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Mr. Frazer’s Life Science Class
Cell Model Project
This project is due IN CLASS on _________________________.
• Your assignment is to build a three dimensional (3D) cell model. Materials may be
edible (food) or nonedible. You can include large styrofoam spheres (pre-cut half
spheres can be obtained from a craft store like Michaels or Hobby Lobby) or a shoebox
for the cell shell, colored or plain playdough or clear gelatin for the cytoplasm, colored
pipeleaners, puff balls, buttons, yarn, pasta, candies, or and other items to represent the
cellular components. Target or Walmart are great stores to visit because you could
purchase both edible and nonedible components in one place.
• You will work individually
• I encourage you to be creative and use lots of different material in their model and that
they should choose items to accurately represent each organelle in size, shape, and
1. Choose a plant or animal cell.
2. Make a list of components you would find in your cell. An animal cell would contain a
cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, DNA, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum
(smooth and rough), ribosomes, golgi complex,ribosomes, lysosomes, and vacuoles.
A plant cell would contain a cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, DNA,
ribosomes, chloroplasts, endoplasmic reticulum (smooth and rough), golgi body,
ribosomes, lysosomes, and vacuoles.. Select different materials to represent each of
the organelles present in that cell. Shape and size the material to realistically
resemble the organelle. Place each in its appropriate location in cell body.
3. Label each of the components. Print out or write the organelle names, cut them into
small labels or pieces of paper and use toothpicks or other means to attach to each
label with some tape.
4. Create a separate report that shows each of the cell components and describes its
function in the cell.
5. Use the cell grading rubric to get maximum points for your project.
3-D Plant Cell Model Project Rubric
Mr. Frazer’s Life Science Class
You will initially start with 85 points. You will lose points for the following items:
 Missing an organelle (deduct 1 point for each organelle)
= 10 total
 Missing a label on an organelle (deduct 1 point for each label)
= 10 total
 Organelle is mislabeled (deduct 1 point for each mistake)
= 10 total
 Missing the reference sheet (list of organelles and their functions) = 11 total
 No name on project (deduct 6 points)
= 5 total
 Plant cell is not square (deduct 10 points)
= 10 total
 Project is sloppy (deduct up to 15 points)
= 15 total
 Project is late (deducted: 10 points per day)
 Project is not three-dimensional (deduct 25 points)
= 25 total
Remember: Your project grade is worth 85 points total. It is intended to help you better
understand the cell and improve your grade. Please take this seriously and turn it in on time.
1. Cell Wall
2. Cell Membrane
3. Cytoplasm
4. Nucleus
5. Endoplasmic
6. Ribosomes
7. Golgi Complex
8. Vacuoles
9. Mitochondria (Need 3)
10. Chloroplasts
General Project Guidelines
Deductions if…No name on project
Deductions if…Plant cell is not square
Deductions for…Sloppiness
Deductions if…Not 3-dimensional
Late: Date turned in: __________
# of days late:_____________
Final Grade: __________/85
3-D Animal Cell Model Project Rubric
Mr. Frazer’s Life Science Class
You will initially start with 85 points for your project grade. You will lose points for the
following items:
 Missing an organelle (deduct 1 point for each organelle)
= 10 total
 Missing a label on an organelle (deduct 1 point for each label)
= 10 total
 Organelle is mislabeled (deduct 1 point for each mistake)
= 10 total
 Missing the reference sheet (organelle list and functions)
= 10 total
 No name on project (deduct 6 points)
= 5 total
 If animal cell is square (deduct 10 points)
= 10 total
 Project is sloppy (deduct up to 15 points)
= 15 total
 Project is late (deducted: 10 points per day)
 Project is not three-dimensional (deduct 25 points)
= 25 total
Remember: Your project grade is worth 85 points total. It is intended to help you better
understand the cell and improve your grade. Please take this seriously and turn it in on time.
1. Cell Membrane
2. Cytoplasm
3. Nucleus
4. Smooth ER
5. Rough ER
6. Ribosomes
7. Golgi complex
8. Vacuoles
9. Mitochondria(Need 3)
10. Lysosomes
General Project Guidelines
Deductions if… No name on project
Deductions if … Animal cell is not circular
Deductions for … Sloppiness
Deductions if … Not 3-dimensional
Late: Date turned in: __________
# of days late:_____________
Final Grade: __________/85