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Standard 16 : Heredity and Reproduction
This document was generated on CPALMS -
A. DNA stores and transmits genetic information. Genes are sets of instructions encoded in the
structure of DNA.
B. Genetic information is passed from generation to generation by DNA in all organisms and
accounts for similarities in related individuals.
C. Manipulation of DNA in organisms has led to commercial production of biological molecules
on a large scale and genetically modified organisms.
D. Reproduction is characteristic of living things and is essential for the survival of species.
Number: SC.912.L.16
Title: Heredity and Reproduction
Type: Standard
Subject: Science
Grade: 912
Body of Knowledge: Life Science
Related Benchmarks
Use Mendel's laws of segregation and independent assortment
to analyze patterns of inheritance.
Annually assessed on Biology EOC. Also assesses
Discuss observed inheritance patterns caused by various modes
of inheritance, including dominant, recessive, codominant, sexlinked, polygenic, and multiple alleles.
Describe the basic process of DNA replication and how it
relates to the transmission and conservation of the genetic
Integrate HE.912.C.1.7. Analyze how heredity and family
history can impact personal health. Annually assessed on
Biology EOC. Also assesses SC.912.L.16.4 SC.912.L.16.5
Explain how mutations in the DNA sequence may or may not
result in phenotypic change. Explain how mutations in gametes
may result in phenotypic changes in offspring.
Explain the basic processes of transcription and translation, and
how they result in the expression of genes.
Discuss the mechanisms for regulation of gene expression in
prokaryotes and eukaryotes at transcription and translation
Describe how viruses and bacteria transfer genetic material
between cells and the role of this process in biotechnology.
Explain the relationship between mutation, cell cycle, and
uncontrolled cell growth potentially resulting in cancer.
Integrate HE.912.C.1.7. Analyze how heredity and family
history can impact personal health.
Explain how and why the genetic code is universal and is
common to almost all organisms.
Evaluate the impact of biotechnology on the individual, society
and the environment, including medical and ethical issues.
Annually assessed on Biology EOC.
Discuss the technologies associated with forensic medicine and
DNA identification, including restriction fragment length
polymorphism (RFLP) analysis.
Describe how basic DNA technology (restriction digestion by
endonucleases, gel electrophoresis, polymerase chain reaction,
ligation, and transformation) is used to construct recombinant
DNA molecules (DNA cloning).
Describe the basic anatomy and physiology of the human
reproductive system. Describe the process of human
development from fertilization to birth and major changes that
occur in each trimester of pregnancy.
Annually assessed on Biology EOC.
Describe the cell cycle, including the process of mitosis.
Explain the role of mitosis in the formation of new cells and its
importance in maintaining chromosome number during asexual
Compare and contrast binary fission and mitotic cell division.
Describe the process of meiosis, including independent
assortment and crossing over. Explain how reduction division
results in the formation of haploid gametes or spores.
Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis and relate to the
processes of sexual and asexual reproduction and their
consequences for genetic variation.
Annually assessed on Biology EOC. Also assesses
SC.912.L.16.8 SC.912.L.16.14 SC.912.L.16.16.
Related Access Points
Access Point Number
Access Point Title
Identify that genes are sets of instructions that determine which
characteristics are passed from parent to offspring.
Identify traits that plants and animals, including humans, inherit.
Recognize that a substance called DNA carries genetic
information in all organisms, and changes (mutations) in DNA
can be helpful or harmful to an organism.
Identify that cancer can result when cells change or grow
Identify ways that biotechnology has impacted society and the
environment, such as the development of new medicines and
farming techniques.
Describe the basic process of human development from
fertilization to birth.
Recognize that cells reproduce by dividing to produce new cells
that are identical (mitosis) or new cells that are different
Access Point Number
Access Point Title
Recognize characteristics (traits) that offspring inherit from
Recognize that all organisms have a substance called DNA with
unique information.
Recognize that cancer may result when cells change or grow too
Recognize that new medicines and foods can be developed by
science (biotechnology).
Recognize major phases in the process of human development
from fertilization to birth.
Recognize that cells reproduce by dividing.
Access Point Number
Related Resources
Lesson Plan
Access Point Title
Recognize similar characteristics (traits) between a child and
parents, such as hair, eye, and skin color, or height.
Recognize similarities in characteristics of plants and animals of
the same type (species).
Recognize that illness can result when parts of our bodies are
not working properly.
Recognize a food.
Recognize the sequence of human development from baby to
child to adult.
Recognize that living things produce offspring (reproduce).
Cell-U-Lar Wars ~ What Will
Survive? Binary Fission Versus
Mitotic Cell Division:
"DNA:Breaking the Code!":
The students will learn that binary fission and mitosis are
both methods of cell division used by various organisms.
The students will compare and contrast the difference
between both methods of cell division, while building
background knowledge through cooperative, direct, and funfilled scientific discovery. This lesson requires students to
use multiple reading and learning strategies to increase their
comprehension skills.
In this lesson, students learn about DNA, the building block
of genetic material. Students learn the basic components of
DNA and see how they fit together. The teacher will offer
activities and support to support with these goals. The goal
of this lesson is to familiarize students to the cell and its
DNA as the genetic material that manages how the cell will
function. It is recommended to teach this lesson before
teaching heredity is the passage of these instructions from
one generation to another.
Students assume the roles of federal legislators and explore
several Cell Biology and Cancer website resources to
identify reasons to support or oppose a proposed statute that
would require individuals under the age of 18 to wear
protective clothing when outdoors.
After completing this activity, students will:
Acting on Information About
understand that science can help us improve personal
and public health,
be able to explain that good choices can reduce an
individual's risk of developing cancer and can
improve an individual's chance of survival if he or
she does develop it,
understand that ethics brings to public policy debates
two presumptions: that we should protect individual
autonomy and that we should protect individual and
societal health and well-being,
recognize that ethical values sometimes conflict in
public policy debates about strategies for reducing
the risk of cancer, and
understand that it is possible for people to hold
different positions on a controversial topic and still
participate in a reasoned discussion about it.
Alien Encounters -- Transcription This is a 3-4 day lesson which focuses on the role of DNA
and Translation:
and RNA in protein synthesis. It teaches students about the
Applied mitosis and meiosis:
plant biotechnology:
Bioengineered Foods:
Biotechnology at Work: GM
Mosquitoes Reduce Dengue
Bird Brains - Evolutionary
process of transcription and translation which makes the
amino acid chains. This lesson has a variety of activities to
engage students in learning, including virtual manipulatives,
tutorials, videos and a summative lab to wrap up
information learned.
Students will learn about sexual and asexual reproduction
and relate each to the process of mitosis and meiosis within
the context of plant biotechnology
In this lesson, students compare the processes of selective
breeding and transgenic manipulation of plants. They
consider the pros and cons of growing genetically modified
crops. They explore the possible future consequences of
genetically modified organisms. Finally, they analyze public
opinion data about the use of genetically modified foods
In this lesson, students will analyze an informational text
that addresses the release of genetically modified
mosquitoes in Brazil to reduce the transmission of dengue
fever. The male mosquitoes were modified so that when
they reproduce, their offspring die before they can transmit
the disease. The article contains a data table that shows a
drastic reduction in the number of dengue cases in places
where GM mosquitoes were used in addition to
conventional control methods. This lesson is designed to
support reading in the content area. The lesson plan includes
a note-taking guide, text-dependent questions, a writing
prompt, answer keys, and a writing rubric.
Students will compare the sequence of amino acids in a gene
shared between humans and six other organisms and infer
evolutionary relationships among the species.
Students use five web animations and four videos to help
them construct an explanation for how cancer develops, then
use their new understanding to explain several historical
observations about agents that cause cancer. After
completing this activity, students will:
Cancer and the Cell Cycle:
understand that many different agents can cause
understand that cancer represents a breakdown of the
processes that regulate the growth of normal cells
and tissues,
recognize that cancer develops as a result of genetic
damage that occurs to cells across time,
be able to explain that cancer is associated with the
occurrence of damage to particular classes of genes
involved in the normal regulation of the cell cycle,
understand that studying the processes involved in
the development of cancer has led to a significantly
increased understanding of the normal cell cycle as
well as to new strategies for treating cancer.
This lesson is the third in a series, preceded by "The Faces
of Cancer" and "Cancer and the Cell Cycle." In this lesson,
students use random number tables and an Internet-based
simulation to test several hypotheses about the development
of cancer.
After completing this activity, students will:
Cancer as a Multistep Process:
Cancer: A result of mutation?:
Cancer: Cells Make Mistakes
Cell Cycle Picture Book:
Cell Cycles, UV Damage, and
Cells on Stage:
Central Dogma Protein
Construction Stem Challenge:
understand that cancer results from the accumulation
of genetic damage to cells across time, and
be able to explain the increase in cancer incidence
that occurs with an increase in age in terms of a
multiple hit (mutations in a number of genes)
hypothesis for cancer's development.
In this lesson, students will learn that genetic mutations can
occur during the S phase of the cell cycle when DNA is
replicated. When mutations arise in genes that control cell
division, cancer may result.
Students will practice reading in the content area and answer
questions regarding cancer and how it spreads.
After reading the sections and/or chapter on the concept of
the cell cycle, including mitosis, the students will be guided
through the process of making a picture book. This picture
book will enhance the students' knowledge of what occurs
within the cell structures as it moves through all the stages
of the cell cycle. This book will then be shared with other
students and/or the teacher to demonstrate that each student
can accurately describe the process of the cell cycle.
This lesson asks students to investigate the potential risks of
cancer associated with everyday carcinogens, including UV
gel manicures, a popular beauty regimen in nail care.
The lesson addresses the phases of the cell cycle and mitosis
through live acting
Proteins are essential for all functions necessary for life in
organisms. Proteins are created by reading the sequence of
nucleotides in genetic material (DNA). During cellular
processes known as transcription and translation, the DNA
Cleaning Up Your Act:
Cloning and Genetic
Modification: What's the
DNA Mutations:
DNA Replication with Codon
code is read, transferred into a copy called mRNA, and then
the copy is read to create specific amino acids bonded
together. The amino acids and their interactions create the
specific shapes of proteins. In this activity you will be
translating strands of DNA to mRNA, and then into small
sequences of amino acids. The amino acids will then be
bonded together based on their properties. The proteins will
be analyzed for correct bonding patterns since the shape of
the protein is directly related to the amino acid sequence and
the protein's function.
Cleaning Up Your Act Model Eliciting Activity (MEA)
provides students with a real world engineering problem in
which they must work as a team to design a procedure to
select the best material for cleaning up an oil spill. The main
focus of this MEA is to recognize the consequences of a
catastrophic event, and understand the environmental and
economical impact based on data analysis. Students will
conduct individual and team investigations in order to arrive
at a scientifically sound solution to the problem.
This multi-step lesson engages students in comparing and
contrasting two current methods of bioengineering; cloning
and genetic modification. After identifying how these
processes are completed, students organize their new
knowledge, peer review, and apply their ideas to
hypothetical scenarios. Finally, students evaluate
misconceptions and correct them in a letter to the editor
This is an activity where students "crack" the genetic code.
They will "read" and "write" a message. They will also
participate in "cloning" a plasmid.
In this lesson, students will learn the effect of DNA
mutations on protein formation and phenotype. The students
will convert a DNA sequence to an amino acid sequence and
use color-by-number pictures to show the difference
between an original and mutated sequence. Through
comparisons with other students in the class, the students
will learn that not all mutations will result in a change, while
some may cause a great deal of change in a gene (and
therefore the protein and/or phenotype).
This DNA Replication Lesson Plan incorporates several
types of instructional strategies to reach all students. These
strategies include:
1. Demonstrations
2. Discussions
3. Cooperative learning
4. Brainstorming
5. Stimulations
6. Inquiry Based activity
7. Projects
8. Game
9. Cooperative Learning
10. Self assessment
The students will:
1. Describe the process of DNA replication and/or its
role in the transmission and conservation of genetic
2. Explain the basic processes of transcription and/or
translation, and their roles in the expression of genes.
3. Clarify the basic components of DNA by
constructing an advanced organizer.
In this lab, Dragon Genetics: Principles of Mendelian
Genetics, students learn the principles of Mendelian genetics
by using Popsicle sticks, each of which represents a pair of
Dragon Genetics:
homologous chromosomes with multiple genetic traits. Pairs
of students use their sets of Popsicle sticks to represent a
mating and then identify the genetic makeup and phenotypic
traits of the resulting baby dragon.
In this lesson students will observe onion root tips under a
microscope, count the number of cells they find in each
Drawing the Cell Cycle Using
stage of the cell cycle, and then use this information to draw
Onion Root Tips:
a pie graph that will predict the percentage of time spent in
each stage.
In this lesson, students will analyze an informational text
that describes a promising new gene editing technology
called CRISPR. The text describes what CRISPRÂ is and
some of its potential applications for individual and public
health. Potential ethical considerations and drawbacks are
Editing Humanity's Problems with also discussed. The article highlights the inventor of the
technology, Dr. Jennifer Doudna, who was recently awarded
a $3 million Breakthrough Prize for life sciences. This
lesson is designed to support reading in the content area.
The lesson plan includes a note-taking guide, text-dependent
questions, a writing prompt, answer keys, and a writing
rubric. Options to extend the lesson are also included.
Students will apply their knowledge of genetics and
Eggenetic Baby:
predicting heredity to synthesize an original model of traits.
Students identify claims about UV exposure presented in a
Evaluating Claims About Cancer: selection of media items, then design, execute, and report
the results of an experiment designed to test one such claim.
In this lesson, students will analyze an informational
text that presents information on a year-long space
mission aboard the International Space Station. This lesson
is designed to support reading in the content area. The text
describes the mission of studying the long-term effects of
microgravity on human health. Astronaut Scott Kelley and
Far From Home: NASA's Year in
Cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko were used in the yearSpace Mission:
long study, along with Kelly's identical twin brother, Mark
Kelly, who remained on Earth and was used as a control
subject. The lesson plan includes a note-taking guide, textdependent questions, a writing prompt, answer keys, and a
writing rubric. Options to extend the lesson are also
This lesson focuses on comparing and contrasting mitosis
and meiosis. Included in the activity is an interactive
Formation of New Cells:
resource that allows students to explore both processes side
by side.
