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Life Science Chapter 4 Test
Section I
Fill in the blanks with the correct vocabulary word
1. The diffusion of water through the cell membrane is called _______________.
2. A cell removes very large particles through a process called
3. Plants use a process called _____________________ to make glucose.
4. During __________________, food molecules are broken down to form CO2
and H2O (using oxygen) to release large amounts of energy.
5. In eukaryotes, the process of _________________ creates two nuclei.
6. ___________________ is the movement of any particles from an area of high
concentration to an area of low concentration.
7. Food molecules that are too large to pass through phospholipids or proteins
can enter the cell by _______________________.
8. Human body cells have twenty-three pairs of ________________________.
9. The process of cell division in a bacterial cell is called _________________
10. The movement of particles through proteins in the cell membrane against the
normal direction of diffusion is called ________________ _________________.
Section II
Choose the correct phrase to complete each statement below and place the letter
to the line at the left.
11.______ An organism with chloroplasts is a
A. consumer.
B. prokaryote.
C. producer.
D. centromere.
12. ______ In cytokinesis, the ________________ splits in two.
A. cytoplasm
C. mitochondria
B. nuclei
D. lysosomes
13. ______ Sugars move through proteins in the cell membrane
without using energy in a process called
A. osmosis.
C. Active transport.
B. passive transport.
D. endocytosis.
14. ______ Because the cell membrane is made of ___________, water can
diffuse right through the membrane.
A. cellulose
C. phospholipid molecules
D. lysosomes
15. ______ During endocytosis, the cell membrane surrounds a particle,
encloses it in a ________________, and brings the particle into the
A. bag
C. ribosome
B. vesicle
D. chloroplast
16. ______ Nearly all of the energy that fuels life comes from
A. sun
C. air
B. water
D. soil
17. ______ The molecules in the cells of plants that absorb the energy of
light are called
A. glucose.
C. pigments.
B. carbohydrates.
D. carbon dioxide.
18. ______ Photosynthesis takes place in which organelle?
A. chloroplasts.
C. borophyll.
B. chlorophyll.
D. Carbohydrates.
19. ______ Products of cellular respiration are
A. Oxygen and glucose
C. CO2 and glucose
B. Water and O2
D. water and CO2
20. ______ Cellular respiration takes place in a eukaryotic cell's
A. nucleus.
C. Endoplasmic reticulum.
B. mitochondria.
D. golgi complex.
21. Name the 4 steps of mitosis in order.
Study the illustration of the steps of mitosis and answer the questions that follow.
22. What is the name of step A _________________________
23. What is the name of step B _________________________
24. What is the name of step C _________________________
25. What is the name of step D _________________________
26. ______ At which stage of mitosis do the chromosomes line up along the
equator of the cell?
A. A
C. C
B. B
D. D
27. ______At which stage of mitosis do the chromosomes pull apart?
A. A
C. C
B. B
D. D
28. ______At which stage of mitosis does a membrane form around the
separated chromatids?
A. A
C. C
B. B
D. D
29. ______A product of photosynthesis is
A. oxygen.
B. lactic acid.
C. carbon dioxide.
D. light energy.
30. ______Chromosomes are organized structures of
C. organelles.
D. phospholipids.
Section III
Answer the following questions. Take your time and remember class notes,
discussions, and homework questions!
31. The transfer of glucose into a cell does not require ATP. What type of
transport supplies a cell with glucose? Explain your answer.
32. Why are producers important to the survival of all other organisms?
33. What would happen if cytokinesis occurred without mitosis?
34. What does breathing have to do with cellular respiration?