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The Nervous System
• What to brushing your teeth, riding a bike,
and solving a math problem have in
• ANSWER…. ___________________
• They all happen from instructions
from your body’s “Control Center”
aka your Nervous System.
What is the Nervous System’s Job?
• It controls your thoughts and actions
• The specialized cells that make up your
nervous system.
• Also called “Nerve Cells”
• Can’t replace/repair themselves if they get
damaged- different than all your other
body cells!
What Does a Neuron Look Like?
• Their job is to carry messages to and from
different parts of your body.
• These messages are “weak electrical
• They’re more sensitive than other cells
and work very quickly!!
Parts of the Nervous System
• 3 Parts:
– Brain
– Spinal Cord
– Many Nerves
**It is divided into 2 main sections:
-Central Nervous System- (brain and spinal cord)
-Peripheral Nervous System (nerves)
Central Nervous System
• Includes the brain and the spinal cord
• The main control center, controls your body’s
• Brain- gets, interprets, and sends responses
• Spinal Cord- bunch of nerve tissue
- organized into segments for each muscle,
organ, and function/job
It Controls 2 Types of Actions:
• Voluntary Actions- things you choose to
control (examples: like walking, smiling)
• Involuntary Actions- things that you can’t
control (examples: breathing, heart beat)
• Mass or neurons that controls actions,
emotions, thoughts, and memory.
• Made up of 10 BILLION neurons
• Weighs 3 lbs!!!
• It’s well protected in your skull and
suspended in a fluid that’s like a shock
3 Main Parts of the Brain:
• Cerebrum- senses, thinking, speech,
muscle movement
• Cerebellum- balance, posture,
• Brain Stem- heart beat, breathing, blood
pressure, digestion
• Your brain is divided into 2 halves (hemispheres)
• If you’re R Handed- your left side of the brain is
more dominant
• If you’re L Handed, your right side of the brain is
more dominant
(Because the R side of your Brain, controls the L
side of your body!)
Less than 2 feet long
Well protected by your spine
Same diameter as your index finger
Relays messages from your body to the
brain, and from the brain to your muscles
and glands.
Peripheral Nervous System
• Parts- all the nerves (that connect the
brain’s signals to the rest of the body)
• The PNS is like the mailman carrying
letters to and from the post office
– (carries messages to and from the
brain/spinal cord)
2 Main parts of the PNS
• Somatic System- deals with actions you
can control (VOLUNTARY)
• Autonomic System- deals with actions you
can’t control (auto) (INVOLUNTARY)
• Involuntary or automatic action that your
body does in response to something.
• Protect your body from things that can
harm it!
• Do you know any examples???
Reflex Examples:
• Coughing when something gets in your
• Blinking when something is in your eye to
keep it out
• Pulling your hand back when you touch a
hot stove to keep your from getting burned
Short Video Review
Problems Related to the Nervous
• Structural Disorders:
– Head or Spinal Cord Injury
• Degenerative Disorders:
– Cerebral Palsy (CP)
– Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
• Infections:
– Polio
– Rabies,
– Meningitis
GROUP ACTIVITYpg. 296 in book!
Related Problems Cont’d:
• The most common cause of damage to
the Nervous System is what??? _______
• Examples: concussion, pinched nerve, etc.
• In a sporting event, someone has a
head/neck/back injury. WHAT SHOULD
Let’s See What We Learned!
• Take out a piece of paper and number it 1-
1. What are the 3 main parts that make up
the Nervous System?
2. The Nervous System is divided into 2
main sections. What are they?
3. The specialized cells that make up the
nervous system are called _________.
4. The 3 main parts of the BRAIN, that I
showed you on the diagram, are called
the __________, the _________, and
the ________ ________.
5. ________ is an automatic action that your
body does in response to something.
6. Why do we have reflexes?
7. The Somatic System deals with actions
you __________ control, while the
Autonomic System deals with actions
that you __________ control.
8. Most Nervous System Injuries are
caused by __________.
Check Your Answers!
1. The Brain, The Spinal Cord, and Nerves
2. Central & Peripheral Nervous Systems
3. Neurons
4. Cerebellum, Cerebrum, Brain Stem
5. Reflex
6. To protect us from dangers
8. Injuries