In this lesson, students will analyze an informational text
designed to support reading in the content area. The article
addresses opposition to genetically modified foods. The text
discusses the possible reasons why so many people are antiGMO even though science finds them safe. GMOs allow for
Frankenfood or Superfood?:
more of the world to be fed with a lower impact on the
environment. The author suggests some ways that
misinformation can be combated with education. The lesson
plan includes a note-taking guide, text-dependent questions,
a writing prompt, answer keys, and a writing rubric.
Numerous options to extend the lesson are also included.
The goal of this lesson is to introduce students to the human
From Cell to DNA:
cell and its DNA as the genetic information that governs
how the cell will function.
This lesson focuses on: how cancer is caused by mutations
that accumulate over time in cells' DNA, how the genes
mutated in cancer are involved in normal cell growth &
division, and how different types of mutations affect the
functions of these genes. We recommend that this lesson be
From Teenage to Old Age: How
the first BLOSSOMS lesson on cancer, that the students use,
Cancer Develops Over Time:
from the series of three cancer lessons made by scientists at
the Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard. It would be helpful if
the students already knew basic information about DNA
structure & function, and how mutations can affect the RNA
& protein encoded by this DNA. Only paper and writing
utensils, and the ability to print out or display the provided
handouts, are necessary to complete this lesson. This lesson
is intended to take one or two class periods. The two most
central hands-on activities in the lesson are as follows:
Gene Transfer and Cancer: Are
They Linked?:
Genetically Modified Foods:
Genetics, Genetics, and More
Students do an activity with a “mutation mat” (which
is much like a bingo board) that shows how
mutations accumulate in cells over time. This
activity demonstrates why cancer is a disease of old
age, because the more years that pass, the higher the
chance that enough mutations have occurred in the
relevant genes in a single cell, to cause it to become
a cancer cell.
Students complete a worksheet about various
examples of “mutations” that could affect a steam
engine train and cause it to barrel out of control (for
example: if the train’s brakes aren’t working, or if
the coal shovelers are shoveling too quickly).
The lesson ends with two additional discussion topics: how
a person can be pre-disposed to cancer if he/she inherits a
mutation from his/her parents; and how different tissues in
the body get exposed to different mutagens, thus causing
different types of cancer.
In this lesson, students will analyze an informational text
intended to support reading in the content area. The article
addresses a recent discovery linking bacteria and cancer
cells in human tissue. Researchers believe that lateral gene
transfer might play a role in cancer and other diseases
associated with DNAÂ damage. These results may lead to
personalized medicine and might possibly be used
as preventive measures. The lesson plan includes a notetaking guide, text-dependent questions, a writing prompt,
answer keys, and a writing rubric.
Using short videos, articles and a scavenger hunt, students
will learn the process of genetically modifying crops and
understand the benefits and drawbacks of genetically
modified foods.
Students will use appropriate tools (Punnett squares) and
techniques to gather, analyze, and interpret data.Students
will explore various modes of inheritance through a handson activity creating offspring of a fictitious organism.
Students will complete Punnett Squares for various genetic
crosses, and analyze and interpret the results of those
crosses. Students will be able to predict the genotype and
Genotype and Phenotype
Getting Tangled with Yarn and
the Cell Cycle:
phenotype of P1 and F1 generations using Punnett Squares.
Students will be able to identify complex patterns of
inheritance such as co-dominance and incomplete
This is a hands-on activity that will help students distinguish
between genotype and phenotype.
Students will use different yarn colors to illustrate the cell
cycle, including interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis.
Then, they will present their assignments in front of the
class and complete a post-lesson worksheet.
This MEA is a genetics based lesson for upper level biology
students. Students will review the data on several bulls and
Got Bull?:
help a client choose the best bulls to begin a new cattle
In this lesson, students explore the development of the
How Do Babies Develop?:
human fetus during pregnancy.
This lesson plan details the ethical concepts of
biotechnology and allows students to explore basic concepts
of manipulating and analyzing DNA in a classroom setting.
How to be a Molecular Biologist
The lesson takes the students through a discussion of
the Easy Way:
controversial topics related to molecular biology and
biotechnology, DNA isolation, restriction digestion of DNA,
gel electrophoresis, and DNA cloning.
Students learn about the male and female reproductive
systems and the developmental changes of pregnancy.
Human Reproduction:
Students will create a timeline about the trimesters of
This lesson allows students to visualize how genes are
expressed by completing the process of transcription and
translation of 10 ice cream sundae genes. After students
have completed the transcription and translation they will be
Ice Cream Sundae Gene
using the expression of each gene to assemble an ice cream
sundae with their coded ice cream type and toppings. The
students will be able to make a connection between how
genes are expressed in an ice cream sundae and relate it
back to human gene expression.
Illustration of the Cell Cycle:
Through use of arts integration and the 5E Lesson Model,
Using Printmaking Techniques to
students will use printmaking techniques to design and
Design the Phases of the Cell
illustrate the cell cycle. Â
Cycle :
A lesson about the important topic of antibiotic-resistant
Killer Microbe:
bacteria with student activities and A/V resources.
Let's Cure Cancer!:
Life After Death: Some Genes
Remain "Alive":
Livestock Plans for Raising Red
Nosed Reindeer:
Making Mitosis with Yarn:
This a Model-Eliciting-Activity (MEA) that provides
students with the opportunity to investigate the process of
cancer as they research new chemotherapeutic agents to
reduce cancer mortality rates and improve outcomes for
cancer patients.
In this lesson, students will analyze an informational text
intended to support reading in the content area. The article
explains what happens to certain genes after an organism
has died. This lesson also introduces a related video that
explains how the fields of Genetics and Biotechnology have
affected the field of Forensic Science. By reading the article
and viewing the video, students will learn about new
discoveries in gene function after death and the impact
varying fields of science have upon another. This lesson
includes a note-taking guide, text-dependent questions, a
writing prompt, answer keys, and a writing rubric.
This lesson about genetics and mutations investigates how
red nosed reindeer could be raised in a livestock setting.
Students will draw Punnett squares and design livestock
plans for reproduction of red nosed reindeer.
Students will model stages of mitosis and meiosis using
yarn. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to
recognize the difference between mitosis and meiosis, know
what type of cells are produced from mitosis and meiosis,
and how many new cells are created at the end of each
This lesson is designed for student with mild/moderate
disabilities enrolled in an Access class or in the inclusion
classroom with assistance from the support facilitation
teacher or possibly an Advanced Placement Biology student.
A full lesson plan on teaching Mendelian Genetics and how
Mendelian Genetics:
to use and understand punnett squares.
This lesson allows for students to solve dihybrid crosses by
Mendelian Genetics - Dihybrid
applying their knowledge of Mendelian genetics. Students
should already be familiar with monohybrid crosses prior to
attempting this lesson.
This lesson requires the students to simulate the movement
of chromosomes during mitosis and meiosis using differentcolored pipe cleaners. The pipe cleaners allow the instructor
Mitosis and Meiosis Pipe Cleaner
to highlight both recombination (crossing over) and
Simulation: Crossing Over and
independent assortment, two important components of
Independent Assortment:
meiotic cell division. The processes that create variation
among gametes are also emphasized.
Modeling Mitosis:
Modeling Transcription and
Mutation Manipulation
Simulation Lab:
This lesson plan includes excellent teacher support in the
form of videos that explain how the pipe cleaners should be
manipulated to demonstrate the concepts of mitosis, meiosis,
and independent assortment.
During this lesson, students will watch animated videos to
provide a visual representation of the different phases of
mitosis to reinforce the essential content being taught.
Students will model the process of mitosis to demonstrate
that cells repeatedly divide for growth and repair and
daughter cells are identical to the parent cell.
This lesson plan consists mostly of student-centered
activities that involve learning and mastering the steps in
DNA replication, transcription, and translation.
DNA replication, mutations, the cell cycle, and cancer are
often taught separately in high school biology. Composing
an activity that connects the understanding of these concepts
and how they are interrelated is not always done effectively.
DNA replication is a normal task for all cells, yet some cells
become cancer cells because of changes to their DNA. This
unwanted mutation can surpass the check points in the cell
cycle and overtake normal cells.
In this two day lesson, students will be reminded of those
DNA concepts using reading strategies needed to support
scientific explanation with research evidence in a concise
activity. This lesson builds a scaffold of background
knowledge from Day 1 to enhance the simulation lab of
cancer cell engulfing normal cells in Day 2, which often
causes the demise of otherwise healthy individuals. The
entire lesson should take about 45 minutes each day.
In this lesson, students will analyze an informational text
that describes recent research into the underlying factors
affecting rheumatoid arthritis. The text describes how
epigenetic analysis in knee and hip joints revealed unique
patterns that suggest the disease may differ from joint to
New Research into Epigenetics
joint. The findings may allow for the development of more
and Rheumatoid Arthritis:
effective, personalized treatment for those who suffer with
RA. This lesson is designed to support reading in the content
area. The lesson plan includes a note-taking guide, a
vocabulary handout, text-dependent questions, a writing
prompt, answer keys, and a writing rubric.
Students will compare and contrast the non-Mendelian
Non-Mendelian Genetics: Not All
inheritance patterns of codominance and incomplete
Genetic Crosses Are Easy-PEAsy:
This informational text resource is intended to support
reading in the content area. In this lesson, students will
analyze a text that addresses the issue of evolution by
Of Mice and Mutations: Natural
natural selection and mutation, using Florida "beach mice"
Selection in Action:
as a case study. The lesson plan includes text-dependent
questions, a writing prompt, answer keys, and a writing
rubric. Ideas for extending the lesson are also included.
Students apply the scientific process in an online lab inquiry
of how traits are inherited with the fruit fly Drosophila
melanogaster. They also learn and apply the principles of
Mendelian inheritance. Students make hypotheses for
One Fly, Two Fly, Red Fly, Blue
monohybrid, dihybrid and sex-linked traits and test their
hypotheses by selecting fruit flies with different visible
mutations, mating them, and analyzing the phenotypic ratios
of the offspring. Students record their observations into an
online notebook and write an online lab report.
In this lesson, students will model an avian-human flu virus
structure, replication, and spread. The accompanying PBS
Pandemic Flu:
NOVA movie Pandemic Flu regarding H5N1 Avian and
Swine Flu highlights interactions between the virus,
humans, and birds.
A lesson with multi-media components from PBS/NOVA
that focuses on DNA testing, including techniques,
purposes, and considerations for biotechnology and human
decisions regarding health. Students will learn about single
Personal DNA Testing:
nucleotide polymorphisms, how they are used in science,
and how they are being used in the medical field. Students
will apply this knowledge by looking at a mock data set and
probabilities to inform medical recommendations.
This PBS/NOVA lesson combines a discussion of the
Nature of Science using a renowned Cancer researcher (and
Profile: Judah Folkman Cancer
supported by the profiles of several other renowned
scientists in the activities) to study concepts of creativity and
tentativeness in the Nature of Science with a study of the
biological characteristics of cells in disease (cancer).
Students will use this hands on activity to work their way
through Transcription and Translation. Students can work in
small groups to first construct a complete code of mRNA,
and then construct a protein by finding corresponding
Protein Car Synthesis:
Anticodons from tRNA. The accurate Base Pairing will
result in the accumulation of Amino Acids. Amino Acids
will be represented with automobile parts. For the
completion of this activity, students will be able to piece
together a fully formed automobile (or protein). This activity
Protein Synthesis Math Relays!:
is accompanied by a written analogy of Transcription and
Translation using a library and a mechanic.
While working in cooperative groups, students will gain
practice acting out DNA replication, transcription and
translation! Instead of students creating a protein as their
final piece, they will need to solve a math problem and
supply the correct answer as their "protein"!
Students will explore the process of protein synthesis,
specifically transcription and translation, using a sequenced
graphic organizer and an interactive simulation (Lesson 1 &
This resource contains 3 lessons:
Protein Synthesis: Transcription
& Translation:
Lesson 1: Transcription & Translation
Lesson 2: Lac Operon
Lesson 3: Proteins & Cancer
As an extension (Lesson 3) the students will justify the
applications of biotechnology that uses transcription and
translation to synthesize proteins that target cancer cells or
reason the possibilities of the amplification of antibodies
using immortal cells.
They will explore how mutations, genetic or epigenetic
(lifestyle-chemicals, radiation, viruses), resulting in cancer.
RNA and Protein Synthesis
Activity with Lab:
Say cheese! Do you have a
genetic disease?:
The student will connect changes that occur in the genetic
code, during transcription and translation, to the deleterious
impact on proto oncogenes that promote cell division and
tumor suppressor genes that normally inhibit it.
This lesson will clear misconceptions and probe student
thinking by utilizing differentiated instruction and
implementing meaningful learning. The educator will also
be able to provide students with real world examples.
Students are given multiple opportunities to excel and
demonstrate their content knowledge throughout this lesson.
By assessing their prior knowledge prior to the beginning of
a new chapter students will make connections to complex
In this lesson, students will analyze an informational
text intended to support reading in the content area.  The
article explains how biotechnology is being used to identify
genetic conditions with a phone app that gathers data from a
photo to generate a list of possible genetic conditions.
 This lesson includes a note-taking guide, text-dependent
questions, a writing prompt, answer keys, and a writing
This lesson plan allows your students to research methods of
reproduction that some organisms have available to them.
The students will learn how some organisms can reproduce
through asexual reproduction (mitosis) as well as through
sexual reproduction (meiosis).
Sex or No Sex? That is the
Something Old, Something
STEM Genetics Board Game:
Super Power Proteins:
Suspect Strawberry, DNA
Testing Mendel's Marvelous
This resource can be as detailed and as lengthy as the
teacher desires it to be. It can be used long-term to teach
multiple subjects and skills, such as, plants, mitosis,
meiosis, genetics, microscope skills, slide making, data
keeping, research techniques, and/or nature of science. It can
be begun at any time during the course of the school year.
