... benchmark of those from other laboratories that provide this valuable service. The ABRF ESRG 2005 sample is a continuation of a similar study conducted with the ESRG 2004 sample in which laboratories were asked to identify the sequence of a synthetic peptide containing both standard amino acids and ...
Structure and Function of Thymosin β4
... An Intact N-terminal α-Helix is Required for Complete Thymosin β4 Activity5 To determine whether or not the N-terminus in thymosin β4 binds to actin, circular dichroism (CD) measurements were taken.5 These measurements were carried out in both water, and with 60% trifluoroethanol (TFE). It has been ...
... An Intact N-terminal α-Helix is Required for Complete Thymosin β4 Activity5 To determine whether or not the N-terminus in thymosin β4 binds to actin, circular dichroism (CD) measurements were taken.5 These measurements were carried out in both water, and with 60% trifluoroethanol (TFE). It has been ...
Plakoglobin domains that define its association with the
... intermediate filament cytoskeleton. A short stretch of 37 amino acids in the C terminus of desmocollin-1 was recently shown by Troyanovsky et al. (1994a) to be necessary for it to associate with plakoglobin and to recruit intermediate filaments to the plasma membrane. Using similar experiments, they ...
... intermediate filament cytoskeleton. A short stretch of 37 amino acids in the C terminus of desmocollin-1 was recently shown by Troyanovsky et al. (1994a) to be necessary for it to associate with plakoglobin and to recruit intermediate filaments to the plasma membrane. Using similar experiments, they ...
Methods and strategies of peptide ligation
... CT-COOH), the functional group can be placed either at the side chain or at the ␣-amine (or as an ester). A common combination for an NT-amine-nucleophile is to place the nucleophile at the side chain of an NT-amino acid. This spatial configuration is found in many naturally occurring amino acids. E ...
... CT-COOH), the functional group can be placed either at the side chain or at the ␣-amine (or as an ester). A common combination for an NT-amine-nucleophile is to place the nucleophile at the side chain of an NT-amino acid. This spatial configuration is found in many naturally occurring amino acids. E ...
... General study of chemistry of proteins and nucleic acids. Functions of proteins, amino acid composition of proteins structure and properties. Classification of proteins based on solubility and structural organisation, determination of primary structure of proteins; N terminal and C terminal amino ac ...
... General study of chemistry of proteins and nucleic acids. Functions of proteins, amino acid composition of proteins structure and properties. Classification of proteins based on solubility and structural organisation, determination of primary structure of proteins; N terminal and C terminal amino ac ...
evaluation of l-methionine bioavailability in nursery pigs
... Graduate Studies, and to Dr. Richard Coffey, Chairman of the Department of Animal and Food Sciences. Appreciation is offered to Mr. Jim Monegue for his assistance and patience in the management of the experimental animals reported in this thesis; and to the farm crew, Mr. Billy Patton, Mr. Vern Grah ...
... Graduate Studies, and to Dr. Richard Coffey, Chairman of the Department of Animal and Food Sciences. Appreciation is offered to Mr. Jim Monegue for his assistance and patience in the management of the experimental animals reported in this thesis; and to the farm crew, Mr. Billy Patton, Mr. Vern Grah ...
Functional characterization of rare FOXP2 variants in
... Background: Heterozygous disruption of FOXP2 causes a rare form of speech and language impairment. Screens of the FOXP2 sequence in individuals with speech/language-related disorders have identified several rare protein-altering variants, but their phenotypic relevance is often unclear. FOXP2 encode ...
... Background: Heterozygous disruption of FOXP2 causes a rare form of speech and language impairment. Screens of the FOXP2 sequence in individuals with speech/language-related disorders have identified several rare protein-altering variants, but their phenotypic relevance is often unclear. FOXP2 encode ...
Protein structure prediction

Protein structure prediction is the prediction of the three-dimensional structure of a protein from its amino acid sequence — that is, the prediction of its folding and its secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structure from its primary structure. Structure prediction is fundamentally different from the inverse problem of protein design. Protein structure prediction is one of the most important goals pursued by bioinformatics and theoretical chemistry; it is highly important in medicine (for example, in drug design) and biotechnology (for example, in the design of novel enzymes). Every two years, the performance of current methods is assessed in the CASP experiment (Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction). A continuous evaluation of protein structure prediction web servers is performed by the community project CAMEO3D.