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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project

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HCP Create a Cell Project
Due Wednesday 10-10
*You have to create a cell using all the organelles discussed in class. You may choose to
create a plant cell or an animal. Make sure that you include the correct organelles for
the cell you chose to create. The cell organelles should resemble their actual structure
within the cell or be related to its function. The cell may be made of any materials as
long as it is in 3-D. You may choose to create an entirely edible cell which we will enjoy
in class but this is not a requirement. The parts of the cell must be labeled correctly to
get full credit. There are many examples on the internet if you need help with ideas. You
may not use a Styrofoam ball for your cell – be creative.
*You must also provide a KEY to your cell model that shows all of your organelles in
your cell. The key must include each organelle and its function within the cell. Spelling
does count.
Animal Cell
Cell membrane
Smooth ER
Rough ER
Golgi apparatus
Cilia or Flagella
Plant Cell
cell wall
cell membrane
Smooth ER
Rough ER
Golgi apparatus
Central Vacuole
HCP Biology
Cell Project Grading Rubric
Cell model is 3dimensional and
shows all of the cell
parts of a plant or
animal cell; very
neatly done; shows
attention to details
Cell model is 3
dimensional and
shows most of the
cell parts of a plant
or animal cell;
missing 1-2
Cell model is 3
dimensional and
show most of the
cell parts of a plant
or animal cell;
missing 3organelles
20 points
All plant or animal
cell organelles are
clearly labeled in
the model and the
key; there are no
spelling errors in the
18 points
Most of the plant or
animal cell
organelles are
labeled in the model
and the key; missing
1-2 labels on the
model or key; there
are 1 or 2 spelling
errors in the list
13 points
Most of the
organelles are
related to their cell
function or resemble
their actual structure
with the exception
of 1-2 organelles
4 points
Overall, the model
and the presentation
shows an above
understanding of the
structure and
function of living
cells. The student is
able to answer most
questions about
their cell.
8 points
15 points
Some of the
organelles are
labeled on the
model and the key,
missing 3-5 labels
on the model or the
key; there are 3 or 4
spelling errors in the
11 points
Some of the
organelles are
related to heir cell
function or resemble
their actual structure
with the exception
of 3-5 organelles.
3 points
Overall, the model
and the presentation
shows some
understanding of the
structure and
function of living
cells. The student is
able to answer some
questions about
their cell.
15 points
All cell organelles
resemble their
actual structure in
the cell or are
related to their
function within the
5 points
Overall, the model
and the presentation
shows a great
understanding of the
structure and
function of living
cells. The student is
able to answer all
questions about
their cell.
10 points
7 points
Cell model may or
may not be 3
dimensional and
shows few of the
cell parts of a plant
or animal cell;
missing more than 5
of the required
13 points
Missing more than 5
labeled organelles
on the model or the
key or more than 5
are not spelled
0 points
More than 5 of the
organelles do not
resemble their
actual structure or
do not related to
their function within
the cell.
2 points
Overall, the model
and the presentation
shows a lack of
understanding of the
structure and
function of living
cells. The student
cannot answer
questions about
their cell.
6 points
Your total number of points = _____________ Your letter grade: ____________