Students will reflect on prior knowledge, record their
understanding of DNA replication based on a 3D computer
model, and will then create a model demonstrating the
process of DNA replication. Students will investigate where
DNA replication occurs in the human body and why it
occurs there. Additionally, students will investigate DNA
mutations and their potential impact on the organism.
Finally, students will summarize what they learned by
collaborating with other classmates.
This is a STEM challenge to assist in teaching the
probability of traits being passed down from parents to
offspring by creating and playing a board game.Â
In this lesson the students will have the opportunity to
explore the concept of transcription with a hands-on, easy to
use model and also be able to create a super hero to apply
the concept.
This lesson uses the scientific method to extract DNA from
food sources, other than strawberries, to support that DNA is
common to almost all organisms.
In this lesson, students demonstrate the law of segregation
during meiosis, which states that a pair of alleles for a
particular trait separates during cell division. They will then
use Mendel's model of inheritance, which can be
represented by a Punnett square, to predict the genotype and
phenotype of offspring from a particular cross. They will
The Amazing Octopus:
The Cell Cycle:
The Code of Life:
The King of Dinosaurs or a
Chicken Dinner?:
test these predictions by simulating the results of particular
In this lesson, students will read an article from the National
Science Foundation that discusses the information gained
through the first-ever sequencing of the octopus genome.
The information gained will help scientists learn more about
the function and development of the nervous system and can
be applied to various aspects of brain research. This lesson
is designed to support reading in the content area. The
lesson plan includes a note-taking guide, text-dependent
questions, a writing prompt, answer keys, and a writing
In this lesson students will explore the cell cycle and cell
division. They will utilize Power Point presentations, videos
and interactive animations to answer questions pertaining to
the importance of mitosis and cell growth. To reinforce
skills and concepts, students will do a flip chart activity.
This is a basic lesson on DNA transcription, one of the two
primary steps in protein synthesis. Students will learn about
the role of messenger RNA (mRNA) in transcription and
translation through teacher- and student-led activities.
This lesson uses the fundamentals of protein synthesis as a
context for investigating the closest living relative to
Tyrannosaurus rex and evaluating whether or not
paleontologist and dinosaur expert, Jack Horner, will be able
to "create" live dinosaurs in the lab. The first objective is for
students to be able to access and properly utilize the NIH's
protein sequence database to perform a BLAST, using
biochemical evidence to determine T rex's closest living
relative. The second objective is for students to be able to
explain and evaluate Jack Horner's plans for creating live
dinosaurs in the lab. The main prerequisite for the lesson is a
basic understanding of protein synthesis, or the flow of
information in the cell from DNA to RNA during
transcription and then from RNA to protein during
translation. You will find downloadable handouts of the
necessary documents for the lesson. To complete the lesson,
you will need the handouts and ideally computers with
Internet connections so that students can complete the
BLAST on their own or in groups. The computers are not a
requirement, however, because the video has an optional
segment that goes through the BLAST step-by-step and
shows students exactly what they would see if they were
doing it themselves. There is an optional reading assignment
from WIRED magazine at the close of the lesson, and the
The Making of a Marvel: Part 1:
The Making of a Marvel: Part 3:
The Making of a Marvel: Part 4:
The Making of a Super Hero
The Real Story of Where Babies
Come From:
article can be accessed for free on-line at
The lesson should take somewhere around 90 minutes, a
portion of which is group or classroom discussion based on
prompts from the video or the handouts.
The Making of a Marvel Part 1 is the first lesson of the
reproductive unit (six lessons total). Students will begin
with making cost analysis lists, as a class, of costs and
benefits to asexual and sexual reproduction. The goal of this
introductory exercise is to grab attention and illustrate that
in sexual reproduction, the value of genetic diversity is well
worth the cost. The second phase of the lesson begins with a
brief discussion on the anatomy of both male and female
reproductive systems. Together as a class we will then label
diagrams of both systems. As a final activity in the lesson,
students will receive cut out diagrams of both male and
female systems. In this hands-on-manipulative students will
match the corresponding structure and function labels given
to them with the correct part of the diagram. This lesson
follows the gradual release method of I do, we do, you do.
This lesson emphasizes the phases of meiosis and how it is
different from mitosis. Students will model each phase using
candy worms as chromosomes and other types of candy to
represent other cellular structures. This gives students a
hands on perspective of meiosis, allowing them to better
grasp the differences in phases, as well as to understand the
importance of meiosis in sexual reproduction.
In this lesson, students will examine the process of
fertilization. First, students will make predictions regarding
the structures of egg and sperm and how it will aid or
impede the fertilization process. Students will also make
predictions about why meiosis produces differences in the
numbers of sperm and eggs made available. Next, students
will use microscopes to examine prepared slides of sperm
and eggs. They will sketch each and label structures, and
answer follow up questions at various DOK levels. For a
final activity, students will use a word bank to fill in a
narrative paragraph describing the fertilization process.
Part 1 - Students will transcribe and translate their way
through a fun classroom scavenger hunt.
Part 2 - After genetically manipulating Joe's DNA, students
try to develop the next Super Hero.
Students will observe, explore, and create a story about the
main structures of the female/male reproductive systems,
The Spread of Rabies in Peru:
describing how these systems interact during the process of
fertilization to a create human being.
In this lesson plan, students will analyze an informational
text intended to support reading in the content area. The
article explains how the rabies virus is likely to spread
from the interior of Peru to its coast by the year 2020. Â It
further discusses the technology used to determine that the
male vampire bat is most likely the carrier of the rabies virus
to different areas in Peru. Â The lesson plan includes a
vocabulary guide, text-dependent questions, a writing
prompt, answer keys, and a writing rubric.
The Truth about Blue Eyes:
The Wolfman Syndrome:
These GMO Apples Won't Turn
Students work together to understand an article describing
how genes cause eye color (and it probably doesn't match
what's in your textbook!)
This clicker case uses congenital generalized hypertrichosis
(CGH), a rare genetic disease, to teach students the basic
principles of Mendelian inheritance.
Students watch a video clip from an ABC News interview
that introduces them to Danny Gomez, a circus performer
with the Mexican international Circus. Danny and several
other family members of his family have a condition called
hypertrichosis-excessive hair growth in areas of the body
that is not predominately androgen dependent. In the process
of meeting Danny and his family, students learn basic
genetic concepts including DNA organization, karyotype
analysis, dominance and recessive patterns of inheritance,
sex linkage, and lyonization, as well as a brief introduction
to the evolutionary idea of atavism.
In this lesson, students will analyze an informational
text intended to support reading in the content area. The
article discusses the availability to the general public of
GMO apples that take longer to turn brown. The article
discusses the techniques utilized to accomplish the apples'
genetic modification. A video explains the process of
genetic modification and explains how GMOs have already
been integrated into society. This lesson includes a notetaking guide, text-dependent questions, a writing prompt,
answer keys, and a writing rubric.
How is it that all cells in our body have the same genes, yet
cells in different tissues express different genes? A basic
notion in biology that most high school students fail to
conceptualize is the fact that all cells in the animal or human
body contain the same DNA, yet different cells in different
tissues express, on the one hand, a set of common genes,
and on the other, express another set of genes that vary
depending on the type of tissue and the stage of
development. In this video lesson, the student will be
reminded that genes in a cell/tissue are expressed when
certain conditions in the nucleus are met. Interestingly, the
system utilized by the cell to ensure tissue specific gene
expression is rather simple. Among other factors - all
discussed fully in the lesson - the cells make use of a tiny
scaffold known as the "Nuclear Matrix or Nucleo-Skeleton".
Tissue Specific Gene Expression: This video lesson spans 20 minutes and provides 5 exercises
for students to work out in groups and in consultation with
their classroom teacher. The entire duration of the video
demonstration and exercises should take about 45-50
minutes, or equivalent to one classroom session. There are
no supplies needed for students' participation in the provided
exercises. They will only need their notebooks and pens.
However, the teacher may wish to emulate the
demonstrations used in the video lesson by the presenter and
in this case simple material can be used as those used in the
video. These include play dough, pencils, rubber bands (to
construct the nuclear matrix model), a tennis ball and 2-3
Meters worth of shoe laces. The students should be aware of
basic information about DNA folding in the nucleus, DNA
replication, gene transcription, translation and protein
In this lesson, students will use manipulatives to act out the
Transcription & Translation in
processes of transcription and translation. Upon completion,
students are asked to complete a One Pager, graphic
representation/reflection of their learning.
This lesson will help students understand how DNA directs
the making of proteins. This lesson will also assist students
Transcription and Translation:
in understanding the relationship between DNA and RNA
and how transcription produces a single-stranded RNA
"Transcription and Translation Made Easy" is an interactive
whole-class activity that follows the transfer of information
Transcription and Translation
from the DNA to protein formation. The activity uses letters
Made Easy:
as parts of words as an analogy for amino acids as parts of
proteins to allow the students to observe the type of
Understanding Translation:
What the HeLa?:
Where it all Begins: The Basic
Structures of the Reproductive
mutations that may occur and the level of damage that each
can cause.
In this lesson, the students will learn about the final step of
protein synthesis through a series of activities. At the end of
this lesson, the students will be able tie in translation and its
role in protein synthesis.
Students will watch a short video introducing what HeLa
cells are and why they are worth some attention.
They will:
1. In a group, research specific perspectives (family,
society, medical/technology, legal rights).
2. Record reasons they support/refute the ethical use of
HeLa cells.
3. Get into different groups with one perspective each
to debate and come to a consensus as a whole: "Is
the use of HeLa cells ethical?"
Students will identify and/or describe the basic anatomy and
physiology of the human reproductive system. Students will
understand how the structures of the human reproductive
system work together to create and deliver gametes for
Text Resource
"Nanodaisies" Deliver Drug Cocktail to Cancer Cells:
text resource is
intended to
support reading
in the content
area. This short
but sophisticated
article explains
how a team of
to battle cancer
cells and the
potential impact
"Designer" Chromosome for Brewer's Yeast Built from Scratch:
Animal Clones: Double Trouble?:
may have on
medical issues.
text resource is
intended to
support reading
in the content
area. Scientists
have been able
to create a
found in yeast.
With this
they might be
able to create
vaccines, or
even synthetic
organisms in the
text resource is
intended to
support reading
in the content
area. Would you
want to eat
"clone chops?"
This article
discusses the
possibility of
food products
derived from
cloned animals
appearing on
our plates in the
future. Also
Bacterial DNA May Integrate into Human Genome More Readily in Tumor
included is a
brief history of
cloning and the
methods by
which it is
executed. In
addition, the
ethical and
surrounding this
development are
text resource is
intended to
support reading
in the content
area. The article
describes how
scientists have
recently found
that lateral gene
transfer occurs
more rapidly
into cancer or
tumor cells than
in normal,
healthy cells.
Scientists are
going to further
their research to
see if there is a
link between
lateral gene
transfer from the
microbes that
live on or
around us and
cancer. They
believe this will
also lead to a
Blood Made Suitable For All:
Body's Immune System Kills Mutant Cells Daily:
type of
text resource is
intended to
support reading
in the content
area. The text
explains how
blood is
classified into
types based on
the presence of
antigens. It
describes a
process whereby
antigens can be
removed by an
enzyme to make
all blood types
the same as the
universal donor.
text resource is
intended to
support reading
in the content
area. This article
explores how
discovered that
the immune
system naturally
cancer while
they were
researching how
B cells change
during the
growth of
lymphoma. The
text explains
how T cells
work as an
Cell Cycle and Cell Division:
Cells' Fiery Suicide in HIV Provides New Treatment Hope:
and can be a
way of
blood cancers.
discovered how
vitally important
those cells are to
other forms of
cancer in the
text resource is
intended to
support reading
in the content
area. The phases
of the cell cycle
are described,
along with
methods of
studying the
process. The
proteins and
cyclins involved
in cell division
are explained as
well. The text
ends by
exploring future
opportunities for
discovery in this
text resource is
intended to
support reading
Chemists Expand Nature's Genetic Alphabet:
in the content
area. The article
explains how
cells go through
a selfdestructive
response called
and how a drug
might be able to
prevent the
infected cells'
text resource is
intended to
support reading
in the content
area. This article
provides some
of the newest
and most
relating to the
DNA in living
things. It is a
synopsis of a
experiment in
which scientists
were able to
successfully add
two new
"letters" into
DNA and have
the cell replicate
these new bases.
This could lead
to advances in
medicine, and
various other
fields of study.
Cloning Is Used to Create Embryonic Stem Cells:
Discovery of New Enzyme Could Yield Better Plants for Biofuel:
Ethical Issues in Genetic Engineering and Transgenics:
text resource is
intended to
support reading
in the content
area. The article
explains how
technology has
achieved the
goal of creating
embryonic stem
cells. It
explores the
science and
morality of this
complex issue.
text resource is
intended to
support reading
in the content
area. The text
describes the
discovery of a
new gene that
produces an
enzyme that
controls lignin
production in
Withholding the
gene results in
less lignin in
plants and
makes it easier
to extract sugars
used in the
production of
text resource is
Fetal Development, Human:
intended to
support reading
in the content
area. This
article explores
ethical issues
and legal
associated with
engineering and
transgenics. It
discusses the
science behind
current research
and potential
societal issues
of humans and
other organisms.
text resource is
intended to
support reading
in the content
area. There are
many stages of
the development
of living things.
This article
focuses on the
development of
a human being
starting at
fertilization. The
author gives
descriptions of
each step of the
First-Ever Octopus Genome Sequenced:
Genetic Solution to Cancer, Diabetes?:
breaking these
steps into two
larger groups:
and the fetal
text resource is
designed to
support reading
in the content
area. The article
discusses the
gained through
the sequencing
of the octopus'
genome. This
information will
help scientists
learn more
about the
function and
development of
the nervous
system and can
be applied to
brain research.
text resource is
intended to
support reading
in the content
area. The text
describes a rare
form of
dwarfism called
which is
associated with
an unusually
GM Mosquitoes Succeed at Reducing Dengue, Company Says:
low incidence of
cancer and
diabetes. This
combination of
allows scientists
to speculate on
the relationship
between all
three conditions.
It appears that a
mutation that
causes dwarfism
protects against
the common
diseases of
cancer and
text resource is
designed to
support reading
in the content
area. The article
describes a
recent study that
researchers to
prove the
benefits of
releasing GM
mosquitoes in
Brazil in order
to decrease
transmission. At
first, research
showed that the
population had
dropped, but
then the
research also
showed that
diseases like
How Basic Research Fuels Medical Advances:
Human DNA Is Not A Document, It's An App:
dengue fever
had dropped
dramatically in
comparison to
areas with
text resource is
intended to
support reading
in the content
area. Research
out of Scripps
Florida campus
illustrates how
studying simple
processes, such
as DNA
replication, can
lead to highly
advances: in this
case, a possible
cure for adultonset muscular
dystrophy. The
article also
shows how
basic research
has led to some
familiar medical
text resource is
intended to
support reading
in the content
area. This article
discusses the
Humans and Squid Evolved Same Eyes Using Same Genes:
relevance of the
new findings
regarding DNA
coding and uses
metaphors (i.e.
Apps and
Zappos) to
compare DNA
coding to
text resource is
intended to
support reading
in the content
area. The text
discusses the
evolution of the
eye across
different types
of organisms.
Eyes have
several times
(such as in squid
vs. humans),
though all
animals with
eyes share the
Pax6 gene,
which is
responsible for
organizing the
formation of a
simple eye. The
evolution of the
Pax6 gene,
particularly in
how its RNA
product is
spliced, is
Incredible Technology: How to Bring Extinct Animals Back to Life:
Is Large-Scale Production of Biofuel Possible?:
responsible for
the diversity of
eye types, such
as the camera
eye in squid.
text resource is
intended to
support reading
in the content
area. The article
possible ways in
which an extinct
animal might be
revived, as well
as the potential
consequences of
text resource is
intended to
support reading
in the content
area. Is largescale production
of biofuel
possible? The
author attempts
to answer this
key question. As
the world seeks
to decrease its
dependence on
petroleum fuel
by genetically
certain crops,
there is the
potential to
biofuels. Plant
sources for
IVF Pioneer Wins Medicine Nobel Prize:
Killing a Patient to Save His Life:
bioenergy, the
harnessing of
plant bioenergy,
and the
sustainability of
the industry are
all issues
considered in
this text. The
article discusses
and economic
text is intended
to support
reading in the
content area.
This article
covers the topics
of In Vitro
the scientific
pioneers, and
the ethical
surrounding it.
text resource is
intended to
support reading
in the content
area. This article
explores a
clinical trial
being conducted
by the
University of
Scientists are
Know Your Genes:
exploring more
efficient ways to
save lives when
patients enter
the emergency
room in critical
condition. The
idea involves
draining the
patient's blood
and replacing it
with freezing
saltwater to
induce a
state that will
buy doctors
more time to
save human
lives. This is
causing an
ethical debate as
patients will be
clinically dead
during this
procedure. The
technique is
known as
Preservation and
This website is a
good resource
for reviewing
the basics of the
study of
genetics. It
lists and
common genetic
disorders, and
procedure for
Live Cells Printed Using 'Rubber Stamp' Method:
Long-held Theory on Human Gestation Refuted:
setting up a
medical family
text resource is
intended to
support reading
in the content
area. This article
discusses how
new 3D printing
methods can be
used to print
new living cells
text resource is
intended to
support reading
in the content
area. This is a
fine synopsis of
a previously
reported (and
highly technical)
study that shows
the thought
process behind
challenging an
existing theory.
The subject is
human evolution
and the biology
of childbirth. It
concepts such as
walking upright,
as well as the
biology of
energy needs in
Long-held views
Mitosis Online Activity:
Rabies Could Spread to Peru's Coast by 2020:
Raman Method Analyzes Live Cells Quickly and Accurately :
(that narrow
birth canals are
required for
bipedalism) are
debunked by
careful analysis
of how women
with varying hip
widths actually
walk—and the
authors found
no difference.
Mitosis internet
Identifying the
different stages
of mitosis in
plant and animal
text resource is
designed to
support reading
in the content
area. The article
discusses how
the rabies virus
is likely to
spread to the
coast of Peru by
the year 2020. It
further discusses
the technology
used to
determine that
the male
vampire bat is
most likely the
carrier of the
rabies virus to
different areas
in Peru.
Rewriting Genetic Information to Prevent Disease:
text resource is
intended to
support reading
in the content
area. The
Institute for
Engineering and
has developed a
process for
analyzing living
cells. This
technique uses
and will be able
to to identify
cancer cells
based upon their
unique Raman
separating bone
marrow from
other tissues for
text resource is
designed to
support reading
in the content
area. CRISPR is
an ancient
found in many
bacteria that can
locate and
destroy the
Rheumatoid Arthritis Mechanisms May Vary by Joint:
Sexual Reproduction - How it Works:
genome of an
invader, such as
a virus. Now
researchers want
to harness this
natural system
to control gene
editing and
regulation, and
correct harmful
mutations in
humans. The
of this
technology are
also discussed.
text resource is
designed to
support reading
in the content
area. New
indicates that
may vary by
joint. These
findings may
point to
therapies for
patients that
target precise
text resource is
intended to
Slug-Inspired Glue Can Heal a Broken Heart:
Some Genes Remain "Alive" for Days After the Body Dies:
support reading
in the content
area. This article
gives an
overview of the
including the
organs that are
present in both
sexes and the
role that each
gender plays in
reproduction. It
is organized in a
manner that
supports readers'
of the subject
and captures
their attention.
text is intended
to support
reading in the
content area.
The article
describes a new
glue, mimicking
the sea slug, that
can be used to
mend heart
text resource is
intended to
support reading
in the content
from the
University of
Washington, led
Ten things to know about Scott Kelly’s #YearInSpace:
Peter Nobel,
found that
hundreds of
genes reawaken
and function in
mice and fish
for up to four
days. Nobel also
discovered that
these genes are
responsible for
responding to
stress and
regulating the
immune system.
There were also
others that are
important for a
embryo being
used and these
shouldn’t be
needed after
birth. In
addition, the
genes may also
be linked to
increased cancer
in organ
transplants and
scientists are
hoping to use
the information
in forensic
science to better
estimate a time
of death.
text resource is
designed to
support reading
in the content
area. The article
The Cell's Protein Factory in Action:
describes an
ongoing NASA
research project
where astronaut
Scott Kelly and
Kornienko are
being tested for
the effects of a
However, the
science of their
mission spans
three years: one
year before they
left, one year in
space, and
another upon
their return. In
addition, part of
the research also
includes the
Twin Study;
Scott’s identical
twin brother,
and a former
served as a
human control
on the ground
during Scott’s
year-long stay in
text resource is
intended to
support reading
in the content
area. The
ribosome, the
site of protein
synthesis, is the
focus of this
The First Non-Browning GMO Apples Slated to Hit Shelves Next Month:
The Mythology of Natural Selection:
article. The text
describes how a
antibiotics are
targeting the
ribosomes of
both harmful
and beneficial
bacteria-is being
solved by
studying the
movement of
text resource is
intended to
support reading
in the content
area. The article
discusses newly
apples that have
lower levels of
PPO enzyme,
thus keeping
them from
turning brown
text resource is
intended to
support reading
in the content
area. The text
describes how
natural selection
occurs when
mutations occur
in an
DNA sequence.
Two different
This App Uses Facial Recognition Software to Help Identify Genetic
What is Cancer? What Causes Cancer?:
populations can
have two
different genetic
mutations yet
end up with a
text resource is
intended to
support reading
in the content
area. The article
describes a new
that is being
used by
geneticists to
help identify
disorders. The
app uploads a
picture and
databases for
specific facial
common to
specific genetic
conditions. The
app sends out a
list of possible
conditions, as
well as a metric
of their
text is intended
to support
reading in the
content area.
Why People Oppose GMOs Even Though Science Says They Are Safe:
This article both
identifies cancer
and some of its
specifically, the
fact that
uncontrolled cell
growth may
result in a
text resource
explains why
the conventional
wisdom of much
of the public
tends to be
against GMOs:
Author Stefaan
discusses why
people feel
hostile toward
GMOs: because
of emotions,
intuitions, and
The author
explains that
science has
found nothing
unsafe about
GMOs, but he
does conclude
that each GMO
should be
researched and
admits that
some GM
could have
Student Center Activity
Use this resource as a follow up to the following video that explains
RNAi Out
discovered/. This group activity can introduces two analogies to
Transcription and
illustrate how RNAi interferes with specific gene expression and
Translation (A Model): protein production. In the first model, students review protein
synthesis. In the second model, the interference of RNAi with the
protein production is illustrated. Throughout this process, students
develop an understanding of transcription and translation.
In this problem set, multiple choice problems are displayed one at a
Dihybrid Cross
time. If students answer correctly, they are shown a short explanation.
Problem Set:
If their answer is incorrect, a tutorial will follow, and the students will
be given another chance to answer.
Perspectives Video: Expert
understanding of
agriscience will
bloom and grow
as this plant
Agriculture: Mitosis and Meiosis:
describes how
they use mitosis
and meiosis when
developing new
grape varieties.
This plant
geneticist wants to
Agriculture: Plant Propagation via Asexual Reproduction:
knowledge about
different kinds of
plant propagation.
Dr. Mahmood
Shivji describes
Assessment of Genetic Biodiversity of Deep-sea Fish in the Gulf of Mexico:
research efforts to
assess biodiversity
Biochemistry and Medicine:
DNA Microsatellite Analysis for Plant Ecology:
Gene Expression and Regulation:
Mutations, the Cell Cycle, and Cancer:
Observable Inheritance Patterns:
of fish species in
the deep waters of
the Gulf of
Mexico through
the use of genetic
Advances in "big
data" are leading
to rapid
developments in
medicine. Learn
Dr. David McNutt
explains how
large clonal plant
populations can be
analyzed with
analysis of their
Genes are
transcribed and
translated into
proteins, a process
called gene
expression. Learn
here how you
have the proteins
you need in the
quantities required
Sometimes the
cell cycle gets
derailed a bit,
which can lead to
the development
of tumors. Learn
more about
A plant geneticist
Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Gene Expression:
Protein Factories:
Proteins and Secretory Pathways:
Rapid Genetic Identification of Sharks:
Relationship of Cnidarian Gametes and Body Mass:
The Geometry of DNA Replication:
patterns and
genetic mutations
in maize.
Check this out and
learn about how
prokaryotes and
regulate gene
What's in a
toolbox? Very
small tools for
working with
cellular machines
and molecules!
A cell has made a
protein; now
what? Learn more
about protein
Dr. Mahmood
Shivji explains
how rapid genetic
testing of shark
tissue samples is
used to address
societal pressures
on marine
Will Ryan
describes the
between anemone
strategy and body
A discussion of
the applications of
Knot Theory,
replication of
DNA, enzymes,
and fluid
Transcription and Translation:
Viruses, Bacteria, and Biotechnology:
Viticulture and Biotechnology:
How do you know
what genes are
thinking? By their
expression. Learn
more from a plant
Watch now and
learn more about
plants, bacteria,
and phage viruses!
A viticulture
scientist explains
grape expectations
for medicine and
Original Tutorial
Learn strategies to help you solve
genetics problems by applying
your knowledge of inheritance
Analyzing Patterns of Inheritance:
patterns. You’ll encounter a few
“mystery cases” that you’ll solve
through your genetics analysis in
this interactive tutorial.
Examine how genetic
identification is aiding marine
biologists studying organisms in
Assessment of Genetic Biodiversity through Biotechnology:
deep ocean regions. This
interactive tutorial also features a
CPALMS Perspectives video.
By the end of this tutorial, you
should be able to explain the
relationship between mutations,
Cancer: Mutated Cells Gone Wild!:
the cell cycle, and uncontrolled
cell growth which may result in
In this tutorial you will compare
and contrast mitosis and meiosis.
Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis:
You will also relate them to the
processes of sexual and asexual
reproduction and their
consequences for genetic
Learn how to identify explicit
evidence and understand implicit
meaning in a text…
Complex Modes of Inheritance:
DNA Replication:
DNA to Genes to Proteins:
Differentiate between
polygenic and multiple
Predict genetic outcomes
using a Punnett square
with alleles that result in a
codominant trait.
Analyze observed
outcomes of a sex linked
trait using a Punnett
Analyze observed
inheritance patterns caused
by various modes of
inheritances including
codominant, incomplete
dominance, sex-linked,
polygenic, and multiple
You began your life as a single
cell and you now have trillions of
cells. Even though a cell only uses
a portion of its DNA, each cell
contains the same set of DNA
instructions. How is it possible
that DNA can be copied so that
every cell gets the same set of
instructions? By the end of this
tutorial you should be able to
describe how DNA is copied and
explain how this process allows
cells to have identical genetic
The focus of this tutorial is the
first step of protein synthesis,
transcription of DNA to RNA.
Students are introduced to the
concept of epigenetics as a
mechanism to activate or
inactivate gene expression.
Learn how to:
Impact of Biotechnology:
Meiosis: A Love Story:
Protein Synthesis: Your Personal Protein Factory:
Reproduction Strategies:
The Universal Genetic Code:
define biotechnology
identify examples of
discriminate between
varying biotechnologies
and consider the benefits to
the individual and society
summarize the impact of
biotechnologies on the
individual, society and the
By the end of this tutorial you
should be able to describe the
process by which sex cells, the
sperm and the egg, are created in
living things, and describe how
sexual reproduction results in
genetically diverse offspring.
By the end of this tutorial you
should be able to identify the basic
processes of transcription and
translation, and how they result in
the expression of genes.
Explore consequences and
challenges of reproductive
strategies of sea anemones.
Learn how to better understand the
composition of DNA, the purpose
of the information in DNA, why
the DNA sequence is considered a
universal code, and what might
happen if mistakes appear in the
Can We Live Forever? (video):
Cancer and the Cell Cycle:
Cell Division and the Cell Cycle:
This video discusses
how bacteria spread
and the pros and cons
of bacteria.
This 2011 episode
of PBS's Nova
contains a few
describing cutting
edge science
regarding longevity.
The program
touches on the
science of
body parts, the
genetics of
longevity, and
creating technical
extensions of
ourselves through
avatars that could
live forever. The
production style is
informative, and
very engaging for
An introduction to
what cancer is and
how it is the byproduct of broken
DNA replication.
The National Institute
of Health website
provides a set of short
animations of the cell
cycle and cancer
This dramatic video
choreographed to
powerful music
introduces the
viewer/student to the
wonder and miracle of
the cell division and
cell cycle. It is
designed as a
motivational "trailer"
to be shown by
Biochemistry and Life
Science teachers in
middle and high
Development of the Human Embryonic Brain:
DNA Replication, Transcription and Translation Video Clips:
DNA Tutorial:
DNA: Animations:
This video
presentation shows
how the fetal brain
grows during
pregnancy, both in
terms of its size and
the number of
The website is a
compilation of short
video clips, word
documents, pdf's,
presentations, and
other activities.
This website has a
nice graphic depiction
of complementary
base pairing, as well
as a great video
computer model of
DNA replication,
transcription, and
translation. Additional
links are provided for
further study.
The Howard Hughes
Medical Institute
makes available
twenty-five short,
narrated animations
about DNA at this
link. The animations
Exploring Mutant Organisms:
Genetically Modified Organisms:
are viewable as video
clips and topics
include, but are not
limited to DNA
structure, DNA
transcription and
translation, mutations
in DNA, polymerase
chain reaction, DNA
sequencing, and
shotgun sequencing.
 Interviews
with expert
about the
genome and
 Examples on
used in
 Animation
how mutations
How is technology
changing the world
around you? This
video will really get
you thinking. It
explores the medical
and ethical issues
behind genetically
modified organisms.
The genetic makeup
of organisms has been
changing naturally
over time. However,
with the
advancements in
technology, man has
stepped in and can
now genetically
transform an
organism. As
impressive as that
may be, it is important
to consider the impact
that the use of this
biotechnology has on
us as individuals, on
our society, and on
the environment
around us.
HIV Life Cycle:
Lab: Bacterial Transformation:
This video
presentation will help
you to understand
how HIV infects a cell
and replicates itself
using reverse
transcriptase and the
host's cellular
 This activity
provides a
about research
related to
 Contains an
animation that
shows how
enzymes work
on cutting
DNA strands
Lab: DNA Extraction:
on the
discovery of
the DNA
double helix
Contains an
Lab: DNA Fingerprint: Alu:
Lab: Mendelian Inheritance:
Lab: Restriction Analysis:
activity for
base pairing
Contains an
activity for
on tracking
ancestry using
the alu marker
Animation on
chain reaction,
activity for
Provides a
about Gregor
Mendel, the
father of
Lists the rules
of inheritance
Contains an
activity for
making a
An interactive
exercise for
using agarose
for separating
Meiosis vs. Mitosis : How cells divide.:
MIT BLOSSOMS - Discovering Medicines, Using Robots and
Explain how
is used in
analysis of
This is a computer
animation side by side
of meiosis and mitosis
comparing the phases
as they occur slowly.
Scientists who are
working to discover
new medicines often
use robots to prepare
samples of cells,
allowing them to test
chemicals to identify
those that might be
used to treat diseases.
Students will meet a
scientist who works to
identify new
medicines. She
created free software
that "looks" at images
of cells and
determines which
images show cells that
have responded to the
potential medicines.
Students will learn
about how this
technology is
currently enabling
research to identify
new antibiotics to
treat tuberculosis.
Students will
complete hands-on
activities that
demonstrate how new
medicines can be
discovered using
MIT BLOSSOMS - Using DNA to Identify People:
robots and computer
software, starring the
student as "the
computer." In the
process, the students
learn about
experimental design,
including positive and
negative controls.
Students should have
some introductory
knowledge about the
following topics: (1)
biology: students
should have a basic
understanding of
infection and good
hygiene, they should
know what bacteria
and cells are; (2)
chemistry: the
students should know
what a chemical
compound (molecule)
is. They should have
an understanding that
medicines, also called
"drugs", are chemical
compounds; (3) basic
experimental design:
students should
understand the terms
"samples" and
"testing". All handouts necessary for this
video lesson can be
downloaded below.
This lesson focuses on
the molecular biology
technique of DNA
fingerprinting: what it
is, how it works, and
how the data from
these experiments are
used for paternity
testing and forensics.
DNA can be used to
tell people apart
because humans differ
from each other based
on either their DNA
sequences or the
lengths of repeated
regions of DNA.
Length differences are
typically used in
forensics and
paternity testing. The
technique of gel
separates DNA by
size, thus allowing
people to be identified
based on analyzing
the lengths of their
DNA. We discuss
how gel
electrophoresis works,
and lab footage is
shown of this
technique being
performed in real
time. Students then
analyze results from
these experiments and
work on case
examples using DNA
to match babies to
parents and crime
scene evidence to
suspects. In terms of
knowledge, it would
be ideal if students
already have learned
that DNA is the
genetic material, and
that DNA is made up
of As, Ts, Gs, and Cs.
It also would help if
students already know
that each human has
Phases of Mitosis:
Photosynthesis animation and other cell processes in animation:
Sex-Linked Traits:
two versions of every
piece of DNA in their
genome, one from
mom and one from
dad. Necessary
supplies for this
lesson include only
paper and writing
utensils, and the
ability to print out or
display the provided
handouts. The lesson
will take about one
class period, with
roughly 30 minutes of
footage and 30
minutes of activities.
At the end of the
lesson, an optional
video tour of the
Cambridge Police
Identification Lab is
provided, giving
students an
opportunity to see the
equipment used in
crime labs to isolate
both real fingerprints
and DNA for DNA
fingerprint analysis,
from evidence found
at crime scenes.
This video discusses
the phases of mitosis.
This site has fantastic
short Flash
animations of intricate
cell processes,
photosynthesis and
the electron transport
This video describes
the chromosomal
Video: Mitosis:
basis for gender and
sex-linked traits.
A detailed depiction
of translation, the
second stage of
protein synthesis. This
is the third in a series
of three animations on
protein synthesis.
This is a brief video
that can be used in a
7th grade classroom
to demonstrate the
process of mitosis. It
could be used
repeatedly to reinforce
the stages as this is
typically a difficult
concept for middle
school age students to
This videos discusses
how viruses work.
Binary Fission:
Chromosomes Carry Genes:
This tutorial will help the
learners understand the process
of binary fission in bacteria.
During binary fission, the
DNA copies itself, the cell
divides in half, and two
identical daughter cells are
This Khan Academy video
discusses the basics of
cancer. The relationship
between mutation, the cell
cycle and uncontolled cell
growth is explained.
With this tutorial, you can
understand that DNA is
wrapped together to form
Chromosomes, Chromatids, and Chromatin:
Comparison of Meiosis and Mitosis:
Comparison of Meiosis and Mitosis:
Comparison of Meiosis and Mitosis:
structures called
chromosomes. Genes are
sections of DNA that are
carried on the chromosomes
and determine specific
characteristics in organisms.
This specific tutorial focuses
on sex-linked traits and the
work done by Thomas Hunt
Morgan with fruit flies.
This Khan Academy video
reviews the basic processes of
DNA replication and protein
synthesis. It then goes on to
explain how the terms
chromosome, chromatin, and
chromatid, relate to each other.
This tutorial will help students
understand the differences
between meiosis and
mitosis. The processes differ
in two fundamental
ways. Meiosis has two rounds
of genetic separation and
cellular division while mitosis
only has one of each. In
meiosis, homologous
chromosomes separate leading
to daughter cells that are not
genetically identical. In
mitosis, the daughter cells are
identical to the parent as well
as to each other.
This tutorial will help you
compare meiosis and mitosis.
It discusses the similarities that
are found in both, as well as
the fundamental differences
between the two types of cell
This tutorial will help you to
understand the differences and
similarities between meiosis
and mitosis.
Diagnosing Words: Effective Vocabulary Strategies:
DNA Fingerprinting:
DNA Replication:
Click "View Site" to open a
full-screen version. This
tutorial is designed to help
secondary science teachers
learn how to integrate literacy
skills into their science
curriculum. This tutorial will
demonstrate a number of
strategies teachers can impart
to students to help them use
context clues to determine the
meaning of unfamiliar words
within science texts. It will
also help them teach students
how to select the appropriate
definition from reference
materials. The focus on
literacy across content areas is
intended to help foster
students’ reading, writing, and
thinking skills in multiple
This Khan Academy video
describes the structure of the
molecule DNA in great detail.
It also discuses the role DNA
plays in the process of protein
synthesis, explaining
transcription and translation.
The video discusses the
relationship between DNA and
chromosomes as well.
This tutorial will help you to
visualize how DNA
fingerprinting uses the pattern
of DNA fragments caused by
specific enzymes to identify
individual organisms including
humans, animals, plants or any
other organism with DNA.
This tutorial will help you to
understand how nucleotides
are added to the leading and
lagging strands of DNA during
This challenging tutorial
addresses the concept at a high
level of complexity.
DNA Replication:
DNA Sequencing Using the Sanger Method:
DNA Structure:
DNA Three Letter Words:
DNA- Transcription and Translation:
This tutorial will help learners
understand the process of
DNA replication, including the
enzymes involved. Learners
will be able to recognize that
an exact copy of DNA must be
created prior to cell division.
DNA sequencing is a
technique for determining the
complete sequence of bases
(As, Ts, Gs, and Cs) for a
particular piece of DNA.
Sequencing is relatively time
consuming, as the process
must be done to fairly short
lengths of DNA at a time. This
tutorial will help you to
understand the process of
DNA sequencing.
This tutorial will help the
learners to understand structure
of DNA and how this structure
allows for accurate replication.
You will see how the genetic
code, using the DNA alphabet
A,T,C, and G,
produces codons to specify the
20 known amino acids. Each
codon consists of a three letter
code producing 64 possible
words which specify the amino
acids and stop signals.
This interactive tutorial
explore the process of DNA
replication. It provides practice
opportunities to check your
understanding of transcription
DNA: The Book of You:
Embryonic Stem Cells:
Genes Come in Pairs:
and translation, the processes
the occur to convert genetic
information into vital proteins.
This resource is part of a larger
collection of information
regarding the Human Genome
Project and Genetic
Engineering. Users may view
information before and after
the transcription and
translation components
highlighted here.
Your body is made of cells -but how does a single cell
know to become part of your
nose, instead of your toes? The
answer is in your body's
instruction book: DNA. Joe
Hanson compares DNA to a
detailed manual for building a
person out of cells -- with 46
chapters (chromosomes) and
hundreds of thousands of
pages covering every part of
This Khan Academy video
describes what happens to a
zygote as it becomes an
embyro. It further explains
what a stem cell is and
discusses why there are
questions concerning the use
of stem cells.
This tutorial will help you to
understand that genes play an
important role in determining
physical traits. These traits
helps us to identify the
homozygous or heterozygous
variety of genes. When the
pair of genes are homozygous,
they are known as pure bred,
i.e they have two copies of the
same gene for each trait. For
heterozygous variety, they
have different gene for each
trait. Out of this pair, one will
be dominant and other will be
How do cancer cells grow?
How does chemotherapy fight
cancer (and cause negative
side effects)? The answers lie
How Do Cancer Cells Behave Differently From Healthy Ones?:
in cell division. George Zaidan
explains how rapid cell
division is cancer’s "strength"
-- and also its weakness.
This TED-ED original lesson
explains the three common
routes of metastasis. Cancer
usually begins with one tumor
in a specific area of the body.
But if the tumor is not
removed, cancer has the ability
to spread to nearby organs as
How Does Cancer Spread Through the Body?:
well as places far away from
the origin, like the brain. How
does cancer move to these new
areas and why are some organs
more likely to get infected than
others? Ivan Seah Yu Jun
explains the three common
routes of metastasis.
How Intracellular Receptors Regulate Gene Transcription:
Gene transcription is
controlled by multiple factors.
Some proteins bind to DNA
sequences and start the process
of gene transcription. RNA
synthesis can only occur when
these activators are bound to
specific DNA sequences. This
tutorial will help you to
understand the process of gene
How Meiosis Works:
This tutorial discusses the
process of meiosis which
Human Chromosomes:
Maturation of the Follicle and Oocyte:
Meiosis 1:
results in the formation of
sperm cells and egg cells. It is
the process by which diploid
cells become haploid gametes.
This tutorial will allow the
student to model the process of
making a karyotype which is a
picture of all the chromosomes
in a cell. Students will match
each pair of chromosomes by
their size, the size and location
of chromosome bands, and
location of the centromere.
This tutorial will help you to
understand the function of the
follicle. Each follicle is a
single egg cell surrounded by
several layers of follicle cells.
An ovary consists of many
follicles. The follicle cells
protect and nourish the egg
prior to its release into the
oviducts during ovulation.
This animation describes what
occurs in a cell during the
process of meiosis. Each
phase of meiosis is defined
and a visual accompanies the
definition. Students can see the
process of a diploid cell
becoming a haploid cell.
This tutorial will help students
understand the process of
meiosis. Each stage in the
process of meiosis is explained
and animated in this tutorial.
This tutorial will help you to
understand the unique features
of the first round of meiosis. In
meiosis 1, members of
homologous chromosome pairs
are separated. This results in
Meiosis II:
Meiosis Tutorial:
Meiosis with Crossing Over:
Mitosis and DNA Replication:
Phases of Meiosis I:
Phases of Meiosis II:
the segregation of genes into
two gametes.
This tutorial will help you to
understand how meiosis II is
very similar to mitosis. In both
cases, chromosomes line up
and sister chromatids are
separated by the action of the
spindle fibers.
This online tutorial is designed
to help students understand the
events that occur in process of
An important fundamental
concept of genetics is the idea
of independent assortment.
This states that genes are
inherited independently of one
another. This tutorial will help
you better understand crossing
over and independent
assortment during meiosis.
Mitosis is the process by
which a cell duplicates the
chromosomes in its cell
nucleus, in order to generate
two, identical, daughter nuclei.
This tutorial will help the
learners understand the process
of mitosis. The learners can
also understand the terms with
the glossary provided in the
This tutorial discusses the
process of mitosis in detail,
describing the events that
occur during interphase,
prophase, metaphase,
anaphase, and telephase. The
process of DNA replication is
also explained.
This video discusses the
phases of Meiosis (Part 1 of 2).
This video discusses the
phases of Meiosis (Part 2 of 2).
Polymerase Chain Reaction:
Polymerase Chain Reaction:
Protein Synthesis:
Protein Synthesis:
Protein Synthesis:
Punnet Square Fun:
This tutorial introduces the
polymerase chain reaction
(PCR), which is a technique
used in molecular biology to
make multiple copies of a gene
even when only small amounts
of DNA are available.
This tutorial will help you to
understand the procedure of
amplifying a single copy of
DNA into millions of copies.
Polymerase chain reaction is a
molecular prototyping
technique which helps in
copying small segments of
DNA into significant amounts
required for molecular and
genetic analyses.
Protein synthesis is the
creation of proteins using
DNA and RNA. It is a two step
process (1) Transcription and
(2) Translation. This tutorial
will help the learners
understand these two steps of
protein synthesis.
Protein synthesis is the making
of proteins using the
information that is found in
DNA. This tutorial will help
the learners understand the
process of protein synthesis
through a video animation.
This tutorial is a full lesson on
the process of protein
synthesis. Transcription and
translation are both explained
in detail.
This Khan Academy video
explains and demonstrates how
to use Punnett Squares for
monohybrid crosses
and dihybrid crosses. The
video also shows how to use
Punnett Squares for
Regulating Genes:
RNA Translation:
Sex-Linked Traits:
Some Genes are Dominant:
inheritance patterns such as
codominance, incomplete
dominance, and multiple
This tutorial uses animation
and practice opportunities to
explore how mutations in
DNA can impact the
expression of a gene. Get a
close up view of the nucleus of
a fertilized egg and observe
how mutations in different
locations of a DNA strand
influence the traits that are
expressed during development.
This tutorial will demonstrates
the process of RNA translation
through an interactive
This Khan Academy tutorial
addresses the differences
between the X and Y
chromosomes in humans. The
SRY gene found on the Y
chromosome is discussed and
the genes that cause colorblindness and hemophilia on
the X chromosome are
This tutorial will help you to
understand how Mendel, the
father of genetics, planned and
crossed the pure-bred pea plant
to understand the process of
genetics. With the help of the
animation, you should be able
to understand how the alleles
are transferred from one
generation to another.
Spermatogenesis is the process
in which spermatozoa are
produced from male primordial
germ cells by way of mitosis
and meiosis. This tutorial will
help the learners to understand
Stages of Meiosis:
Stages of Meiosis:
The Process of DNA Replication:
the process of
Meiosis is the process by
which a diploid eukaryotic cell
divides to generate four
haploid cells. This process is
important in forming gametes
for sexual reproduction. This
tutorial will help you
understand the process of
meiosis and its various stages.
This animation details the
process of meiosis and
explains each of the stages.
DNA replication is the process
of producing two identical
replicas from one original
DNA molecule. This tutorial
will help you to understand the
process of DNA replication
and the factors involved in the
replication process.
This challenging tutorial
addresses the concept at a high
level of complexity.
Transcription and Translation:
Unique Features of Meiosis:
This Khan Academy video
briefly describes
DNA replication and then goes
into a thorough explanation of
both transcription and
This tutorial will help you to
understand the basic principles
of genetic inheritance which
are segregation and
independent assortment of two
The principles of genetic
inheritance are based on
unique features of meiosis.
Synapsis of
homologous chromosomes and
the separation of the
homologous pairs during
anaphase 1 cause the
segregation of alleles. Crossing
over and the random
separation of chromosomes
cause independent assortment.
This tutorial will help you to
understand the three unique
features of meiosis and how
meiosis is related to genetic
Unique Features of Meiosis:
Virtual Manipulative
The lac operon is a set of genes which
are responsible for the metabolism of
lactose in some bacterial cells. Students
will explore the effects of mutation
within the lac operon by adding or
removing genes from the DNA.
Build a GeneNetwork:
Centre of the Cell: Mitosis Interactive:
Predicts the effects on lactose
metabolism when the various
genes and DNA control
elements are mutated (added or
Predicts the effects on lactose
metabolism when the
concentration of lactose is
Explain the roles of Lacl, LacZ,
and LacY in lactose regulation.
In this interactive, students order stages
of mitosis. Each stage is represented by
a short video of a real cell undergoing
that phase of mitosis and a short
description of the events. Students order
DNA - The Double Helix Game:
DNA Extraction Virtual Lab:
DNA Polymerase:
DNA Replication Animation:
the videos to create a short video of
DNA is the genetic material of all
known living organisms and some
viruses. DNA contains two stands
wrapped around each other in a helix,
and these stands are held in place by
four chemicals called bases: adenine
(A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and
thymine (T). The bases pair up with
each other in a specific manner to form
units called base pairs - adenine always
pairs with thymine, and cytosine always
pairs with guanine.
In this game your job is to first make
exact copies of a double-stranded DNA
molecule by correctly matching base
pairs to each strand, and to then
determine which organism the DNA
belongs to.
In this interactive Biotechniques virtual
lab, you will isolate DNA from a human
test subject and learn the uses for DNA
obtained through extraction. The "Try It
Yourself" section below the virtual lab
gives instruction and background
information about how to extract DNA
from living tissue using basic materials
available in grocery stores.
In this activity students will recognize
that DNA polymerase is responsible for
the process of DNA replication, during
which a double-stranded DNA molecule
is copied into two identical DNA
molecules. DNA ploymerase catalyze
the polymerization of
deoxyribonucleotides alongside a DNA
strand, which they read and use as a
template. The newly-polymerized
molecule is complementary to the
template strand.
This resource is an animation to explain
DNA replication. It is an interactive
simulation activity for students. See
DNA to Protein:
DNA-The Double Helix:
Gel electrophoresis Virtual Lab:
Meiosis or Mitosis:
also "Transcription and Translation
Animation" to get all of the steps from
DNA to protein.
This website contains many interactive
activities that can be used by students to
gain an understanding of translation and
In this interactive game, the students
will understand how a DNA molecule is
built up, how the copies of the DNA
molecule made and what is the meaning
of base-pairing. The job of the students
in this game is to first make exact
copies of a double-stranded DNA
molecule by correctly matching the base
pairs to each strand, and to then
determine which organism the DNA
belongs to.
This virtual lab provides an excellent
resource to show how biotechnology
can be incorporated into an actual
situation. The student will be walked
through the gel electrophoresis process
and then apply the results to solve a
This tutorial explores the work of
Gregor Mendel and his foundational
genetics experiments with pea plants. It
provides practice opportunities to check
your understanding of inheritance
patterns including single gene recessive
traits and sex linked traits. The tutorial
also covers more complex patterns of
inheritance such those resulting from
multiple alleles. Note: This resource is
part of a larger collection of information
regarding Genetics. Users may view
information before and after the specific
genetics components highlighted here.
This virtual lab has three components: a
short tutorial describing meiosis, a
series of microscope slides allowing
students to identify stages of meiosis,
and a karyotyping activity. The first
Norn Genetics:
Protein Synthesis:
components support student
understanding of mitosis and meiosis,
as well as gamete formation. The
karyotyping activity is fun and
interesting for students, but is not
necessary for mastery of NGSS science
This website provides an interactive
demonstration of a cell going through
the different stages of mitosis. You can
progress through each stage at your own
pace, or watch as the process unfolds
before your eyes. The demonstration
also has a description of what happens
in each phase of mitosis, from
interphase through cytokenesis.
This is a simplified, interactive
demonstration of genetic principles.
Using a fictional species named the
Norn, students can predict the outcome
of genetic crosses (mono and di-hybrid,
sex-linked, and multiple-allele). This
could be used to strengthen the students
understanding of genetics, practice
Punnet squares, or practice calculation
of genotypic/phenotypic ratios.
However, it is unlikely to be useful as
an independent assignment (if used as
This visual tutorial of the complex
biochemical process helps the student to
understand the process of protein
synthesis. This manipulative gives the
students detailed information starting
with the basics of genetic codes called
codons. Next, the lesson then leads the
students towards detailed information of
mRNA, tRNA and rRNAs. The final
phase helps students by describing the
complete process of protein synthesis
from initiation, to elongation and then
to termination. The tutorial offers check
questions at every stage to ensure
students are learning the important
Transcription and Translation Animation:
This interactive animation allows
students to replicate the steps of protein
synthesis from DNA. It coincides with
the resource "DNA Replication
The genes in DNA encode protein
molecules. Expressing a gene means
manufacturing its corresponding
protein.Translation is the key process of
making a protein from the genetic code
expresses in the DNA. In translation,
messenger RNA is read according to the
Translation: Making a protein from a messenger RNA:
genetic code, which relates the DNA
sequence to the amino acid sequence in
proteins. This virtual manipulative will
allow the students to understand the
process of translation. Students will also
get a chance to observe, what happens
when a new random mutation generates
stop codons.
In this resource, students can watch a
short video to better understand Punnett
Squares, then practice their
understanding with the virtual lab. In
the virtual lab, scenarios are presented
using flies where the student has to
Virtual Lab: Punnett Squares:
determine the genotypes of the parent
flies based on the information given.
Once the parent genotypes are entered
correctly, the student then has to
determine the genotype and phenotype
combinations in the Punnett Square.
Educational Game
This interactive website provides
challenging questions for students to
work cooperatively as they review
for formative or summative
Cell Cycle for 500, Alex - Cell Cycle Jeopardy Template:
assessments. The questions provide
scaffolding as they progress in order
from factual recall to inference.This
activity addresses several standards
The Control of the Cell Cycle:
Transcribe and Translate a Gene:
including meiosis, mitosis,
gamete/spore formation and
independent assortment.
The Control of the Cell Cycle
educational game is based on the
2001 Nobel Prize in Physiology or
Medicine, which was awarded for
discoveries concerning the control of
the cell cycle.
See how cells "read" the information
in a DNA sequence to build a
protein, then build one yourself!
Teaching Idea
Comparing and Contrasting Mitosis and Meiosis:
Dihybrid Crosses:
Fish and Onions, Can You Dig It?:
Modeling Transcription and Translation :
This step-by-animations
explores the stages of two
types of cell division, mitosis
and meiosis, and how these
processes are compared and
contrasted to one another and
provides a printable version.
This simple guide will walk
you through the steps of
solving a typical dihybrid
cross common in genetics.
The method can also work for
any cross that involves two
This resource provides
microscope photos of fish and
onion cells and allows
students to identify the phase
of mitosis shown in each
In the lab "From Gene to
Protein - Transcription and
Translation," students learn
how genes are involved in the
process of protein synthesis,
including exploring specific
examples such as albinism
and sickle cell anemia.
Transcription and Translation Using Edible Models Lesson Plan:
Translation Activity-SeaWorld Classroom Activity:
Students use paper models to
simulate the process of
transcription and translation.
The purpose of this lesson is
to convey to the students that
the cell is not static. The
proteins, which function as
the structure and the
machinery of the cell, must be
constantly manufactured in
order to support the cell's life
processes. Through the
processes of transcription and
translation, which are
described in this lesson, the
genetic code in the cell is
decoded in order to construct
these proteins.
During this lesson, the
students will be introduced to
the "big picture" of protein
synthesis through a hands-on
activity in which they
transcribe an mRNA
sequence from a DNA
sequence, and then translate a
protein from that mRNA
sequence. Finally, they will
explore the evolutionary and
regulatory reasons for the
processes described by the
Central Dogma.
Students will identify the
steps involved in the
translation process.
Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiast
Watch as Sue Livingston reveals how DNA and
DNA Biotechnology and Forensic Science: forensic biotechnology methods can be used to help
solve crimes.
Pregnancy and Birth:
This woman knows all about birthing babies!
This is a lab/activity that uses
dragons as "research subjects"
for genetics research. It
highlights independent
assortment as well as gene
linkage. Students will do the
first part of the activity using
independent assortment (genes
on different chromosomes).
The second part of the activity
looks at genes on the same
chromosome, and how linkage
Dragon Genetics -- Independent Assortment and Gene Linkage : plays a part in allele
assortment. It can be used to
show how crossing over
allows increased variation
when involving linked genes.
The Biology Corner:
Worksheets are available in
both Word and PDF formats,
for both teacher and student.
There is an additional dragon
genetics lab that illustrates the
principles of Mendelian
genetics as a whole.
This resource for biology
teachers includes a lesson plan
section which contains
classroom activities, labs and
worksheets. The activity
sheets are categorized by
Science and Literacy,
Anatomy, Scientific Method,
Cells, Phyla, Evolution and
Taxonomy, Genetics,
Ecology, and Plants.
3D Modeling
Proteins are amazing molecules! But where do proteins come
How to Make a Protein in 3D:
from? In this activity, we will review the process of protein
Sickle Cell Hemoglobin:
synthesis that includes transcription of DNA and translation into
a peptide using 3D printed nucleotides, tRNA molecules and
amino acids to build your own peptide.
Sickle cell disease results from a single nucleotide mutation in a
hemoglobin gene leading to an altered protein sequence and a
different three dimensional shape. In this activity, students will
assemble normal and sickle cell hemoglobin molecules and
investigate what leads to an abnormal red blood cell in patients
with the mutation.
Perspectives Video: Teaching Idea
In this table-top karyotyping
activity, students group
Karyotyping :
chromosomes, identify
abnormalities, and then research
the resulting genetic disorder.
Don't lose your marbles over
genetics concepts! Here's an idea
Modeling Incomplete Dominance and Co-Dominance:
to teach about non-Mendelian
Is that your tosis? No, it's mitosis!
Listen to this teacher describe a
Tabletop Mitosis:
fun, interactive simulation that will
help students understand mitosis
and the cell cycle.
Here's a genetics activity that's out
Teaching Inheritance with Alien Family Photos:
of this world!
Get out the popcorn; it's time for
science. This teacher talks about
Using Films to Connect Science Content to the Real World:
three films she uses to make movie
day a productive class day.
Resource Collection
Student Resources
Educational lesson, videos and games for K-12 students. Covers
all subjects, with Science and Social Studies very well
Agriculture: Mitosis and Meiosis:
Agriculture: Plant Propagation via Asexual Reproduction:
Analyzing Patterns of Inheritance:
Assessment of Genetic Biodiversity through Biotechnology:
Binary Fission:
Biochemistry and Medicine:
Build a GeneNetwork:
Your understanding of
agriscience will bloom and
grow as this plant geneticist
describes how they use mitosis
and meiosis when developing
new grape varieties.
This plant geneticist wants to
propagate knowledge about
different kinds of plant
Learn strategies to help you
solve genetics problems by
applying your knowledge of
inheritance patterns. You’ll
encounter a few “mystery
cases” that you’ll solve
through your genetics analysis
in this interactive tutorial.
Examine how genetic
identification is aiding marine
biologists studying organisms
in deep ocean regions. This
interactive tutorial also
features a CPALMS
Perspectives video.
This video discusses how
bacteria spread and the pros
and cons of bacteria.
This tutorial will help the
learners understand the process
of binary fission in bacteria.
During binary fission, the
DNA copies itself, the cell
divides in half, and two
identical daughter cells are
Advances in "big data" are
leading to rapid developments
in personalized medicine.
Learn more!
The lac operon is a set of genes
which are responsible for the
metabolism of lactose in some
bacterial cells. Students will
explore the effects of mutation
within the lac operon by
adding or removing genes
from the DNA.
Cancer and the Cell Cycle:
Cancer: Mutated Cells Gone Wild!:
Chromosomes, Chromatids, and Chromatin:
Predicts the effects on
lactose metabolism
when the various genes
and DNA control
elements are mutated
(added or removed).
Predicts the effects on
lactose metabolism
when the concentration
of lactose is changed.
Explain the roles of
Lacl, LacZ, and LacY
in lactose regulation.
An introduction to what cancer
is and how it is the by-product
of broken DNA replication.
This Khan Academy video
discusses the basics of
cancer. The relationship
between mutation, the cell
cycle and uncontolled cell
growth is explained.
The National Institute of
Health website provides a set
of short animations of the cell
cycle and cancer growth.
By the end of this tutorial, you
should be able to explain the
relationship between
mutations, the cell cycle, and
uncontrolled cell growth which
may result in cancer.
This Khan Academy video
reviews the basic processes of
DNA replication and protein
synthesis. It then goes on to
explain how the terms
Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis:
Comparison of Meiosis and Mitosis:
Comparison of Meiosis and Mitosis:
Comparison of Meiosis and Mitosis:
chromosome, chromatin, and
chromatid, relate to each other.
In this tutorial you will
compare and contrast mitosis
and meiosis. You will also
relate them to the processes of
sexual and asexual
reproduction and their
consequences for genetic
This tutorial will help students
understand the differences
between meiosis and
mitosis. The processes differ
in two fundamental
ways. Meiosis has two rounds
of genetic separation and
cellular division while mitosis
only has one of each. In
meiosis, homologous
chromosomes separate leading
to daughter cells that are not
genetically identical. In
mitosis, the daughter cells are
identical to the parent as well
as to each other.
This tutorial will help you
compare meiosis and mitosis.
It discusses the similarities that
are found in both, as well as
the fundamental differences
between the two types of cell
This tutorial will help you to
understand the differences and
similarities between meiosis
and mitosis.
Learn how to identify explicit
evidence and understand
implicit meaning in a text…
Complex Modes of Inheritance:
Differentiate between
polygenic and multiple
Development of the Human Embryonic Brain:
Dihybrid Cross Problem Set:
DNA - The Double Helix Game:
Predict genetic
outcomes using a
Punnett square with
alleles that result in a
codominant trait.
Analyze observed
outcomes of a sex
linked trait using a
Punnett square.
Analyze observed
inheritance patterns
caused by various
modes of inheritances
including codominant,
incomplete dominance,
sex-linked, polygenic,
and multiple alleles.
This video presentation shows
how the fetal brain grows
during pregnancy, both in
terms of its size and the
number of neurons.
In this problem set, multiple
choice problems are displayed
one at a time. If students
answer correctly, they are
shown a short explanation. If
their answer is incorrect, a
tutorial will follow, and the
students will be given another
chance to answer.
This Khan Academy video
describes the structure of the
molecule DNA in great detail.
It also discuses the role DNA
plays in the process of protein
synthesis, explaining
transcription and translation.
The video discusses the
relationship between DNA and
chromosomes as well.
DNA is the genetic material of
all known living organisms
DNA Extraction Virtual Lab:
DNA Fingerprinting:
DNA Polymerase:
and some viruses. DNA
contains two stands wrapped
around each other in a helix,
and these stands are held in
place by four chemicals called
bases: adenine (A), guanine
(G), cytosine (C), and thymine
(T). The bases pair up with
each other in a specific manner
to form units called base pairs
- adenine always pairs with
thymine, and cytosine always
pairs with guanine.
In this game your job is to first
make exact copies of a doublestranded DNA molecule by
correctly matching base pairs
to each strand, and to then
determine which organism the
DNA belongs to.
In this interactive
Biotechniques virtual lab, you
will isolate DNA from a
human test subject and learn
the uses for DNA obtained
through extraction. The "Try It
Yourself" section below the
virtual lab gives instruction
and background information
about how to extract DNA
from living tissue using basic
materials available in grocery
This tutorial will help you to
visualize how DNA
fingerprinting uses the pattern
of DNA fragments caused by
specific enzymes to identify
individual organisms including
humans, animals, plants or any
other organism with DNA.
In this activity students will
recognize that DNA
polymerase is responsible for
DNA Replication:
the process of DNA
replication, during which a
double-stranded DNA
molecule is copied into two
identical DNA molecules.
DNA ploymerase catalyze the
polymerization of
alongside a DNA strand,
which they read and use as a
template. The newlypolymerized molecule is
complementary to the template
You began your life as a single
cell and you now have trillions
of cells. Even though a cell
only uses a portion of its DNA,
each cell contains the same set
of DNA instructions. How is it
possible that DNA can be
copied so that every cell gets
the same set of instructions?
By the end of this tutorial you
should be able to describe how
DNA is copied and explain
how this process allows cells
to have identical genetic
This tutorial will help you to
understand how nucleotides
are added to the leading and
lagging strands of DNA during
DNA Replication:
This challenging tutorial
addresses the concept at a high
level of complexity.
DNA Replication:
This tutorial will help learners
understand the process of
DNA replication, including the
enzymes involved. Learners
will be able to recognize that
DNA Sequencing Using the Sanger Method:
DNA Structure:
DNA Three Letter Words:
DNA to Genes to Proteins:
DNA to Protein:
DNA- Transcription and Translation:
an exact copy of DNA must be
created prior to cell division.
DNA sequencing is a
technique for determining the
complete sequence of bases
(As, Ts, Gs, and Cs) for a
particular piece of DNA.
Sequencing is relatively time
consuming, as the process
must be done to fairly short
lengths of DNA at a time. This
tutorial will help you to
understand the process of
DNA sequencing.
This tutorial will help the
learners to understand structure
of DNA and how this structure
allows for accurate replication.
You will see how the genetic
code, using the DNA alphabet
A,T,C, and G,
produces codons to specify the
20 known amino acids. Each
codon consists of a three letter
code producing 64 possible
words which specify the amino
acids and stop signals.
The focus of this tutorial is the
first step of protein synthesis,
transcription of DNA to RNA.
Students are introduced to the
concept of epigenetics as a
mechanism to activate or
inactivate gene expression.
This website contains many
interactive activities that can
be used by students to gain an
understanding of translation
and transcription.
This interactive tutorial
explore the process of DNA
replication. It provides practice
opportunities to check your
understanding of transcription
and translation, the processes
DNA: Animations:
DNA: The Book of You:
Embryonic Stem Cells:
the occur to convert genetic
information into vital proteins.
This resource is part of a larger
collection of information
regarding the Human Genome
Project and Genetic
Engineering. Users may view
information before and after
the transcription and
translation components
highlighted here.
The Howard Hughes Medical
Institute makes available
twenty-five short, narrated
animations about DNA at this
link. The animations are
viewable as video clips and
topics include, but are not
limited to DNA structure,
DNA replication, transcription
and translation, mutations in
DNA, polymerase chain
reaction, DNA sequencing, and
shotgun sequencing.
Your body is made of cells -but how does a single cell
know to become part of your
nose, instead of your toes? The
answer is in your body's
instruction book: DNA. Joe
Hanson compares DNA to a
detailed manual for building a
person out of cells -- with 46
chapters (chromosomes) and
hundreds of thousands of
pages covering every part of
This Khan Academy video
describes what happens to a
zygote as it becomes an
embyro. It further explains
what a stem cell is and
discusses why there are
questions concerning the use
of stem cells.
Exploring Mutant Organisms:
Gel electrophoresis Virtual Lab:
Genes Come in Pairs:
Genetically Modified Organisms:
Interviews with expert
scientists about the
genome and mutant
Examples on model
organisms used in
genome research
Animation explaining
how mutations occur
This virtual lab provides an
excellent resource to show
how biotechnology can be
incorporated into an actual
situation. The student will be
walked through the gel
electrophoresis process and
then apply the results to solve
a crime.
This tutorial will help you to
understand that genes play an
important role in determining
physical traits. These traits
helps us to identify the
homozygous or heterozygous
variety of genes. When the
pair of genes are homozygous,
they are known as pure bred,
i.e they have two copies of the
same gene for each trait. For
heterozygous variety, they
have different gene for each
trait. Out of this pair, one will
be dominant and other will be
How is technology changing
the world around you? This
video will really get you
thinking. It explores the
medical and ethical issues
behind genetically modified
organisms. The genetic
makeup of organisms has been
changing naturally over time.
However, with the
advancements in technology,
man has stepped in and can
now genetically transform an
organism. As impressive as
that may be, it is important to
consider the impact that the
use of this biotechnology has
on us as individuals, on our
society, and on the
environment around us.
This tutorial explores the work
of Gregor Mendel and his
foundational genetics
experiments with pea plants. It
provides practice opportunities
to check your understanding of
inheritance patterns including
single gene recessive traits and
sex linked traits. The tutorial
also covers more complex
patterns of inheritance such
those resulting from multiple
alleles. Note: This resource is
part of a larger collection of
information regarding
Genetics. Users may view
information before and after
the specific genetics
components highlighted here.
This video presentation will
help you to understand how
HIV Life Cycle:
HIV infects a cell and
replicates itself using reverse
transcriptase and the host's
cellular machinery.
How do cancer cells grow?
How does chemotherapy fight
cancer (and cause negative
side effects)? The answers lie
How Do Cancer Cells Behave Differently From Healthy Ones?:
in cell division. George Zaidan
explains how rapid cell
division is cancer’s "strength"
-- and also its weakness.
How Does Cancer Spread Through the Body?:
This TED-ED original lesson
explains the three common
routes of metastasis. Cancer
usually begins with one tumor
in a specific area of the body.
But if the tumor is not
removed, cancer has the ability
to spread to nearby organs as
well as places far away from
the origin, like the brain. How
does cancer move to these new
areas and why are some organs
more likely to get infected than
others? Ivan Seah Yu Jun
explains the three common
routes of metastasis.
How Intracellular Receptors Regulate Gene Transcription:
Gene transcription is
controlled by multiple factors.
Some proteins bind to DNA
sequences and start the process
of gene transcription. RNA
synthesis can only occur when
these activators are bound to
specific DNA sequences. This
tutorial will help you to
understand the process of gene
How Meiosis Works:
Human Chromosomes:
This tutorial discusses the
process of meiosis which
results in the formation of
sperm cells and egg cells. It is
the process by which diploid
cells become haploid gametes.
This tutorial will allow the
student to model the process of
making a karyotype which is a
picture of all the chromosomes
in a cell. Students will match
each pair of chromosomes by
their size, the size and location
of chromosome bands, and
location of the centromere.
Learn how to:
Impact of Biotechnology:
Know Your Genes:
Lab: Bacterial Transformation:
define biotechnology
identify examples of
discriminate between
biotechnologies and
consider the benefits to
the individual and
summarize the impact
of biotechnologies on
the individual, society
and the environment
This website is a good
resource for reviewing the
basics of the study of genetics.
It conveniently lists and
describes common genetic
disorders, and describes
procedure for setting up a
medical family tree.
 This activity provides a
historical background
about research related
to bacterial analysis
 Contains an animation
that shows how
enzymes work on
cutting DNA strands
Lab: DNA Extraction:
Background on the
discovery of the DNA
double helix
Contains an interactive
activity for base pairing
Contains an interactive
activity for DNA
Lab: DNA Fingerprint: Alu:
Lab: Mendelian Inheritance:
Lab: Restriction Analysis:
Maturation of the Follicle and Oocyte:
Background on
tracking human
ancestry using the alu
Animation on
polymerase chain
reaction, PCR
Interactive activity for
performing PCR
Provides a historical
background about
Gregor Mendel, the
father of Genetics
Lists the rules of
Contains an interactive
activity for making a
An interactive exercise
for using agarose gel
electrophoresis for
separating DNA
Explain how restriction
endonucleases is used
in restriction analysis
of DNA
This tutorial will help you to
understand the function of the
follicle. Each follicle is a
single egg cell surrounded by
several layers of follicle cells.
An ovary consists of many
follicles. The follicle cells
protect and nourish the egg
prior to its release into the
oviducts during ovulation.
This animation describes what
occurs in a cell during the
process of meiosis. Each
phase of meiosis is defined
and a visual accompanies the
definition. Students can see the
process of a diploid cell
becoming a haploid cell.
Meiosis 1:
Meiosis II:
Meiosis Tutorial:
Meiosis vs. Mitosis : How cells divide.:
Meiosis with Crossing Over:
Meiosis: A Love Story:
This tutorial will help students
understand the process of
meiosis. Each stage in the
process of meiosis is explained
and animated in this tutorial.
This tutorial will help you to
understand the unique features
of the first round of meiosis. In
meiosis 1, members of
homologous chromosome pairs
are separated. This results in
the segregation of genes into
two gametes.
This tutorial will help you to
understand how meiosis II is
very similar to mitosis. In both
cases, chromosomes line up
and sister chromatids are
separated by the action of the
spindle fibers.
This online tutorial is designed
to help students understand the
events that occur in process of
This is a computer animation
side by side of meiosis and
mitosis comparing the phases
as they occur slowly.
An important fundamental
concept of genetics is the idea
of independent assortment.
This states that genes are
inherited independently of one
another. This tutorial will help
you better understand crossing
over and independent
assortment during meiosis.
By the end of this tutorial you
should be able to describe the
process by which sex cells, the
Mitosis and DNA Replication:
Mitosis Online Activity:
Mutations, the Cell Cycle, and Cancer:
Norn Genetics:
sperm and the egg, are created
in living things, and describe
how sexual reproduction
results in genetically diverse
Mitosis is the process by
which a cell duplicates the
chromosomes in its cell
nucleus, in order to generate
two, identical, daughter nuclei.
This tutorial will help the
learners understand the process
of mitosis. The learners can
also understand the terms with
the glossary provided in the
This tutorial discusses the
process of mitosis in detail,
describing the events that
occur during interphase,
prophase, metaphase,
anaphase, and telephase. The
process of DNA replication is
also explained.
Mitosis internet exploration:
Identifying the different stages
of mitosis in plant and animal
Sometimes the cell cycle gets
derailed a bit, which can lead
to the development of tumors.
Learn more about mutations!
This is a simplified, interactive
demonstration of genetic
principles. Using a fictional
species named the Norn,
students can predict the
outcome of genetic crosses
(mono and di-hybrid, sexlinked, and multiple-allele).
This could be used to
strengthen the students
understanding of genetics,
practice Punnet squares, or
practice calculation of
genotypic/phenotypic ratios.
However, it is unlikely to be
useful as an independent
assignment (if used as
A plant geneticist describes
observable inheritance patterns
Observable Inheritance Patterns:
and genetic mutations in
This video discusses the
Phases of Meiosis I:
phases of Meiosis (Part 1 of 2).
This video discusses the
Phases of Meiosis II:
phases of Meiosis (Part 2 of 2).
This video discusses the
Phases of Mitosis:
phases of mitosis.
This site has fantastic short
Flash animations of intricate
Photosynthesis animation and other cell processes in animation: cell processes, including
photosynthesis and the
electron transport chain.
This tutorial introduces the
polymerase chain reaction
(PCR), which is a technique
Polymerase Chain Reaction:
used in molecular biology to
make multiple copies of a gene
even when only small amounts
of DNA are available.
This tutorial will help you to
understand the procedure of
amplifying a single copy of
DNA into millions of copies.
Polymerase chain reaction is a
Polymerase Chain Reaction:
molecular prototyping
technique which helps in
copying small segments of
DNA into significant amounts
required for molecular and
genetic analyses.
Check this out and learn about
how prokaryotes and
Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Gene Expression:
eukaryotes regulate gene
What's in a molecular
Protein Factories:
biologist's toolbox? Very small
Protein Synthesis:
Protein Synthesis:
Protein Synthesis:
Protein Synthesis:
Protein Synthesis: Your Personal Protein Factory:
tools for working with cellular
machines and molecules!
Protein synthesis is the
creation of proteins using
DNA and RNA. It is a two step
process (1) Transcription and
(2) Translation. This tutorial
will help the learners
understand these two steps of
protein synthesis.
Protein synthesis is the making
of proteins using the
information that is found in
DNA. This tutorial will help
the learners understand the
process of protein synthesis
through a video animation.
This tutorial is a full lesson on
the process of protein
synthesis. Transcription and
translation are both explained
in detail.
This visual tutorial of the
complex biochemical process
helps the student to understand
the process of protein
synthesis. This manipulative
gives the students detailed
information starting with the
basics of genetic codes called
codons. Next, the lesson then
leads the students towards
detailed information of
mRNA, tRNA and rRNAs.
The final phase helps students
by describing the complete
process of protein synthesis
from initiation, to elongation
and then to termination. The
tutorial offers check questions
at every stage to ensure
students are learning the
important information.
By the end of this tutorial you
should be able to identify the
basic processes of transcription
and translation, and how they
result in the expression of
Proteins and Secretory Pathways:
Punnet Square Fun:
Regulating Genes:
Reproduction Strategies:
RNA Translation:
Sex-Linked Traits:
Sex-Linked Traits:
A cell has made a protein; now
what? Learn more about
protein secretion!
This Khan Academy video
explains and demonstrates how
to use Punnett Squares for
monohybrid crosses
and dihybrid crosses. The
video also shows how to use
Punnett Squares for
inheritance patterns such as
codominance, incomplete
dominance, and multiple
This tutorial uses animation
and practice opportunities to
explore how mutations in
DNA can impact the
expression of a gene. Get a
close up view of the nucleus of
a fertilized egg and observe
how mutations in different
locations of a DNA strand
influence the traits that are
expressed during development.
Explore consequences and
challenges of reproductive
strategies of sea anemones.
This tutorial will demonstrates
the process of RNA translation
through an interactive
This video describes the
chromosomal basis for gender
and sex-linked traits.
This Khan Academy tutorial
addresses the differences
between the X and Y
chromosomes in humans. The
Some Genes are Dominant:
Stages of Meiosis:
Stages of Meiosis:
The Control of the Cell Cycle:
The Process of DNA Replication:
SRY gene found on the Y
chromosome is discussed and
the genes that cause colorblindness and hemophilia on
the X chromosome are
This tutorial will help you to
understand how Mendel, the
father of genetics, planned and
crossed the pure-bred pea plant
to understand the process of
genetics. With the help of the
animation, you should be able
to understand how the alleles
are transferred from one
generation to another.
Spermatogenesis is the process
in which spermatozoa are
produced from male primordial
germ cells by way of mitosis
and meiosis. This tutorial will
help the learners to understand
the process of
Meiosis is the process by
which a diploid eukaryotic cell
divides to generate four
haploid cells. This process is
important in forming gametes
for sexual reproduction. This
tutorial will help you
understand the process of
meiosis and its various stages.
This animation details the
process of meiosis and
explains each of the stages.
The Control of the Cell Cycle
educational game is based on
the 2001 Nobel Prize in
Physiology or Medicine, which
was awarded for discoveries
concerning the control of the
cell cycle.
DNA replication is the process
of producing two identical
replicas from one original
DNA molecule. This tutorial
will help you to understand the
process of DNA replication
and the factors involved in the
replication process.
This challenging tutorial
addresses the concept at a high
level of complexity.
The Universal Genetic Code:
Transcribe and Translate a Gene:
Transcription and Translation:
Transcription and Translation:
Translation: Making a protein from a messenger RNA:
Learn how to better understand
the composition of DNA, the
purpose of the information in
DNA, why the DNA sequence
is considered a universal code,
and what might happen if
mistakes appear in the code.
See how cells "read" the
information in a DNA
sequence to build a protein,
then build one yourself!
This Khan Academy video
briefly describes
DNA replication and then goes
into a thorough explanation of
both transcription and
How do you know what genes
are thinking? By their
expression. Learn more from a
plant geneticist.
A detailed depiction of
translation, the second stage of
protein synthesis. This is the
third in a series of three
animations on protein
The genes in DNA encode
protein molecules. Expressing
a gene means manufacturing
its corresponding
protein.Translation is the key
process of making a protein
from the genetic code
expresses in the DNA. In
translation, messenger RNA is
read according to the genetic
code, which relates the DNA
sequence to the amino acid
sequence in proteins. This
virtual manipulative will allow
the students to understand the
process of translation. Students
will also get a chance to
observe, what happens when a
new random mutation
generates stop codons.
This tutorial will help you to
understand the basic principles
of genetic inheritance which
are segregation and
independent assortment of two
Unique Features of Meiosis:
Unique Features of Meiosis:
Virtual Lab: Punnett Squares:
The principles of genetic
inheritance are based on
unique features of meiosis.
Synapsis of
homologous chromosomes and
the separation of the
homologous pairs during
anaphase 1 cause the
segregation of alleles. Crossing
over and the random
separation of chromosomes
cause independent assortment.
This tutorial will help you to
understand the three unique
features of meiosis and how
meiosis is related to genetic
In this resource, students can
watch a short video to better
understand Punnett Squares,
then practice their
Viticulture and Biotechnology:
understanding with the virtual
lab. In the virtual lab, scenarios
are presented using flies where
the student has to determine
the genotypes of the parent
flies based on the information
given. Once the parent
genotypes are entered
correctly, the student then has
to determine the genotype and
phenotype combinations in the
Punnett Square.
This videos discusses how
viruses work.
A viticulture scientist explains
grape expectations for
medicine and society.
Parent Resources
Your understanding of agriscience
will bloom and grow as this plant
Agriculture: Mitosis and Meiosis:
geneticist describes how they use
mitosis and meiosis when
developing new grape varieties.
This plant geneticist wants to
propagate knowledge about
Agriculture: Plant Propagation via Asexual Reproduction:
different kinds of plant
Advances in "big data" are leading
to rapid developments in
Biochemistry and Medicine:
personalized medicine. Learn
Build a GeneNetwork:
The lac operon is a set of genes
which are responsible for the
metabolism of lactose in some
bacterial cells. Students will
explore the effects of mutation
within the lac operon by adding or
removing genes from the DNA.
Cancer and the Cell Cycle:
Comparing and Contrasting Mitosis and Meiosis:
DNA - The Double Helix Game:
Predicts the effects on
lactose metabolism when
the various genes and DNA
control elements are
mutated (added or
Predicts the effects on
lactose metabolism when
the concentration of lactose
is changed.
Explain the roles of Lacl,
LacZ, and LacY in lactose
The National Institute of Health
website provides a set of short
animations of the cell cycle and
cancer growth.
This step-by-animations explores
the stages of two types of cell
division, mitosis and meiosis, and
how these processes are compared
and contrasted to one another and
provides a printable version.
DNA is the genetic material of all
known living organisms and some
viruses. DNA contains two stands
wrapped around each other in a
helix, and these stands are held in
place by four chemicals called
bases: adenine (A), guanine (G),
cytosine (C), and thymine (T). The
bases pair up with each other in a
specific manner to form units
called base pairs - adenine always
pairs with thymine, and cytosine
always pairs with guanine.
In this game your job is to first
make exact copies of a doublestranded DNA molecule by
correctly matching base pairs to
each strand, and to then determine
which organism the DNA belongs
DNA Polymerase:
DNA Structure:
Karyotyping :
Mitosis and DNA Replication:
Modeling Incomplete Dominance and Co-Dominance:
Mutations, the Cell Cycle, and Cancer:
Observable Inheritance Patterns:
Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Gene Expression:
In this activity students will
recognize that DNA polymerase is
responsible for the process of DNA
replication, during which a doublestranded DNA molecule is copied
into two identical DNA molecules.
DNA ploymerase catalyze the
polymerization of
deoxyribonucleotides alongside a
DNA strand, which they read and
use as a template. The newlypolymerized molecule is
complementary to the template
This tutorial will help the learners
to understand structure of DNA
and how this structure allows for
accurate replication.
In this table-top karyotyping
activity, students group
chromosomes, identify
abnormalities, and then research
the resulting genetic disorder.
This tutorial discusses the process
of mitosis in detail, describing the
events that occur during
interphase, prophase, metaphase,
anaphase, and telephase. The
process of DNA replication is also
Don't lose your marbles over
genetics concepts! Here's an idea
to teach about non-Mendelian
Sometimes the cell cycle gets
derailed a bit, which can lead to
the development of tumors. Learn
more about mutations!
A plant geneticist describes
observable inheritance patterns and
genetic mutations in maize.
Check this out and learn about how
prokaryotes and eukaryotes
regulate gene expression.
Protein Factories:
Protein Synthesis:
Proteins and Secretory Pathways:
Tabletop Mitosis:
The Control of the Cell Cycle:
Transcription and Translation:
Translation: Making a protein from a messenger RNA:
What's in a molecular biologist's
toolbox? Very small tools for
working with cellular machines
and molecules!
This visual tutorial of the complex
biochemical process helps the
student to understand the process
of protein synthesis. This
manipulative gives the students
detailed information starting with
the basics of genetic codes called
codons. Next, the lesson then leads
the students towards detailed
information of mRNA, tRNA and
rRNAs. The final phase helps
students by describing the
complete process of protein
synthesis from initiation, to
elongation and then to termination.
The tutorial offers check questions
at every stage to ensure students
are learning the important
A cell has made a protein; now
what? Learn more about protein
Is that your tosis? No, it's mitosis!
Listen to this teacher describe a
fun, interactive simulation that will
help students understand mitosis
and the cell cycle.
The Control of the Cell Cycle
educational game is based on the
2001 Nobel Prize in Physiology or
Medicine, which was awarded for
discoveries concerning the control
of the cell cycle.
How do you know what genes are
thinking? By their expression.
Learn more from a plant geneticist.
The genes in DNA encode protein
molecules. Expressing a gene
means manufacturing its
corresponding protein.Translation
is the key process of making a
protein from the genetic code
expresses in the DNA. In
translation, messenger RNA is read
according to the genetic code,
which relates the DNA sequence to
the amino acid sequence in
proteins. This virtual manipulative
will allow the students to
understand the process of
translation. Students will also get a
chance to observe, what happens
when a new random mutation
generates stop codons.
Get out the popcorn; it's time for
science. This teacher talks about
Using Films to Connect Science Content to the Real World:
three films she uses to make movie
day a productive class day.
A viticulture scientist explains
Viticulture and Biotechnology:
grape expectations for medicine
and society.